World Of Deities(5)

The body of the God Of Swordsmanship was changing. Instead of the pure barely bearable light that was moulded into a human figure's shape that once was him, there was now a disfigured monster.

I can see why they call them Curses, but how could this happen to someone that consumes origins? Kagutsuchi thought after seeing the revolting transformation. Surely they should be more divine due to their strength increasing.

He didn't have time to think any longer. The Curse Of Swordsmanship thrust his sword into the ground, causing the ground beneath Kagutsuchi and the human's feet to be destroyed. Kagutsuchi jumped up but the human fell into the hole caused by the sword of the Curse Of Swordsmanship.

'Now, it's just you and me.'


The Curse Of Swordsmanship kicked off the ground with his foot and flew toward Kagutsuchi. Kagutsuchi summoned his Sword Of Destruction using Leridate, a version of the Leride spell which transports objects between worlds. He stabbed his sword into the Curse Of Swordsmanship's origin at a speed faster than light.

But the Curse Of Swordsmanship had preparations.

The multiple origins he had consumed after becoming a half-Curse hadn't been collected into one origin. They were scattered around his body.

'Ha! It won't be that easy, oh great Demon King!'

Kagutsuchi looked as nonchalant as ever. He stabbed the sword where the human lung would have been next.


'Your origins are strong enough for me to sense them. That's how.'

The Curse Of Swordsmanship's perplexed face twisted into an ugly smile.

'You only have one origin!' He declared and then stabbed his own sword into where Kagutsuchi's origin was. In a burst of light, his origin was destroyed once again.

'That dosen't make me dead.' He said.

'W-what? H-how?'

Kagutsuchi lifted his head. He pulled the sword out of his origin.

'Who was Ten Seiren?'

'T-the God Of Time...'

'That's correct. Who killed him?'


The Curse Of Swordsmanship kept quiet.

'Me.' Kagutsuchi said for him. 'I killed him and guess what I did? I took his origin and I combined it with mine using Magic.'

'W-wait... You're a Cur-'

'No. I didn't consume it. I fused it with mine.'

The Curse Of Swordsmanship looked dumbfounded.

'Sure, consuming them is better and gives you the full power of them but I didn't really care. How does this relate? Well, I have control of time. And so, I turned back time on my origin when you destroyed it.'

'But how? You should have been dead by then.'

'The immortal don't die. I was a soul then. I used Magic as a soul.'

'A soul...'

'Yes. What immortals become when they die.'

The Curse Of Swordsmanship's eyes widened.

'Wait! God-'

'Yes. God become them too.'

'So Ren Geis-'

'Is a soul too.' Kagutsuchi concluded.

[Note: Huge plot twist, huh? I know I said I would include it in the chapter before this but I felt it would be better to reveal it now. This WAS the big plot twist the World Of Deities arc had been building up to. The arc isn't over yet though, there is still a lot to come! Thank you all so much for the support recently. We have been growing dramatically and I owe it all to you guys. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. See you all next time!]