If We are Prodigies What Does that Make You?

While Tempest was acing all of the spells provided by Alexi the rest of the class was beginning to get extremely jealous of her talent. As supposedly they were all geniuses and prodigies of a once in a decade level, but the new student who was a multi-element was out classing all of them on her first day. This earned Tempest the ire of the rest of the class.

Tempest continued to ace all the small class assignments. The build up if hateful stares was beginning to get on Tempest's nerves as she didn't know why the majority of the class hated her. The magical ability Tempest was showing could be compared to a god of magic and Tempest would still in win in a comparison of technique and skill. In fact some gods had already taken notice of Tempest. Some of the more charismatic pupils were already plotting to try and embarrass Tempest. The group of would be plotters realized if Tempest can use all elements then how are they going to be able to catch her. The group was having a hard time thinking when they heard Alexi end class early.

The class was about to get up and leave before hearing the early dismissal was just for Tempest. Once Alexi was sure that Tempest couldn't hear them she spoke to the class.

"I know that you are jealous of the new student, but you literally can't do anything to her. This is not just because she has an unknown background but is advanced enough in her control of Time that she can see the future outcomes of any event. If this wasn't true I would try and punish her more for being late to class."

"But professor seeing the future shouldn't prevent you from punishing her." Said a student.

"It doesn't by itself but she is more powerful in all elements than most of the head professors. Only head of space head mistress Leon is better in her own element than Tempest. Also no one knows her backing but going by Tempest's individual power it most be a powerful backer."

Meanwhile Tempest was making her way to the campus restaurant. It wasn't quite a cafeteria yet it was the main source of food for everyone on campus. Inside the the restaurant is separated by floor. The best and most expensive food is served on the top floor and the quality goes down as you descend. Tempest being immensely rich from her exploits decide to treat herself to the best. However Fate had other plans, as Tempest was taking the stairs to the top some students took notice and ignored her. As she had animal traits and there were very few people like that free and roaming about. However some students on the top floor took offense to the fact that Tempest had animal traits and thought that she was eligible to eat on the top floor. So a contingent rich kids decided to confront Tempest on the staircase their ringleader took the lead.

"What was you trying to do animal?" The group didn't know that Tempest was mute so when she had yet to respond they tried surrounding her and pushing her around. "Heh bitch can't do anything. See she is just silent. What did she think she was doing coming up here."

Suddenly the group started fighting among themselves. The reason a fight broke out among the group was that Tempest had used a spacial spell to teleport out of the encirclement. The group while trying to bully Tempest ended up fighting each other because their target disappeared. Tempest on the hand was entirely uncaring about their plight. Well Tempest wasn't entirely uncaring she found their infighting funny.

Tempest found a quiet little corner and sat down. A waitress soon came up to Tempest and asked for a validation of monetary worth as a precaution against dine and dashing. Tempest ordered some sushi and tonic water. While Tempest was eating the disciplinary staff was in chaos as the school restaurant was a hotbed of unauthorized magic casting that started with a spacial spell. The disciplinary staff were slightly apprehensive to punish Tempest who seemed to start this cascade, but if they didn't then they wouldn't be any better then the students who broke the rules in the first place. So to alleviate some of the stress they contacted the head disciplinary Alexi; before storming the to the top of the restaurant.

Alexi was walking up the stairs behind the main group and walked right past the fighting students to the corner where Tempest was sat eating. Tempest on the other hand had made a one way window in front of her table using particle manipulation. Alexi walked right up to the window and was confused because the tracker said that Tempest was sat behind it but from Alexi's point of view that would mean that Tempest was in the wall. Alexi then proceeded to count the tables on the top floor and find one missing, as there should be 20 tables. Eventually Alexi came to the conclusion that the wall in front of her was a fake. Seeing as Alexi was about to break the window anyway Tempest removed it and looked at Alexi.

"Hello Alexi why are you here?"

"Don't question me, you know very well why I am here. You some how managed to start a fight among the richest people here with only one spell and the council is to afraid to punish you themselves."

"All I am doing is eating sushi and drinking tonic water." Points out Tempest while holding up her now empty glass. Tempest then refills her glass using magic and continues. "I haven't used any magic to fight only escape."

"What do you mean you were the first to cast magic?"

"I might have been the first but they were trying to bully me, and I didn't want to deal with it. So I teleported out of their encirclement which caused them to hit each other. Which started the brawl that cascaded to this."

Alexi was astonished with the lack of emotion that Tempest was showing to a fight that she pretty much started. To Alexi the way that Tempest saw the fight more as entertainment and not something that she had a direct hand in causing was deeply disturbing and the way that she said it so calmly was off putting.

"Either way you cast unauthorized magic I can't let this go like bing late to class so you are going to have to follow me."

Alexi motioned for Tempest to get up and follow her. Tempest got up taking her drink with her Alexi led Tempest to the council chambers. The council was already convening to deal out punishments. Alexi wanted to give Tempest a light punishment because she didn't really do anything but watch. However other members cited her teleportation as a direct cause of the brawl and advocated for an extremely harsh punishment as she was an instigator and it was her first day. The people who were going for the most extreme punishments were the loudest and the majority.

Tempest was put on a platform in the center of a round room. The council could heard debating over her fate expulsion to community service. Tempest was hoping for expulsion as she could skip this farce of a school and learn straight from Echo her thoughts were interrupted by Leon arriving.

"We can't expel Tempest so you lot are going to need to come with a better punishment." Leon said while gliding down a set of spiral stairs.

Alexi spoke up. "If we punish her too harshly we will have to worry about her backers and herself she isn't exactly weak."

Tempest just sat and watched the group argue back and forth, but her hope for expulsion was crushed. Now the punishments that Tempest wished for the most were the ones that got her out of class and took little effort. Eventually the council and Leon came to the decision to make Tempest Leon's assistant for a while and stall her classes till Leon deemed otherwise.

Tempest was very pleased with this outcome confusing everyone but herself as Leon and Alexi both knew that Tempest would rather be expelled. The rest of the council suddenly felt like they made a great mistake and played into the hands of a demon.