The World Of Deities[Ren Geis's Soul](1)

The Curse Of Swordsmanship's face conveyed how shocked he was. His facial expression looked like someone had just seen someone died in front of them and come back to life seconds later. Because to Gods, 3,000 years might as well just be a blink of an eye. It felt like Ren Geis hadn't even left them for a minute and he has already returned. Well, not entirely.

'Don't get your hopes up. Souls are just like ghosts. You can't contact them. Even if you become a ghost, you can't contact them because ghosts have no vocal cords or any way to speak. They don't even have bodies so they can't make gestures or use body language. There's no way to reach him.'

'You sound like you have tried.' The Curse Of Swordsmanship commented.

Kagutsuchi did not provide an answer.

'Anyway, who do you think Ren Geis is? If he's a soul and he can still think then-'

'Using what brain?' Kagutsuchi cut him off. 'There is nothing you or anyone, including Ren Geis himself, can do about it.'

'What is the point of him being a soul if he can't do anything. It's pointless to even call him a soul if we can't see him and if he can't think or move around. Just refer to him as deceased.'

Kagutsuchi didn't reply again.

'Or... are you hiding something?' The Curse Of Swordsmanship continued, looking straight into Kagutusuchi's eyes.

'Souls are invisible, but if they use Magic, they can think. But what I said before was partially true, you can't make contact with them. Unless you become a soul yourself.'

'This fight ends here.' The Curse Of Swordsmanship declared randomly.

He stabbed himself in multiple places. A huge explosion of light occurred causing Kagutuschi to be flung away by the impact of the destruction of the multiple origins. Even through all the chaos, Kagutuschi could still made out a faint smile on The Curse Of Swordsmanship's face.

'I will be with our saviour forever.'

Those were his last words.

The explosion turned the barren land into rubble.

'Are you the Demon King or something? I've been hearing everyone calling you it.'

A pained voice rang out from behind Kagutsuchi.

'I was hoping you had died.' Kagutusuchi said to the human.

[Note: I'm sorry for not uploading yesterday, I had too much to do. Well, I'm going to upload chapters a bit later in the day than usual due to school restarting. I'll still be uploading though. See you next chapter!]