Not Knowing Why

Wadetre could not keep her eyes off of Aledo. He stood knee deep in the water dressed in nothing but a leather skirt due to the extreme heat. He helt a harpoon in his hand and is fishing.

Wadetre had settled herself on a rock beneath the shade of the hut. In her lap is an unfinished garment which she had been working on until being distracted by Adelo. Yet she does not know why.

Adelo stabbed his harpoon into the water. When he pulled it out a fish had been impaled. Adelo looked at it in satisfaction. He set it aside in a bucket with other fish he had caught.

He looked towards Wadetre and she looked away, feeling embarrassed. Blush grew on her cheeks. Again, she does not know why.

She did not dare look up. Once again picking up her garment and continuing to sow it.

Wadetre heard a rattling sound and looked up. She wished she hadn't. Adelo approaches the hut with a full bucket of fish. She wanted to look away, but the smile on his face stopped her.

"Hello Wadetre." Adelo said.

Wadetre bit her lower lip. She gave a weak wave using mostly her fingers.

Wadetre avoided Adelo's eyes, instead focusing on the scat that ran along his stomach. It gave her an imposing feeling, despite Adelo being a friendly giant. Not like the ones told to live beyond the island.

"Your face is red. Are you okay?"

There is a naivete behind Adelo that always surprises Wadetre.

Wadetre reached for her face feeling her cheeks. They are warm from blush.

"I... I am already. Just a little flushed. A little water an I will be alright."

"Okay. I'll get you some."

Adelo entered the hut.

Wadetre felt the blush burn deeper into her skin. She twirled her hair involuntarily and let out a long sigh.

Adelo came back with two cups of water and handed one to Wadetre. She took the cup being careful not to touch Adelo. If she were to she may just die!

Adelo sat himself next to her on the ground, his back against the hut.


Wadetre regretted it the second it left her lips. She wanted to take it back, wanted it to never happen. But Adelo responded.


Wadetre opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She tried again.

"I was wondering. Why do you and Yamatar live out here?"

Adelo looked at Wadetre with a raised eyebrow. She made sure to avoid his gaze.

"What do you mean?"

"You are Aradithe, so why don't you live in the village with the others?"

Adelo shook his head. He frowned.

"The village elders do not allow us away from our hut. But I like hut. Although it makes mama sat. They forced her away from her partner and child. I no like the village to. They cut me open, and do mean things to me."

Wadetre looked down at Adelo's scar and gulped.

"Is that how you got that?" Wadetre pointed to his scar.

Adelo looked down at his scar.

"That is what mama tells me. I don't remember though."

Wadetre could not resist. She reached out a hand and ran her fingers down the scar. The skin is rough with strong muscles laying beneath. Adelo giggled. Wadetre pulled her hand back, looking both her hands near her chest so that she did not do that again. Although she wants to.

"Sorry," Wadetre mumbled.

Adelo gave her a curious glance.

"For what?"

"Touching you like that was wrong. I shouldn't have done that."

Adelo gave a wide smile.

"That's okay. I liked it."

Wadetre felt a weight being relieved from her soul. She reached for her cup of water which she had set down and took a drink from it.


Wadetre nearly choked on her water.

"Yes Adelo."

"I was wondering if you would like to go with me somewhere."

"I... okay. Where to?"

Adelo shot to his feet offering his hand to Wadetre. Wadetre took it and Adelo took her away.