Chapter 5: Preparations

Growth is something we all desire. We all want to become better. We all want to get stronger, faster, smarter. Everyone wants to reach the summit or be just good enough to live a normal, simple, and comfortable, life. Regardless of whether some want to take the crown or not, since our inception, we want to grow. It is human nature. To want to grow up, to want to be more than we are. It can't be helped. But is not only humans that want to grow. Every being on the planet wants to grow. It's a simple desire for survival. Only humans want to grow stronger for things like greed, and lust for power. The whole point of the powers they got from TGR. (The Great Rise) was to ensure its survival. It was achieved of course, but what did they do right after their survival had been somewhat secure? Fight amongst each other and bicker while asserting useless dominance and a division between the strong and the weak when at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter. When all is said and done, who is strong or weak among the dead? The world outside the city walls is literally trying to kill human life and instead of all working together, only some are willing to fight together instead of each other. Which begs the question? Are humans really worth saving? Jason believed they are. After all, he was human, and all though he has a lot of hate, his hatred is really towards his family, and the current status quo in place. To Jason, the problem in the world wasn't humans, but the structure of his current society. So he had decided to tear it all apart from the very roots and build something new. However, such a venture would require a lot of power, work, and time. After all, he was weak, and he couldn't just simply set fire to everything. He was a Human Virus now, and he was gonna use the same methods as a virus to infect and then cure this broken world. He knew that no one would accept his kind of change if it was based on mindless destruction. The very flaw of a terrorist group was simply unacceptable. Mindless destruction would just make him a hated target. If he was gonna change the world there were many steps that he would need to take. However, changing the world would have to wait until he had destroyed everything his family valued and loved. Revenge is a nasty sort of business and it rarely gives us the cathartic we want. But does it really matter? Our choices are our own when all is said and done, and Jason had already made up his mind and set his goal. Now it was a matter of becoming powerful enough to bring his family to their knees.

'Thank you system for all the information and helped you have provided so far.' Jason thought.

[No thanks are necessary. I am but an extension of your subconscious.]

'Regardless, thank you. Btw would it be possible to add a voice to your messages? It would be faster than having to read everything.' Jason stated.

[Yes it is possible. What kind of voice would you like for this system?]

'Hmmm, maybe a female voice. I feel like if it's my voice then it would just feel too much like I'm talking to myself and I don't wanna feel like I'm going insane.'

[Setting up voice option.]

[Would this be acceptable?] The system asked in a serious almost mechanical voice with a low pitch and almost emotionless.

"Hmmm." Jason sounded out. 'Well, I guess it's alright. Is not like you are an advance A.I. and you have a full range of emotions. No offense.' Jason thought.

[I cannot be offended. No need to apologize.]

'. . . Somehow now I feel guilty.' Jason thought to himself before stating his command, 'Anyway, let's get started, shall we? Bring my status window to the front and close everything else for now.'

[Stats. (Status window):

Stat Points: 20

Con. (Constitution) 30

Str. (Strength) 20

Dex. (Dexterity) 21

Int. (Intelligence) 29

Energy. 1/1

VS. (Viral Strength) 50]

'Ok. Right now I need to figure out how to get control over the 3 energies' Jason thought and added a question, 'System, do you have any suggestions?'


'. . .' Jason remained silent for a second hoping the system would say more. 'Wait, you're serious?'


'I don't even know how to meditate!!' Jason complained.

[Perhaps asking for help would be a good idea. Or conduct your own research on the subject.]

'Well seeing as I don't have anyone to help me, I guess I only have one option.' Jason thought aggravated. He then closed the system windows and used his Odin to search up information on meditation. Much to his dismay, there was a fuck ton of information on the subject. 'Oh God, this is gonna take a while.' He thought feeling a little dread.

While Jason was busy researching meditation alone in his room, Luis and Bry had returned just a few minutes after the sun had set. Bry was unlucky in his job hunt, but Luis was successful in reapplying for the Hunter Association(H.A.). His reputation had helped expedite the process so at least one person had a source of income for the somewhat new family. He could now send his resignation but he wanted to wait for Bry and Maria so they could all send it at the same time. Bry could've become a Hunter but he felt like he couldn't afford to have both him and Luis at risk of death, as they didn't want Jason to end up alone and abandoned, which is more than can be said for Jason's pathetic excuses for genetic family. While it was important for Bry to find a job as well, there were a few matters they needed to deal with, one of which was finding Jason a psychologist. The other was dealing with the legal matter of adopting Jason since technically they couldn't be considered as his parental guardians without going through the proper channels. Of course, this presented a bigger challenge considering Jason wasn't really an orphan at least in the eyes of the law, and they doubted Jason's parents would be so generous as to allow such a thing. They might even take away the house seeing as it belonged to them and not Jason or the group. Really the whole thing was gonna cause a storm for all of them once they sent in their resignation. They had quite the collection of challenges they had and, in the near future, would have to deal with. However, out of all those challenges the most important to overcome, and perhaps the hardest, was to gain Jason's trust. But how can you earn the trust of someone who refuses to trust? Of someone who believes full-heartedly that no one cares and everyone would just lie to him? Luis felt that he had made a bit of progress with Jason at the park, even if it was just letting Jason vent out his anger and frustration. As such Luis felt he was the best candidate to get Jason to open up. After eating the dinner Maria had prepared in advance, Bry went to his room to search for a psychologist online, while Maria had spent the better part of the day looking for affordable houses in the event they would be kicked out, which was a likely scenario. Luis, on the other hand, went upstairs to try his luck with Jason once more. He knocked on Jason's door knowing he was awake since his light was on and it was bleeding from beneath the door. Jason didn't answer so Luis said, "Jason, please. I just want to talk." Jason just responded in an emotionless voice, "I'm busy." Luis sighed displaced as he then said, "Jason, this is important. We need to talk about the changes and challenges we will face." Jason scoffed uninterested in what he thought was just more of their elaborated charade. "And what exactly is so important that we have to talk right now?" Jason asked with a little bit of sarcasm bleeding into his tone. Luis was a bit annoyed as he said, "How about the fact that we are about to go to war with your parents?" There was a silence as it had shocked Jason. Of all the things he imagined Luis would say, that was not among them. 'This has to be some kind of trick right? There's no way they would try to defy my parents or the Miller family.' Jason thought, then Luis asked, "Can I come in?"

Jason didn't respond at first but then he thought he might as well see how far they were willing to continue with this charade. After telling Luis it was ok for him to enter his room Luis opened the door and pulled up Jason's chair, sitting in front of him. Luis looking straight into Jason's eyes pulled out his Hunter I.D. and with his signature series expression and voice said, "I managed to re-register as a hunter. We'll be able to get some income now, but I doubt it'll be enough to support us completely or buy a new house if your parents decide to evict us. At least not unless I take the risk of taking on high-rank missions or hunt down high-rank beasts." Seeing the I.D. surprised Jason and for a moment he thought, 'Could they really be telling the truth?' However, he quickly pushed the thought away as it didn't really prove anything other than Luis now being a hunter. Still, one bit of proof of truth was enough to make him wonder. Luis continued to explain how it would also be difficult to move and taking Jason with him without his parents being willing to disown him and not intervening in the adoption process. Jason never expected this much information or that they would go this far just to keep up their charade. "My grandson is a lawyer but even with his help, it'll be difficult to deal with your parents. I worked for the Miller family for a long time and they can be very vindictive." Luis said and Jason just couldn't help blurt out, "Well at least I have one thing in common with those assholes." Luis just raised his right eyebrow as he said, "I've never seen you be vindictive." Annoyed Jason and showing it he said, "Well I've never let out my anger before either, now have I?" Jason then wanted to test Luis's reaction as he added, "And I plan to use that anger to take my own revenge on that fucking family." This made Luis widen his eyes as he asked, "Do you have any idea of what you just said?" And instantly without hesitation or missing a second said, "Yes." with a very stern tone in his voice before adding, "So you better kill me now if you want to protect your masters because I won't stop until I see them burn." this part he said with anger and venom in his voice. Luis couldn't believe what he was hearing. It's like he was no longer talking to the Jason he knew and have come to love as a son. Luis knew something in Jason had changed, not just his anger but he was talking with conviction and confidence that he could accomplish what he stated. It may have seemed like a suicidal move on Jason's part to say what he had, but it was a calculated risk. If Luis really was telling the truth about their plans to adopt Jason, he wouldn't dare hurt him. Not to mention he knew Luis would never dare to kill him himself, as Luis's behavior over the years made it clear he would never kill a child. However, that didn't stop Luis from reporting back to the family and Jason had plans to disappear before that. Suddenly Luis grabbed Jason by the shoulders and shook him a bit as he sternly and alarmed said, "Jason you are talking about going against one of the great families and not just any family but number one in their ranking. That's as good as suicide for someone like you." Jason leered at Luis as he said, "Funny to hear that from the man that said he and his posse was planned to go to war against them." Luis responded quickly and adding volume to his voice, "That's legal warfare! You are declaring actual war against them!" Jason pushed his hands away as he calmly said, "And I plan to win by any means necessary even if I have to murder every single one of them." Luis was taken back and very clearly showed his shock. He couldn't understand how Jason, of all people, could just say that so calmly. Whatever happened last night had changed Jason to the point where Luis could barely recognize him.

"You know, it's funny how a nightmare, and having all the years of suppressed anger burst up to the surface, can give you some clarity and a clear goal other than just making it to the next day and waiting for death." Jason said, "I don't care if you approve or not. Frankly, I don't care if you report me to the family. Because I won't let anything stop me even if it takes me a couple of years. I am done letting the world beat me down. This time I'm fighting back with all that I have." Luis had to processed everything Jason had said, and he still couldn't believe he was talking to the boy he had helped raise. What's more, he started to believe that Jason would actually make good on his promise. There was more than anger in his eyes, there was conviction and determination in them, and the air around Jason didn't have even a hint of doubt or fear. 'What the hell had happened to him last night?' Luis thought still unable to believe what he was seeing. "Jason. . . " Luis started as he finished his question, "What happened to you?" Jason chuckled with a scoff and said, "The world happened to me. It just took a while for me to wake up." Then with a cynical smile, Jason asked, "Still wanna keep lying about staying by my side?" Luis was still a bit stunned and moving his eye around as if trying to decide, Luis knew now more than ever that he couldn't leave Jason. Jason had become consumed by his anger and if no one fought to bring him back to his senses, he would truly be lost. Grabbing Jason by the shoulders, and shaking him a bit, once more he said, "Jason this is madness! I can't in good conscience allow you to go down this path just to watch you die! You can't ask me to stand back and watch you kill yourself!" Again Jason leered at him and said, "My what little faith you have in me." This got Luis slightly angry and he shook him again saying, "Is not about that!!! I refuse to let my own son die!!" Jason just gave him a blank expression as he said, "I am not your son. And nothing you say or do will make me back down. I don't plan on dying or losing this battle. I don't care how long it takes. One day, I WILL make the Miller family pay." Jason then smiled as he finished, "And they will never see it coming." Luis didn't know what else to say or do other than ask, "How can you be so sure you'll succeed?!" With a smile, Jason said, "Because they have a fatal flaw and made the worse mistake of their life, that will become their downfall." His smile got wider as he said, "And I plan to exploit that till they fall." With one more shake, Luis asked, "What flaw?! What mistake?!" Jason simply said, "Their hubris." Then added, "And underestimating me."

Luis felt like he couldn't talk sense into Jason, but that is because there was no sense to talk into him. Jason wasn't insane, or stupid. He knew his task was a daunting one, but that didn't scare him in the least. He was gonna go through his plans and he was not gonna let anything stop him. He didn't care how long it would take, he was gonna make good on his promise one way or another. Luis didn't know that Jason had an ace up his sleeve and he didn't know what to do to dissuade him. In this world strength was everything and in Luis's mind Jason didn't have what it took to succeed and he was scared to lose Jason. Jason had pushed Luis's hands off his shoulders once more and he said, "If you're not gonna help then just stay out of my way, and watched me prove you, wrong old man." In a last attempt to talk sense into Jason, he started to explain and point out what the Miller family was capable of and how their power extended beyond just their abilities. They had money, influence, allies, and enough resources to maintain a strong stance. Jason's response was to cross his hands and calmly say, "And you think I don't know that? I'm not stupid, old man. I will take my time to take them down bit by bit. I have the patience and all the time in the world to accomplish my goals." Luis had almost forgotten how smart Jason was because of how insane this venture was. Then he remembered that like Jason he and the other had already decided to stick with Jason no matter what. That they would fight to keep him as their own and that their war, while on a different plain field, also seemed just as impossible. Luis sighed finally defeated as he crossed his arms and hung his head saying, "Dammit boy, you are just as stubborn as me." With another sigh, Luis looked up at Jason and asked one last time, "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Jason crossed his arms leering at him with a cynical expression. Luis then lifted his hands in the air as if giving up while saying, "Fine! I still think you're insane but I'm not gonna just stand by and do nothing while my son is on some crazy vendetta." He then placed his right forearm on his right knee, and his left hand on his left knee leaning forward a bit as he said, "But before you start this crazy war, we have to first win this one right now." Luis looked Jason dead in the eyes and Jason was just shocked to hear Luis say he was gonna stick with him. He expected Luis to just leave. However, before Jason got his hopes up he remembered that he could still be lying. as Luis stared into Jason's eyes he was very serious as he began to speak again, "First, we deal with getting you adopted, and most likely getting kicked out when we send our resignations, and after we're done, if you're still dead set on going through this, then we'll deal with it when 'then'. Deal?" He asked Jason and while he was still very skeptical, he decided to play along and see where this lead. "Deal." Jason finally said with his arms still crossed, and then Luis said, "Good. Now you better go to sleep early. Tomorrow we are starting training early." Jason shook his head and shocked asked, "What?" Luis then said, "You hear me. If you're really set on going through with it, then we need to prepare you even if it's just to the limit of normal humans. And don't you dare argue with me on this! You want my help, then that means I'm gonna train you and prepare you." Jason had a look of 'Is he for real?' Then Luis lifted his left index finger in front of Jason and said, "And don't you dare think we are not gonna talk about what happened last night! We are not done with that conversation, young man! I want answers and it better not be something shady or you're gonna wish you never met me." He finished leering. 'Is this old geezer for real?' Jason thought as with a face that was a mix of confusion and speciesism, wide-eyed, right eyebrow raised, left lip lifted, and mouth slightly open. "Now start talking! What did you do?! And you better not lie to me!" Luis demanded and Jason got angry as he yelled back "I don't have to tell you -" Before he could finish that sentence he got a karate chop to the top of his head, which made him recoil holding his head and yelling out, "What the fuck, old man?!?" He got another karate chop to the head, and Luis crossed his arm sitting straight as he said, "I will not be disrespected by my own son! You dare disrespect me again and you'll be sorry!" Jason holding his head and pushing himself back into his bead said, "I'm not 'your' son you crazy geezer!!" . . . Needless to say, that was a terrible mistake. "OHhhhh~ Is that so?!? Well after 15 years of taking care of you and raising you, I very dam well be!!" Said Luis standing up and it was at this moment, Jason realized. . . . He fucked up.

[Con. has gone up by 3. Con. 30 -> 33]

I'll spare you the details but our poor Jason just got the good old parent ass-whooping of his life. And considering it was the first and only one he ever received he was regretting having disrespected Luis. It is true, what they say. It is not the loud ones you should be worried about, it is the quiet and calm ones. To add to Jason's humiliation Bry and Maria had seen the whole thing. Once Luis and Jason started yelling while discussing Jason's revenge, they had run upstairs worried and wondering about what was going on. While they missed a bit of the beginning they caught the part about Jason not giving up on his crazy revenge and him getting his ass whooped by his self-proclaimed father. Right now Jason was curled up in his bed shaking but not because he was in pain, his regeneration took care of that. That was the problem. Jason had control of his cells because of his viral nature, he had no control of things such as blood, bone, muscles, or the rest of his body. For that, he needed to train his body and get several abilities/skills for such a feat. Not to mention he only had few body abilities like Regeneration, Shapeshifting, to name a few. Which meant he had no way to stop his Regeneration ability because it was a passive ability. It works automatically whenever he gets injured, even by the tiniest of things like bruising or even muscle micro-damage. With Luis's slapping, karate chops, and old fashion ass-whooping it was clear he was healing very quickly. The red marks and swelling was disappearing too fast, almost as fast as when Bry uses his healing ability, and because of that, now they knew he had an ability. 'Goddamit!!!' Jason thought. He had tried to stop it but the system couldn't help either, so now he was exposed and he was trying to think about how to get away with it and pretend he was still powerless. Unfortunately, the cat was somewhat out of the bag, and Bry had run to his room to check Jason's blood once more. For the sake of having everyone knowing, Bry brought what he needed to Jason's room and began the process of testing for gene awakening via a special liquid dubbed C-115H also known as Bloodshine. This liquid is poured into a test tube with the blood of the subject, then the test tube is then shaken until the blood starts to glow in a variety of colors. The colors worked as a way to determine what a person's starting energy was:

{Red = Qi}

{Violet = Qi and Psi}

{Blue = Psi}

{Green = Psi and Mana}

{Yellow = Mana}

{Orange = Mana and Qi}

{White = All}

While these colors show the starting energies or mixed energies, this does not affect the person's own energy signature. Each person has its own color signature when they activate any ability and these are in an enormous variety of colors, some not even on the rainbow, but that is not important right now. The most important part of the whole process was the glow strength and how long it lasted. Every minute the glow lasted from the moment it started, marked how many genes were awakened, while the glow brightness indicated how strong the genes were. Gene strength meant how much the body could resist the strain of said energy, and gene strength has always begun low. It only grows with time and how much use they make of the energies, which also helps to increase energy capacity. Bry was out of Jason's room, Jason asked the system if there was a way to prevent the test from revealing the truth. Unfortunately, the system stated that, while his control over his cells was perfect, it was still wasn't enough to prevent the test from revealing the truth since he needed to have control over genes and he didn't have that power, as genes are inside cells and he could only control what cells did not what was inside them. Although in time that could be possible seeing as his virus would allow it to replicate the cell DNA and RNA of other people once infected. Only time will tell. As for here and now, Jason was screwed and pissed his secret weapon would be found out. To add to his misery, the moment the blood started to glow the light was white, and it lasted 200 minutes(3 hours and 20 minutes). So not only did everyone now knew he was awakened, but that he could use all 3 energies from the get-go, and that all 200 of his cells were awakened. 'I hate my life.' Jason thought as he was forced to watch his plans to keep everyone oblivious go down the drain. Admittedly during those 3 hours of misery, he had done a few things like getting some snacks for himself and the others as he knew the results, and sitting angrily in his bed, leaning against the headboard with his arms crossed, and his legs stretched out one over the other while thinking about how to distribute his stat points and AS points(Abilities and Skill points from his skill tree), starting with his stat points.

'Any suggestions?' Jason asked the system.

[Unable to answer the question. All decisions rely on you. I can only provide information]

'Of~ fucking course.' Jason thought rolling his eyes. After sighing in defeat, he began to think of his options while he looked over his stats.

[Stats. (Status window):

Stat Points: 20

Con. (Constitution) 33

Str. (Strength) 20

Dex. (Dexterity) 21

Int. (Intelligence) 29

Energy. 1

VS. (Viral Strength) 50]

'Hmmm. You mentioned earlier that leveling up would get me more points, but can you tell me how to train each stat so I can earn individual stat points.' Jason asked.

[Essentially just pushing past your limits. Training, in general, will increase Constitution, but resisting attacks will also help. Pushing your muscles will increase Strength, basic and advance strength training will contribute to this. Things like running, endurance training, will help Dexterity, but so will training your muscles. Intelligence will be increase with studying new subjects, understanding, and as before, gaining realizations on subjects.]

[Energy will increase on its own the more you use your energies and train them. Viral Strength will increase on its own the more you infect, and the more you use your viral abilities and skills.]

'Well, at least now I know what to do, but it doesn't help me decide on what to increase first.' Jason began his thought as he brought his right hand to hold his chin, 'Energy seems like a good idea to level up first, but first I wanna learn how to use the 3 energies and see how hard training them will be.' Then Jason made a "Hmm" before thinking, 'Maybe I should hold off until later. No. You know what, first I need to test how hard it is to train each stat before making a choice. Plus I need to think of what stat I need at certain times.' Feeling satisfied with that choice Jason moved on to his abilities and skill, 'Close this window and open up the Tree window.' Jason commanded.

[Ability and Skill A&S(Ability and Skill) tree:

A&S Points Available: 200

Regeneration Lv.1

Shapeshifting Lv.1

Adaptation Lv.1

Energy Absorption Lv.1

Infect Lv.1

Consume Lv.1

Symptoms Lv.1

Cell Duplication Lv.1

Cell Replication Lv.1

Cell Regeneration Lv.1

Cross-species transmission Lv.1]

'Hu!? Why did this window change?' Jason asked.

[After Human and Viral A&S prove to share some A&S which each other, and you realize you and the virus are one and the same, all your A&S are now together and your points have been merge.]

'Ah, I forgot the system adapts to me. Well, that helps.' Jason realized, then added, 'Ok tell me how many points each A&S needs to level up. Oh! and at what level do they evolve. Oh! and do I need to use points to evolve them?'

[At level 1 all A&S just need 5 points to level up, and each level needs 5 more.]

'In short, just multiply 5 times level.' Jason thought.

[Int. has gone up by 1. Int. 29 -> 30]

Jason smiled a bit cocky.

[Depending on the A&S, once it reaches level 100 they will evolve automatically adding a new A&S to your arsenal by replacing the skill it evolved from. Some A&S may combine for such evolution. However, some don't need to be level 100 to combine.]

'Ok, cool.' Jason thought looking over the window once more. 'Hey wait a minute.' He began to think, 'Why do I have Cell Regeneration and Regeneration. Aren't they the same thing?'

[When your cells enter another person through infection in their viral form they'll be able to regenerate inside the other person's body. While your body will be able to regenerate as well. However, because one complements the other they both level up at the same time.]

[Int. has gone up by 1. Int. 30 -> 31]

Jason went back into his blood vessel and choosing a few cells made them dance as he felt happy the more he got stat points practically for free. Jason could even feel the effect as the points went up. His mind became faster, he could remember better, and clearly, the system was providing more information because of its increase. 'Now let's see.' Jason started, 'There are so many wonderful options to choose from. However, I need to think this through. Right now my most important A&S is Infect, I think. Just to be sure show me Infect's information.'

[Infect: The ability to infect another being's body and spread inside them. Current transmission method blood contact with your blood. The higher the level the more mode of transmission will develop. It also increases the virus's ability to infect cells and the speed of your cell's movement.]

'Oh~ So the higher the level the faster I can get Viral Strength points~' Jason thought with a smile.

[Int. has gone up by 1. Int. 31 -> 32]

'Ok, I hate my life a little less now.' Jason thought. With a slight smile like a supervillain, the increased level in his Int. stat had helped him formulate a better plan of action. He remembered that he needed the points to buy A&S in the shop once it was available to him, and he knew this because now his mind could understand the system a bit better and how the shop worked after having a conversation with the system. The shop worked by going into his genes and finding memories from his ancestor to activate them and by triggering his mind to understand how an A&S works. So basically it was like remembering how to use a limb that had atrophied. So with that in mind, he decided to save all his points and level up the A&S the old fashion way. However, that meant thinking on how to best use his A&S. Jason's main weapon was his virus, so he needed to think of a way to increase his Infect ability or for the moment figure out a way to infect someone with his blood. His virus was spread through his blood but it didn't need to be ingested or inserted into another person. Simply touching his blood would be enough thanks to his VS. However, the idea of cutting himself constantly just to infect someone didn't appeal to Jason, so he thought long and hard about how to find a way to overcome that weakness. He spent most of his time coming up with many ideas on how to infect people with his blood and note them down for further review later.

While Jason was deep in thought, Luis, Bry, and Maria were completely focused on Jason's glowing blood. It took a while but finally once the 200 minutes had gone by and Jason's blood stopped glowing they were baffled and turned to look at Jason with wide eyes and a bit of a gap in their mouths. Noticing this Jason looked at them annoyed and with his arms crossed. There was a long silence as Bry and the rest tried to process the absolutely impossible. First Jason went through unbelievable pain, his heart stopped, was declared dead, then violently return to life with an inhuman roar, had changed his personality, declared his insane vendetta with confidence, hatred, and resolve, and now not only awakened his genes but awakened all 200 of them and with with the ability to use all 3 energies since the beginning of his awakening. How could they not be thinking they were hallucinating? Jason broke the silence by saying, "I am not telling you anything about what I can do, so don't bother asking. I don't care how much you ask, I don't trust any of you, and if any of you breathes a word to this to my disgusting excuse of a family, I'll make sure you all regret ever meeting me.' He finished his threat growling and leering at all of them. Bry got mad and showed it on his face, not because Jason refused to tell them but because he stated he didn't trust any of them and then threatened them. Maria was hurt and had tears building in her eyes but she was mad as well, with a similar expression to Bry. Now as for Luis. . . . . . . . . . You may pray for poor Jason now.