Chapter 6: Pain is but the prelude of power.

Since before the first time humans made the first large civilization, parents have disciplined their children in many different ways. But the most ancients of ways is the ass-whooping. For Jason this way had been a stranger to him. . . Until now. I'll leave it to your imagination as to how much but here's a hint:

[Con. has gone up by 4. Con. 33 -> 37]

Oh if only all children were as lucky to have Regeneration, as Jason does. However is also because of his Regeneration, that Luis was allowed to whoop his ass just a tad bit harder than before. 'I take it back. I hate my life.' Jason thought as he recovered from his 'disciplination'. At least he learned a few very important lessons that night. Never threaten someone stronger than you and never curse at Luis until he's strong enough. Although the one Jason should've learned is, "Never disrespect your parent." but for now, those two would have to do. Now that Jason had healed completely he was hungry and tired because it had eaten away at his stamina.

[Stamina 9/37]

Poor poor Jason. Then again it was his fault for disrespecting his surrogate father and threatening him, plus the others in the room. Really he should be glad, Luis wasn't a woman and armed with a sandal. For those of you who understand this pain as I do, I send my condolences. Anyway, Jason had gone downstairs, still rubbing his poor ass, and got something to eat to replenish his stamina faster. However, this got the adults asking as to why he was hungry again. They didn't know that Jason had yet to learn how to use any energy, and thus his body regeneration relied on his body's physical reserves. They had followed Jason and had asked him many questions, for example how he knew how many genes he had awakened, how he knew he could use all 3 energies, and how he had awakened. The only reason they concluded that he already knew the results of the test is because Jason didn't act surprised but instead with annoyance and indifference. Jason refused to answer any, and all questions as he had no intentions of trusting them with any more of his secrets. They had already discovered too much and it has only been barely a day since he awakened, so it pissed him off even more because he had not just planned to keep all of his powers secret but to grow in secret before doing anything big enough to be noticed. Jason was sitting down eating his fill, it still bothered Maria how Jason seemed to be eating more than usual. Then it hit her, and she was the only one that noticed why Jason was eating so much. Despite her looks, Maria is a rather strong B- Mage, and she was able to sense how Jason wasn't using the energy around him, or rather how it just went through him instead of following a flow like through his head or body. See, when a person is using one of the 3 energies, it flows differently. For Martial artists, Qi flowed from the heart and lungs, through the body in a circular motion following the heart and circulatory system, usually focuses on the torso and limbs. Psion flowed from the brain into the body following the nervous system, and as for Mana, it flowed from the brain covering the body like a blanket. The energy around Jason didn't really follow any path, which meant only one thing. Like a newborn, he hadn't learned to sense the energies, or how to use them. Maria stepped forward and sat down in front of Jason and calmly asked, "Jason, do you not know how to use any of the 3 energies?" This made Jason freeze as he looked up at her wide-eyed. Of course, that betrayed him and revealed the truth. Clearly, he needed to work on his poker face or he would be at a disadvantage. The problem was, that years of suppressed emotions, now released, made it nearly impossible to control. Luckily for him, he did have one ace under his sleeve and that was his increasing Int. which allowed him to come up with a strategy on how to regain control. Quite simply he needed to vent it all out and to do that he needed a place to do so, which wasn't easy to find. But all in do time. For now, he had to content that he lost another ace. Fortunately for him, even after all that he had said and done, even if he still didn't believe Luis's words his adoptive family did care for him enough to forgive him and to add to his fortune, this family, his only real family, wanted to help him any way they can.

Bry stepped forward and said, "I don't understand any part of how you are capable of having all 200 genes awaken, or what happened to you last night, and to be honest I don't agree with your desire to declare war against the Miller family. It's just too big of a challenge, at least for now. However, I do admit that, like you, we are crazy enough to be willing to go through a small legal war against them, which will probably cost me my medical carrier. That being said, I don't plan on leaving this crazy family, so I agree with Luis. We need to prepare for the coming storm, and that includes your training." Bry then got close and placed a hand on Jason's shoulder, "And although I consider myself a pacifist, I will help however I can." Maria perked up and joined in saying, "Count me in. Except I'm not a pacifist and as crazy as it sounds I would like to see the Miller family be taken down a peg." Although they meant well, it was hard to get through to Jason. His emotions now worked as his wall and his anger fueled his suspicion. It was like having a little devil and an angel whispering on his shoulder, except only the devil was whispering, and he was full of rage. While he was trying his best to remain in control and with his best poker face, but all that rage couldn't be contained to perfection. It had to go somewhere, and unfortunately, it was his fist, as he clenched them hard, but it wasn't enough as he held them under the table they began to shake. Only Luis noticed so he stepped forward and placed a hand on Bry's shoulder to get his attention. Both Bry and Maria looked at Luis as he slowly shook his head no. Bry looked back at Jason and saw how his forearms were starting to shake along with his fists that Jason was now holding together. He then understood Luis's message showing a sad expression as he let go of Jason's shoulder and walked away, followed by Maria just a few steps behind. Luis stayed behind with Jason in the dining room, standing just a few feet away from him. It took Jason a minute to calm down and continue eating, while Luis just shadowed him waiting for Jason to finish his meal, all the while thinking carefully of what to do next. Jason was volatile and that made it evident that he needed an outlet for his anger. Luis knew this, he could sense it and saw it more than once. The attempt to contain it and the fist-shaking made it rather clear and hard to ignore that Jason's control wasn't strong enough. However, this could help Luis with Jason's training, or rather Jason's training could help him. If Luis could find an outlet for Jason's anger, it will help him to make progress both with his training and his mental recovery. Luis sat down across from Jason and said, "I'll be excusing you from school tomorrow. We need to begin your training and we have a lot of ground to cover." Jason just raised his eyes from his food looking at Luis with a serious expression trying hard to not show his emotions. While Jason didn't trust Luis in the slightest, he did saw his offering as an opportunity in his favor. However, he didn't say a single word. He just finished eating and left for his room in utter silence trying to hide as much as he could, but his clenched fist betrayed him once more. Luis knew he had a large mountain to scale with Jason, but at least he was at the foot of the mountain and made some steps up.

The next morning Jason was woken up in a rather unpleasant manner. Not that Luis didn't try to wake Jason as usual. It's just that Jason went to sleep rather late around 11 and Luis woke him up at 5 am, which is barely 6 hours of sleep but Luis was very strict and stubborn. At least Luis gave him time to eat but as soon as that was done it was straight to getting ready and going to run. Not jog, not walk, R.U.N. Jason gave sooooo many thanks that his Con. had gone up and his Regeneration helped him recovered but by the time they stopped running not only was Jason wheezing on the ground he was on the verge of puking. Now you would think that would be enough to net him some good stat points, and boy would you be wrong. This was his condition.

[Stamina 1/37]

[Con. has gone up by one. Con. 37 -> 38]

. . . . . .

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is all he gained, and yes this only worked to piss off Jason even more. The reason Con. is difficult to level up through exercise is not because it just suddenly got harder, no, it was because he was getting closer to the limit. All his stats at the moment can only reach 40. That is the human limit, without energy complementation or powers. The max for a normal human. If Jason wants to go further he needs to level up plain and simple. In the meantime, it is easy to reach a certain point because of certain events. His previous training had given him an edge, but after 30 the difficulty increases, and the only way to beat that difficulty is through pain, tiredness, and pushing muscles. His run out of the house had given him enough depletion of stamina to add to bring the gain close, then the rest, food, regeneration, and sleep also attributed, enough to bring it to the very edge. As for why Luis's whooping gave him more than one, is plain and simple. The speed of the whooping, the regeneration, the stamina depletion, snacks to recover, and just after, repetition with increased intensity complicated by the use of Qi on Luis's part. This meant he needed more and since his diner and sleep only gave him a small percentage of gain, the run, regeneration, and stamina depletion was just barely enough to go up by one. As for why Dexterity didn't level up, the answer is simple. Strength hasn't gone up either. One compliments another. The stronger the muscle the more punishment it can take, and the more he can do endurance training, which causes more tares and damage to muscles than strength training. Think of Dexterity as how the muscle compresses after training, while Strength means how muscle resists this damage. Strength equals attack power and defense aka resistance to damage, while Dexterity equals attack speed and agility aka elasticity, and that all contributes to Constitution because the better the body's condition the higher your health and the easier to increase. However, that causes Strength and Dexterity to be harder to gain as opposed to Constitution. On the plus side, that means the amount of attack damage, defense, speed, and attack speed increase by a single number is that much greater. A normal human brought to his body limit potential in terms of Jason's system numbers is 40. His strength stat at 40 would allow him to lift around 2,000 pounds. Right now with his current Strength(20) and Dexterity stats(21), he can lift roughly 1,000 pounds which makes him pretty strong for such a young age, but that's about it. How this is possible is because for a kid at 15? Jason wanted to push his body to his limit in hopes of forcing his awakening. That meant lots and lots of training. Training that Luis helped tailor. However, the only time he had for training was during summer vacation when Luis would then take him to a private gym a friend of his owns, at Jason's request. The training that was crammed into 2 months, was merciless because Jason wanted it so, and it paid off. The only way he managed to accelerate his growth was because of Bry's healing after coming home. Jason's Strength allowed him to lift around 1,000 pounds, and his Dexterity allowed him to run around 21mph. That strength mixed with that speed, allowed Jason to pack a good punch. Mixed that with his basic martial arts training, and while in this world the most popular were kung fu and Karate, Jason's favorite styles were Sambo, Jiujitsu, karate, and kung fu. He liked having powerful strikes as well as ways to grapple and then damage limbs and body weak points. All that coupled with his Strength, Dexterity, and his fighting styles, against a normal human Jason, would be able to do significant damage. Unfortunately, in the world he lives him, people's abilities, skills, and spells made a gap too big for him to close with basic martial arts. Advance martial arts that could only be trained with the use of Qi, made his basic look like child's play. Magic could keep him too far or harm him if he got too close without protection, and Psi could make people throw him around like he was a ragdoll. Yet he was still glad to know that his training, while extreme and painful, did help him survive some scuffles, and by luck land a few good hits. Except for that time, he shattered his right hand when he punched a kid who could turn his skin into a very thick stone. Or that time he tried an armbar on another kid but it turned out he had super strength and slammed Jason into a wall before throwing him into another wall. Although there was that time he succeeded in performing a knockout uppercut. . . But there were 5 in total and the other 4 pretty much left him for dead. . . I think I made it clear how, while Jason is strong in a world without powers, in his world he's just a punishing bag/ragdoll that tries to fight back.

After Luis bought and brought some food from a convenience store to the poor, collapsed on the ground, Jason, Luis more or less had a rough idea of how fast Jason's regenerative ability healed him and how fast it depleted his stamina. He needed to know this to see how much he would have to push Jason to help him grow. However, what really concerned him was the fact Jason had no energy to use, and if he kept letting his Regeneration deplete his physical reserves it could do more damage than good. So now the real training began. . . After making Jason jog more than 24 miles to a park, slash internal city mountain trail. See when people rebuilt or retook cities or just built new cities, they wanted to maintain some of the plant life for the sake of being kinder to the planet than what their ancestors had been a hundred years ago. Now in the year 2120, with the TGR(The Great Rise) plant life had grown abundant and the effect had helped heal the planet, while also making life difficult for humans that had to rebuild. A double edge sword but thanks to it the planet is no longer on the verge of destruction at the hands of humans. Anyway, the city they lived in was built to flow with the movement of the land and with some plant life mixed with their buildings or preserved in small mountain parks. The one Jason and Luis were heading to, with a bag of more food for Jason, Was pretty far from the house because it was inside the city area and was usually used by Martial Artists to train with Qi since the flow of Qi in that tiny mountain was very fluid and gentle for newcomers. Once they were finally at the entrance to the park, Jason was again dying as he thought 'This bastard is trying to kill me!' Sure Jason had gone through some extreme training, but he had never been forced to go so close to full body collapse before. 'I take it back I hate my Regeneration. This isn't a gift is a fucking curse.' Jason thought leaning his head and left forearm against a tree. Sure he could just replenish his stamina with some food but having to eat so much and so regularly was starting to give him nausea. However, on the plus side, Luis's constant pushing had finally netted him some good gains.

[Con. has gone up by 1. Con. 38 -> 39]

[Str. has gone up by 3. Str. 20 -> 23]

[Dex. has gone up by 2. Dex. 21 -> 23]

[Regeneration and Cell Regeneration have leveled up by 1]

[Regeneration Lv. 2 & Cell Regeneration Lv.2]

[20 A&S points gained]

'. . . Ok, I'll stop complaining.' Jason thought. Luis then had him sit down and eat one more time and waited until he was at full strength before taking him up the trail. When Jason had his stamina back and his stomach was full again, Luis led him up the trail, and to Jason's fortune, at a walking pace. It would take a few minutes to get up to where Luis wanted to bring Jason. Some time ago, Luis had found this little cave where he had brought his son and grandson to train in. Now it was time for Jason. Unfortunately, Jason's guard had gone up as he thought that maybe he could be being lead to his death. Perhaps not by Luis's hand directly, but indirectly through someone else, like an assassin from his family. So he walked slowly behind Luis ready to turn tail and run as fast as he could. Then he remembered he wasn't completely defenseless thanks to perhaps his greatest weapon in his arsenal, although weak now it still could be useful. Jason was looking to the ground since the trail started looking for a sharp rock or a branch. When he spotted one he pretended to stumble and picked it up hiding it in his pocket. After pushing through some shrubs, and some walking a path off the trail, they finally reached the cave entrance that was hidden behind bushes and vines. Luis stood in front of it turning to face Jason as he said, "I found this place a long while ago back in my youth. I trained here and brought my son, and grandson here as well. Now is your turn." Luis said as he pushed past the bushes and vines going in. Jason was hesitant to follow but just in case he took the rock out of his pocket and wrapped his right fist around it ready to clench it and draw out his blood. Luis had taken out a flashlight and given it to Jason as they went deeper into the cave. Soon they reached a big circle that had many more networks of tunnels and at the center, there was an old round mat on the ground. Luis then took out a few candles from his bag and started setting them around the mat in a circle then lid them up one by one. While Luis was busy with the candles Jason looked around and wondered where the other tunnels lead to. He thought he might need to use them to escape, in the event that the one he came through might end up blocked off. Once Luis finished lighting up the candles he stood back and said, "Ok. Step into the ring and sit down." Jason leered at him not moving an inch from the tunnel entrance. Luis sighed and asked, "Do you wish to learn how to use Qi or not?" Jason still leered at Luis and was still keeping his fist clenched around the rock. He didn't really know if it would help him but something inside him told him his viral nature could save him. He slowly walked over to the old straw mat and going over the candles sat down not once taking his eyes off Luis. In truth, Jason had no chance if Luis decided to kill him, but he felt no fear. After already dying once, gave Jason a sense of what it was, and now he didn't fear it. Luis didn't move from his position, he just crossed his arms waiting for Jason to decide what to do. Finally, Jason sat down, legs crossed but he was ready to jump at the slightest hint that his life was in danger. Having seen Jason sit down, Luis also sat down just a few feet away from Jason. He placed both of his hands on his knees and then told Jason to do the same but he refused. They basically had a staring contest for a few minutes before Jason decided to finally play along, but instead placed his closed fists on his knees. Then things got difficult when Luis told Jason to close his eyes. "Oh hell no! No fucking way am I closing my eyes with you around." Jason yelled. Luis got angry and yelled back, "Dammit Jason! What is it gonna take to earn your trust? I've taken care of you since you were but a babe. I trained you as you asked, protected you as best I could, and even decided to adopt you as my son! What more do you want from me? Just because the world has been harsh to you-" Then Jason interrupted, "Harsh?!?! HARSH?!?! Are you kidding me?!? I. Was. Tortured!! Tormented for years, been treated like crap, insulted, beaten to the point where I was almost dead, and to top it off, abandoned at birth by my own parents who treat me like I'm just a disgusting piece of garbage they can't wait to get rid of!!!!" Luis tried to interject, but Jason got up angry and still yelling, "And you!! You never called me Jason until just yesterday!! You didn't even bother to be more than just my fucking butler!!! I HAD TO FUCKING DIE BEFORE ANY OF YOU SELFISH ASSHOLES DECIDED TO TREAT ME LIKE YOU WANTED ME!!!!!" Jason was breathing hard and hadn't noticed the rock in his left fist had already pierced past his skin and some muscle tissue causing a significant bleed. He was fuming as he just kept going, "You think you can just say, 'Oh you are my son' or 'We want to be a family', and just like that everything is magically fixed and forgiven?!??! FUCK YOU!!!!" he finished throwing the rock at Luis, but it had missed as Luis moved his head away. Jason just couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the cave until he reached the outside then ran up the mountain trail wanting to get lost in the mountain so that no one could find him. Luis was stunned and just sat there thinking. Jason was right. They had neglected him for too long. They had made the chasm that was between them and Jason. While it was easy for them to want to get close to Jason, he just didn't want any part of it. The gap was just too big. Still, this didn't mean Luis was gonna give up so easily. Luis stood up and proceeded to follow Jason after he had left the cave.

Jason had run some distance up the mountain and had hidden inside the forest outside of the trail. He found a lifted root where he sat under trying to hide while he caught his breath. He just sat there and curled up feeling his rage boiling. All he could think about was how insulting he found, Luis's, Bry's, and Marias's actions were. Instead of just a charade he now found it like an insult. 'Did they really think that just a few words and fake acts of affection would make everything go away?!?!?!? That I would just forget and forgive?!?!?! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!' Jason thought angry as he curled up with his forehead on his knees and his arms wrapped around his head, with his hands holding his shoulders. When he heard the snap of a twig he quickly got ready to run from or fight anything that got closed to him. Then he saw a bunny jump from out of a bush. Jason lowered his guard just a tad and looked at the bunny with an expression of slight annoyance. He sat back down and took a stick to draw in the dirt, trying to bore himself enough to calm his rage. Then a thought came to his head when he saw hir right palm was already healed. Jason let go of the stick and spread his hand open as he contemplated the opportunity he had. He was literally surrounded by living beings and he was a virus that could infect anything. Jason quickly grabbed the stick and aimed it at his palm. He hesitated for only a moment as he pulled back, but he then used one of his memories to once again fuel his rage and without a second thought plunged it into his hand. It hurt, and a lot, but he knew he needed to act quickly before the wound close. In a second his hand was now touching the tree root he was under, but nothing happened except a message.

[Error! Cross-species Transmission level is too low.]

'SHIT!! Forgot about that. Bring up the information of that ability please.' Jason thought.

[Cross-species Transmission: A viral ability that allows you to infect beyond a single species. Currently only able to infect humans, primates, and small mammals.]

'Of course, the one time I'm around a lot of genetic material, and I can't infect an-' Jason thought until another thought, 'Bunny', interrupted him as he slowly turned to see where the bunny was but had already disappeared. 'Crap. Screw it.' Looking back at his blood and began to worry as he thought, 'I can't leave this here. I may not have any symptoms but I don't want someone who doesn't deserve it to be infected by accident and killed by some uncontrolled mutation or whatever. Ugh but hot to clean this up?'

[You have control over cells inside and outside your body. You can either reabsorb your blood or have it self-destruct.]

'Wait. WHAT!?!?! Why didn't you tell me this before?!?! I could've destroyed my blood before they ran the test!!! Wait, Absorb? Like just touch it?' Jason thought as he contemplated not having to cut himself again just command his blood to come out.

[You have control over cells inside and outside your body.]

'Hu? Why is it repeating the same stuff?' Jason thought, 'It never happened before except when it asked me if I wanted to initiate the setup. Something is off.' Jason began to contemplate why the system was suddenly cryptic until in his mind he could feel something deep inside. Almost like there was an answer just inches away. Then it hit him like a tidal wave. He had forgotten the most important part about him. Jason wasn't just human, he was a human-virus. All of his cells were wonder his full control and he had neglected to think of the scope of that information. There were limits to his abilities, he had control over his cell, but full control over 'all' of his cells which meant one thing.

[Realization has revealed hidden ability hidden in your subconscious.]

[Cell manipulation Lv.1: You have control over some of your cells. Cells currently under your control and capable of changing into a viral form: Red blood cells, white blood cells]

[Your instincts and further understanding of your nature, have allowed for further information to surface. Message received.]

{Voice changed to one of a male}

[Congratulations. You figure out that while you have changed to be beyond human, you are only in your infancy. This is meant as a reminder, that you are not all-powerful and you don't know everything about what you are capable of. Learn and study what you are. It's your only hope to go further than me. However, I leave you with a hint. I'm not sure if you'll find it or if it will still be there, but I left all of my notes on my own evolution in my lab. Of course, my lab is hidden but I don't know if in your time it was discovered or if it stills remains hidden. I did however made it impossible for someone that isn't like us to enter, so even if it's discovered you still have a chance to claim the prize. That is my hint, but here is my challenge. Get to level 50 on your own and I'll give you the location of my lab. Whether you succeed in getting all that's inside or not, will depend on you, but here's a little gift to aid you. I made it myself but it's imperfect, so I hope you can improve it.]

{Return to normal}

[End of the message]

[Quest Received:

"Reach Level 50": Reward: Location of your ancestor's lab.]

[Reward Received, Warning accepting this reward will cause a minor evolution to your eyes. Pain will occur. Please remove your Odin device before proceeding.]

[Do you accept? Y/N]

Jason thought about it for a moment but he figured that whatever the reward was, it had to be good to cause evolution, and if he had learned anything from the few hours since he became a Human-Virus, is that any pain he survives will benefit him greatly. So he took a deep breath and contented with the procedure.

[When the evolution is complete the system will need time to synchronize and set up with the new ability. Please keep your eyes closed until synchronization and setup are complete.]

[Evolution will commence in:]




Suddenly Jason felt intense pain in his eyes but he expected it and had closed his eyes before the count down hit 1. He was on the ground biting his left hand trying his best to not scream while he writhed in pain as his eyes were destroyed and were being reformed while they regenerated. He kept kicking and trying so hard not to scream that the bite had broken his skin and some of his muscles because of how hard it was biting. Pain has an interesting way of increasing adrenaline thereby increasing strength, especially biting strength. If only he had been alone. Luis had found him seconds after Jason had stuck the twig in his hand and while he was about to stop him, thinking he was gonna do more harm to himself when he saw Jason place his hand on the tree root he was confused and decided to watch further. When nothing happened he was confused, and even more so when he saw Jason sitting dead as if he was reading something. Then he saw Jason close his eyes before he bit down on his left hand and started to writhe in pain using his right hand to keep his eyes covered. Luis ran towards him and started yelling worried as he kneeled next to Jason and picked him up to a sitting position, as he started asking Jason, "Jason!! What's wrong?! Why are you covering your eyes?!" Some of Jason's blood touched Luis but the system revealed the following message.

[Infection started.]

[Warning!!! Subject's immune system detected the infections.]

[Viral cells not strong enough.]

[Infection failed. All viral cells terminated. Try again.]

While Jason did see the message in his mind, it wasn't exactly his priority. All he was really focused on was the progress bar as it had reached:


At least it was faster than when he went through a metamorphosis, and the pain was dying down a lot faster as the percentage was going up. By the time it hit 75 the pain was replaced by stinging but he kept his eyes closed and covered like asked to. He even stopped biting down on his hand and let it heal. However when Luis tried to take his right hand away from his eyes to see what was happening Jason elbowed him with his left elbow and pushed against his hand as he yelled, "NO!! The process is not done yet!!" This confused Luis and he was worried about what was happening and what Jason knew about what was happening. Obviously, Jason had something to do with it and knew what was happening, and while Luis wanted answers he was more worried about Jason and seeing how violent he was trying to protect his eyes, he decided to just hold him there and let whatever was happening run its course. The whole process only took a minute and a few seconds, but as soon as it was done Jason could open his eyes. They were blood red for a second before returning to normal and he could see just fine perhaps even slightly better.

[Syncronisation and Setup completed. The 'Scan' function has now been added to the system. The higher your Int. and the more information you know, will greatly affect the effectiveness of this function. Current information that will be displayed will be approximate information about beings state of mind, beings that can be infected, immune system strength and percentage of success, level of power, energy used and amount, Health Points, Stamina Points, stats, and approximate information of abilities and skills, approximate information of genes and gains from infecting a being scanned, information about many pathogens and their nature as well as risk factor for fighting them, percentage of success rate of consumption and assimilation of encountered pathogens, danger level of encounters with other beings. {All approximate information is subjected to growth through observation, knowledge, and Int.} Function can be toggled or activated on command.]

[Note: Scan function is subjected to updates by you provided you find a way to improve it.]

Jason's response was very vocal, "HELL YES BABY!!! THIS IS AWESOME" As he jumped to his fist and pumped his fist in victory. This GREATLY confused Luis as he thought Jason had gone completely insane celebrating just seconds after going through a lot of pain. When Jason looked at Luis's confused state he noticed the function was already active.


Luis Vortel

Age: 75

Race: Human

Level: 345 {Danger level: DEATH}


Hp: 30,455/30,455

Sp: 34,670/34,670

Qi: 235,507,602/235,506,602

Psi: 20/20

Mp: 300/300

Unable to infect: Immune system too strong]

When Jason saw the information, his level, and the danger level he felt a very cold chill run down his spine.

[Would you like to see his Stats?]

[Would you like to see approximate information of his state of mind?]

[Would you like to see approximate information of his abilities?]

'I don't need to see his abilities to know right now. I know he can kill me if he wanted, so for now, let me see his state of mind.' Jason commanded.

[Reminder: The information is only approximate.]

[State of mind:

Confused. 100%

Curious. 95%

Scared. 79%

Worried about the future, and for you. 100%

Protective of you. 100%

Fatherly. 100%

Wounded. 84%]

. . . Jason was completely silent and stunned as he saw the information. His face showed it too. While he distrusted people since yesterday and on, he knew the system never lied to him, even if the information was approximate, he trusted his system's assessment because he knew that while he might miss information, the subconscious saw everything, and his system was connected to his subconscious. He trusted himself and the system because frankly, he didn't have anyone else to trust. That is, maybe, until now that he saw the information on Luis. Still, Jason was defensive so while he closed the window of basic information he retained the window of the state of mind opened for now. Luis stood a stepped closer and grabbed Jason's shoulders before checking his yes. He then asked, "Are you ok?! What happened?! What did you do?! Are your eyes ok?! Are you ok?!" Jason pushed him away as he said, "You asked if I was ok twice. And yes I'm fine."

[Scared. 65%

Worried about the future. 97%

Worried for you 99%]

This made Jason make a very tiny slight smile as the left corner of his lips lifted only for a few seconds. He looked to the ground as he moved his eyes side to side trying to decide what to tell him. "My eyes are perfectly fine, in fact, they're better than ever and even improved." Jason began, "Actually they're letting me see more than what I could see last time. Like how you're; confused, curious, scared, how worried about the future, how worried and protective of me you are." Jason then saw how Luis's emotions fluctuated again as he went wide-eye, but it didn't really change much. Jason then said, "I can also see 'you'" He emphasized, "see me as a son." Jason then looked down and biting his thought for a second and moved his jaw before clenching it. He was gonna take a gamble, and still with his eyes on the ground began, "What happened to me the night before yesterday. . ." He took a deep breath before looking up to Luis and seriously finished, "My genes waking up wasn't the only thing that happened to me. . . but if I'm gonna tell you, you have to swear to me, on the life of all you love, that you won't betray me." Luis felt there was a tension in the air and the seriousness in Jason's eyes but also the fear. Luis knew that Jason wanted to tell was something he wanted to guard very closely so he said, "I swear." Jason snapped at him as he yelled, "I'm serious!!" He then didn't hide his fear as he added, "My very life will be in danger if anyone else finds out." Luis had gone wide eye when he saw how scared Jason was when just yesterday, he was willing to declare war against the Miller family. "I swear on my life and the lives of my family, you included, I won't tell a soul or let anyone harm you." Jason took a deep breath as he said, "You might wanna sit down for this." and then sat down on the ground as he looked to his left at his own blood, and lifted his left hand to make his blood disintegrate into ash. Seeing this Luis was surprised as he sat down in front of Jason. "Jesus, where do I even start?" Jason said running his left hand through his head just as surprised as Luis at his blood disintegration. Jason took a deep breath before looking up at Luis and began, "The night I died, I became a . . ."