The World Of Deities[Ren Geis's Soul](2)

The human was taken aback by this reply to his question.


'You are becoming a nuisance. Instead of being useful to me, your worth has already journeyed past nothing. I do not need you anymore.'

Kagutsuchi replied menacingly.

'Goodbye, useless human.'

He did barely anything at all.

He just restarted the halted the beating of his origin, which was halted due to him bringing his Magic from his origin into his sword to fight the Curse Of Swordsmanship. This caused an aura to develop around him. An aura reflecting the terror of the countless lives he had taken without so much as a glance towards a person. One could almost hear the pleas of his victims as they tried to escape from his wrath.

This was Kagutuschi's curse. A curse that even he couldn't escape. The people around him dying, even when he didn't mean it. After taking countless lives by accident, he began to be able to control when someone died.

But by then it was too late.

A death already meant nothing to him.

'Why are you crying over a natural occurrence?' He had once said to a demon that had watched his friend die in front of him. 'Leave nature to nature. It's not like we can change what happens.'

The human staggered back in terror.

'W-what is this?' He cried.

'This is nothing.' Kagutsuchi replied.

'Please! Do-don't kill me, please!'

'And what if I don't?' Kagutusuchi asked the human. He didn't allow the human to answer, though, because he fully released his aura. The whole land for as far as anyone could see got destroyed and all that was left was the Magic Barrier which kept inhabitants of the World Of Deities from falling through the world due to someone destroying a portion of the floor or something happening to make the floor disappear.

Unsurprisingly, the human lay there on the floor, dead.

But there was one thing Kagutusuchi noticed that made his origin stop.

The human's origin wasn't destroyed.

[Note: Sorry for the short chapter. I have to do revision today. I'll try to write tomorrow but I don't know if I'll be able to. Anyways, until next time!]