Divine Hero(1)

As soon Kagutsuchi entered the palace, he could tell that something was off. The aura in the room wasn't as it was 3,000 years ago. It felt like someone was there. The 2 flights of stairs were positioned in the shape of the letter 'V'. The whole interior of the first room was white, including the stairs. Kagutsuchi walked up the left flight of stairs. And then as soon as he turned the corner, a blue portal appeared in front of him and sucked him in. Now he was outside the palace.

'What are you doing in my castle, brat? I still don't get how a mere human like you managed to break the Reforming Wall.' A voice came from Kagutsuchi's left. The booming voice belonged to a tall human with silver armour made from pure Divine Magic. His blonde hair complimented his dark-green eyes and his hand was clutching a sword. From one look at the sword, Kagutsuchi could easily tell that it was his Sword Of Destruction. Hm, Kagutsuchi thought, If this human was strong enough to wield my sword, he could be of use. 'So what's the answer, deaf mortal? How did you manage to break down my Reforming Wa-

His words were cut off by him being sent flying through at a speed that could challenge that of light. He flew out of view. Kagutsuchi didn't move his sight from where the mortal once was. Suddenly the mortal came flying straight back like a boomerang. He stood where he was standing before flying away. A smile formed on Kagutsuchi's face.

He was hyperventilating. 'W-what t-the h-hell did you just do?' He stammered. 'I blinked.' Kagutsuchi replied. The human looked dumbfounded. 'B-b-blink...' He didn't get to finish his sentence because his eyes rolled back. He fell to the floor. 'Passed out, huh?' Kagutsuchi muttered to himself. He lifted his unconscious body and then generated a magic circle with his hand.

He was back at his house. He grabbed his sword off the human and inspected it closely. Kagutsuchi blinked in utter shock. The sword was infused with pure Divine Magic. Kagutsuchi had assumed that the human was a person from the Legendary Age that hadn't been able to use Magic. And therefore had kept his memories. But it seems that he could. One plot hole that Kagutsuchi found in his theory was the Reforming Wall. Only the Human King could use that spell. Just who was this mortal?

[Note: I was gone a day longer than I anticipated. Sorry for the delay. If you guys are reading this, I would REALLY appreciate it if you guys left an honest review of my novel. Thank you all for waiting for me.]