Alien Feeling

Wadetre felt out of place at the table. Yamatar had been kind enough to allow her to borrow a dress, however it is a little small.

The hit itself is of a simple design with minimal furnishings and two separate rooms. It reminded Wadetre a little of her own hit back home.

What brought about this alien feeling is Adelo. Wadetre had seen flat breasted Aradithe before, but none quite like Adelo's. Adelo's shoulders are also wider than any Aradithe, with a more muscular body. Even Adelo's face held little elegance other than his eyes.

Yanatar set down a bowl of stew in front of everyone.

"Wadetre, what brings you here?"

Wadetre froze in fear. The memory of the angry elders still stuck in her head. The mob that had gathered as well, even her own partner glaring at her with disgust.

'Do they really not know?' Wadetre thought to herself.

"I... I..." Wadetre choked on her own words. She had never lied before, never had a need to. Finding an excuse felt excruciating.

A single tear fell from her eyes. She dropped her spoon into her bowl.

"I ran away." Wadetre managed.

"Oh you poor thing. Has something happened? Do you need to stay here for a while?"

Wadetre nodded her head. She brushed away her tear, as a new one began to fall.

"I messed up, and now everyone hates me! Even my partner. I thought she loved me. But now, now I don't know."

Yamatar stood up and went over to Wadetre to try to comfort her. Adelo had stopped eating and just starred in silence with worried eyes.

"What did you do Wadetre?"

"I... I..."

Wadetre did not know why she felt so open with Yamatar. She did not know why she is having an outburst, or who these people are or what Adelo is... She feels alone, and confused. But Yamatar seemed to offer a little bit of normality.

"I stole a Yang flower. There has been a shortage of them, and I was suppose to get one last harvest but I didn't. They are being reserved for those in high society. Not commoners like me. So I stole one and ate. Then my partner told the elders, and everyone was mad, and Ibwas going to be executed and... and I ran."

Yamatar froze for a second and Wadetre thought that she would be kicked out. But Yamatar resumed her comforting.

"I don't blame you Wadetre, you can stay as long as you need. I won't tell if you don't. That goes for you too Adelo."

"Okay." Adelo said with a tinge of confusion.

"I would like that." Wadetre felt slightly calmer, going as far as to grow a weary smile. "I would like that a lot."