Evils Death

MegaEvil saw the box and gove to MegaMonk to access it. MegaMonk started to access the box and saw that the box will destroy all the evils. MegaMonk didn't say about the box to MegaEvil. MegaHunter saw it and went to fight with them. MegaKiller went to help him. MegaHunter went and fight with MegaEvil again. But MegaEvil was so tired and Megahunter was so powerful now. MegaKiller hit the box while MegaMonk accessing. MegaMonk uses his power to MegaKiller. MegaHunter throw his sword and cut off MegaMonk's hand. MegaEvil throw a spear towards MegaKiller and it hit on his body. MegaKiller fell and said to MegaHunter" Brother, fight for our land ". MegaHunter shake his head up and down. MegaHunter access the MegaPowerbox. The MegaPower Box get to red colour and blast the whole place. After many minutes, MegaHunter saw MegaEvil's soldeir and MegaEvils death. MegaHunter saw MegaKiller and he died too. MegaHunter took his body with his soldeir and burried him.