The Spring

Adelo led Wadetre across the beach and over a bit of rocky plain. Before them stood a steaming spring.

"Here we are!" Adelo said with enthusiasm.

Wadetre raised an eyebrow and looked at the spring.

"Don't worry, the water isn't too hot. Go ahead, get in. You look stressed. When I am stressed I come here."

Wadetre looked at Adelo. She did not feel comfortable with the idea of undressing in front of Adelo.

"Adelo, do you mind giving me some privacy?"

A confused expression crossed Adelo's face.

"O... Okay. I have chores to do any way."

Adelo turned around and slowly walked away. His shoulders had hunched, and he walked with his head down.

Wadetre felt a little pain, but did her best to ignore it. She slipped out of her dress and settled herself into the spring.

She found a spot where she could sit and the water reached her collar. She felt a little relief.

The water, as Adelo had said, is not too hot. But the warmth was still there giving her a cleansing feeling. She shifted a bit to settle herself then lent back and closed her eyes. She felt herself slowly.... drift... away...

Wadetre began to waken. She stretched and opened her eyes. She let out a scream.

Adelo sat across from her naked, looking her way. He waved at her. Wadetre quickly tried to cover herself with her arms.

Wadetre remembered learning about males and females back in the village. She remembered being taught about sexual reproduction verses Aradithe reproduction. Despite the Aradithe being neither male nor female, Adelo takes on a male form whereas herself takes on a female form. So could they... Wadetre's eyes wandered to Adelo's groin, but quickly looked away.

Wadetre scrambled out of the spring and tossed on her dress, not caring about her wey body causing it to stick to her skin.


Adelo whimpered.


Wadetre glared at him. Her face clear with anger.

"What are you doing?"

"I finished my chores so I came to join you. Did I do something wrong?"

Wadetre sighed. Something about Adelo's innocence made it hard to stay angry at him long.

"It is rude to see some one naked."


Adelo blushed and sunk into the spring.

Wadetre suppressed a giggle. She walked around to Adelo. She bent down and gave him and quick kiss on the head.

"I'll leave you be." She said.

Wadetre started to walk away, unaware of Adelo watching her to so.