Divine Hero(2)

2 hours passed. The human finally woke up. He generated a magic circle and then he tried to use Relide. He failed.

'B-blin. Blink.' He muttered to himself before laughing hysterically. 'What the hell was I thinking?! No, he probably was just using magic! But how? I didn't see...' His laughter eventually turned into crying.

'You're awake, huh?' Kagutsuchi asked. He had been watching him from the kitchen.


'So, enough talking. I want you to know how this is going to go. I give you an order, and you follow it. And when you don't follow it, well, let's not get into that. Once you become of no use to me, I'll dispose of you like a piece of trash. Get it?' Kagutsuchi informed the human coldly.


'Was something unclear?' Kagutsuchi asked, his eyes glowing magically.

'No, master.' The human answered. Instantly after saying that, he clapped his hands over his mouth. 'W-what?' He whispered.

'Did I say you could speak?' Kagutsuchi looked at the human. The human's mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. He had lost the ability to speak.

'Now, since we've established the ground rules, I want you to use your Divine Magic to cast Leride.' Kagutsuchi commanded. A Divine Magic circle appeared on the human's hand. 'Now, think of the World Of Deities.' Then, a portal appeared in front of Kagutsuchi.

'You will help me destroy the Gods.' Kagutsuchi's eyes stopped gleaming. The human finally spoke under no control.

'What? No wa-

'I thought you had learned your lesson. Guess I'll have to beat it into you.' Kagutsuchi possed an undying hatred for humans. They had treated the demons like they were inferior to them behind Kagutsuchi's back and then cowered whenever he came before them. They apologized countless times, but they never changed.

'No, please! I won't do it again!'

Kagutsuchi clicked his tongue. 'I guess fighting the Gods will be enough punishment for you anyways, huh?' The human didn't answer. 'I asked you a question.' Kagutsuchi said in a menacing voice.


'Yes, what?'

The human looked dumbfounded. 'Y-yes, sir.' He muttered.

'Let's just get it over with. Ladies first.' Kagutsuchi pointed at the portal. The human stared at him for a second, before looking down at the ground and walking into the portal.

Let's go kill some Gods! Kagutsuchi thought. He entered the portal.