MegaHunter called his powerful soldeirs and his normal soldeirs to fight with him. " MegaGoods attack", shouted the captain of the soldeir and went to fight with the MegaEvil's soldeirs. They all started to fight and the MegaEvils were winning. MegaHunter saw MegaEvil and started to fight. MegaHunter fight terribly with MegaEvil. But MegaEvil was so powerful. Suddenly, something hit MegaEvil. It was MegaKiller. MegaHunter and MegaKiller fight with MegaEvil. MegaEvil use his ultimate power and destroy the whole place. MegaHunter soldeirs were hurt badly. MegaEvil saw the MegaPower Box coming back. He went to took it. MegaHunter and MegaKiller killed all the Evil soldeirs." They 2 must die and I need to be more power", said MegaEvil and went to the box.