The World Of Deities[Ren Geis's Soul](3)

In fact, it was beating harder than before. The human had an aura developing around him. One that rivaled Kagutusuchi's. It was an aura made of pure Divine Magic.

Kagutsuchi's eyes narrowed.

'Just who are you?'

'I.. don't know myself. All I know is that I must kill you.'

'Haha. Do you really think you can beat me?'

The human's answer was in his movements. He created a Magic circle on his hand.

'Sheraswa. Seratad. Shiwun.' He chanted

Kagutsuchi recognized those words from a mile away. They were a combination of spells that Ren Geis had made. Sheraswa, the spell of eternal flames that couldn't die from anything. Seratad, the spell of origin destruction which destroyed every origin that the spell was placed on. And Shiwun, the spell of mixing spells. Kagutsuchi could more or less understand what was going on here. The human was trying to destroy Kagutsuchi's origin by using flames, which makes the origin become embers that get burnt into the flame, making the flame enhanced with Kagutsuchi's strength.

What he didn't understand was how he was using it.

Only Ren Geis could use that spell. Someone else could if Ren Geis was their creator and they had pure Divine Magic, like the Human King, but this guy wasn't related to Kagutsuchi, Ren Geis, or the Human King. Or was he? Kagutsuchi had sensed something in him, but he didn't know what it was. That's why he gave him the courtesy of letting him live. Maybe somehow he was related to him.


'Let us use Ren Geis's great power to create the eternal origin!' Fujin cried.

He then put his hand into a Magic circle that had appeared on the left of the Divine Origin. He pulled out a huge ball of pure Godly Magic.

This ball was Ren Geis's origin.

Fujin had gotten Ren Geis's origin and put the Divine Lord's origin in Ren Geis. The Divine Lord had sacrificed himself to fuel this plot.

The plot to kill Kagutsuchi and bring peace to both the Material World and the World Of Deities.

Fujin knew what was going to happen soon due to the God Of Future's warning.

He knew he would die at Kagutsuchi's hands, or more accurately, the snap of his fingers.

He couldn't allow this as this would eliminate all possibilities of the plot working. So he absorbed as much of Ren Geis's origin as he could without dying from its unimaginable power, and used Tederata, the spell of origin fusion. He fused his origin with Ren Geis's and with the Divine Origin, making three alternate personalities.

These were known as Personas. Ren Geis, Fujin, and Izanagi, what Ren Geis and Fujin would call the Divine Origin, all knew that there were multiple souls inside their shared body and could communicate and help each other when one was taking control of the body.

Until one day.

The world started to feel different. All they could sense was Divine Magic before, but now they could only sense the Divine Magic from themselves. Everything else was Demonic Magic, a mix of Divine Magic and Destruction Magic. The Divine Magic was mixed so well with the Destruction Magic that one couldn't sense Divine or Destruction Magic, only a new kind of Magic that was later dubbed Demonic Magic.

The Personas somehow lost all their memories.

Izanagi was the last one with his memories intact, and he took over the body and then lost his own memories. Fujin and Ren Geis stayed inside his body but didn't know where they were or who they were.

They were trapped within their own minds.


It's all coming back. Izanagi thought. Ren Geis, Fujin, are they remembering too? It doesn't matter. What matters is that I kill him. He was the origin of the amnesia, I'm sure of it. I don't know how, but it all changed after he came. His death will solve everything.

'Now I'm really wondering what your true identity is! I thought this era wouldn't bring me any fun, but I guess you've proven me wrong!' Kagutsuchi exclaimed after seeing his aura develop into something to behold. 'Show me what you've got!' He screamed with a mad smile on his face.

Finally, the three Magic circles appeared.

'Shiwun! Shiwun!' Izanagi started screaming the one spell instead of the three.

Two of the circles merged into one.

'SHIWUUUN!' He screamed louder than one could have thought possible.

The two remaining circles merged into one too. A huge Magic circle appeared. The circle turned orange and then raced toward Kagutsuchi rapidly.

It hit him and destroyed his origin.

[Note: Hey everyone! I'm so sorry for not uploading these past few days. Like I said before, I had an exam that I had to study for. But now I have done the exam, so I'll be back with more chapters soon. Personally, this was my favourite chapter to write so far. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you all for being patient and waiting for me. See you tomorrow!]