We Weren't Properly Introduced

After Leon left Tempest she went to a meeting with the professors.

"Ok now that I am here we can get started. What did you lot think of Tempest?"

"Far to arrogant." blurted out the air professor.

"She seems unpredictable and far to powerful a worrisome combination." The water professor said calmly said.

"She needs discipline and be brought down a little." The fire professor almost shouted.

The earth professor spoke up. "Tempest seems like someone who calmly thinks over every choice before making it." The earth professor returned to pondering things.

The head disciplinary officer raised the question. "How are we going to be able to punish someone who has more power than the average professor and can manipulate space to escape." The officer looked downcast when she realized that she probably couldn't punish Tempest for anything.

Leon took the floor again and said. "Tempest did promise a couple people she wouldn't out right murder people or preform other criminal activities." Leon looked around a bit before focusing on the water and fire professors. "She is in the fire professors class tomorrow morning and the water professor's class in thee afternoon. If you two could see how she acts that would be very useful."

Both professors gave and affirmative gesture the other professors looked very grateful for not having what amounted to a devil or dark horse in their class first. Some of the more daring professors looked at the pair with pity.the group split up to do what ever they did at night.

The next morning the fire professor was surprised to see that Tempest was the first student in the classroom. The professor just assumed it was Tempest and not a temporal clone or illusion. Tempest on the other hand was still asleep and had set up an illusion to make it seem like she was a good student. Tempest planned to just sleep though school and use and illusionary dopple-ganger so make it seem like she was actually doing stuff. However Tempest's plan didn't go as smoothly as she wanted.

The classroom was now full and the professor thought this would be an optimum time to introduce Tempest and stir up some problems for her.

"I would like to introduce the new student please come to the front." Tempest's illusion didn't react in the slightest. The professor repeated herself. "Would you please come to the front." The illusion couldn't even move or react this raised some questions. The professor walked to the back of the room and poked Tempest she found that her hand went right through her. The professor spoke once more. "Class I have to go retrieve the new student she seems to think a bad illusion will get her out of class I will be back in a moment."

The professor left the room at a brisk pace while cackling to herself about punishment. Upon reaching the container that contained Tempest the professor broke in. Tempest was eating breakfast in just her sleepwear but given she just sleeps in her underwear. The professor who had just broken in was surprised by the humble yet luxurious interior. The professor wandered the through doorways till she came upon a room that was lit up and had the TV going. Tempest after having breakfast had moved to the couch to watch TV before falling asleep again. The professor walked up behind the couch and saw Tempest asleep with a very peaceful expression and showing lots of skin. Before waking Tempest up the professor decided to take a look around the villa. The professor found a door she couldn't open instead of ignoring it she tried picking the lock, by melting it.

This awoke Tempest from her slumber who quietly stalked the professor around the house. As the professor didn't manage to get the door open. The professor returned to wake up Tempest and found her missing, it was then that she realized that she had probably awoken Tempest already. Tempest on the other hand was wondering why her security droids didn't activate upon the professor's forced entry. It was then that Tempest noticed that they were active. It was just that the droids had reformatted their physical bodies into nano-bots. The professor was about to shout out to Tempest when she felt something clamp around her wrists and ankles. The security droids had decided to become mana restricting cuffs and form and the professor.

Tempest came out of the shadows behind the professor and poked the poor lady. The fire professor was scared but tried to regain her confidence quickly.

"Hello professor what are you doing here?"

"I came to retrieve you for class when I realized you had replaced yourself with an illusion." The professor carefully said while trying to avoid looking at Tempest's body.

"I realize that we were not properly introduced yesterday. My name is Tempest, what is yours?"

The professor was on the fence about whether she should disclose her name to student. On one hand she was going to have to take responsibility for basically seeing Tempest naked and on the other as a professor it was rather undignified to have a student refer to you by name rather than title. "My name is Alexi and what do you need my name for?"

"I need your name for I want to know who takes responsibility for seeing me nearly naked."

"Why did I have a feeling this is where this was going."

"Well you have two options make my life easy or marry me."

"What makes you think that you can get away with blackmailing me?" Alexia was seemly disappointed in Tempest. "I could just tell Leon and she would put a stop this almost immediately."

"Yes you could Alexi but I am sure you won't."

"It is weird how you are sure of that Tempest."

"Well I have seen almost all future permutations of this and some of these end with you trying to blackmail me or you being blackmailed by me."

"The future permutations of events?"

"Well I am a Time mage after all. It would be a waste if I didn't use that to my advantage in day to day life." Tempest looked around with glee then replied. "This is one of the permutations that I couldn't see to far into the future only about ten hours."

"Wait wouldn't you want a future where you could easily see the outcome?"

"No those futures are boring. I have actively been avoiding such futures." Tempest being the thrill-seeker she is decided to avoid the future paths where she could see the end. Everyone likes to say that the future has infinite possibilities but Tempest has found that there are only so many outcomes that actually matter. "The person who can see it all is the person who can't enjoy any of it. some famous person probably. I would like to be able to enjoy most events as they come and seeing a definite future even with my interactions is not fun."

"Yes I could see that not being fun." Alexi could see why it would be disappointing to see the future events as something definite that one could not change. "There must be times even among the unpredictable events that you can't affect."

"Yes there are but they are in the tiny minority compared to on the paths I could see where such events were commonplace. We should probably get to class as we are now pretty late to class."

"I have to say your illusion was pretty shit."

"Yes I know it was very basic. I set it up as a rough imitation so I had time to get out of bed."

Alexi and Tempest went to class. As they reached the door they both heard the group of students inside the classroom loudly questioning why their professor left to get the new student and why they weren't back yet.

Alexi entered the classroom and announced that she had retrieved the new student after dispelling the illusion. Hearing her cue Tempest entered the classroom and stood next to Alexi while she was introduced to the class.

"I would like to introduce Tempest as you will notice she doesn't wear a uniform. This is because she is more than your typical multi element student she has every element learned to their utmost. Also Tempest is mute and communicates using holograms."

"Hello I am Tempest as you have already heard and I use almost all element. I am in fact mute."

The class had questions but Tempest didn't want to answer them so she just went and took a seat. Alexi finally started teaching class finally for Tempest this was very boring and Alexi noticed this. The material covered by the class was not particularly advanced, but normal people like Tempest's peers found these spells difficult even though they were suppose to be the geniuses of this generation.