Destruction Of The New Era

Kagutsuchi felt like something was off. The aura of the new era had changed somehow. Then he realized how. The aura that was once devoid of Magic was now reeking of Divine Magic.

Had this new era learnt of Magic during his journey to the World Of Deities?

He decided to see for himself. But before he could exit the house, he heard a buzzing sound originating from the hole in his pants. He realized it was the rectilinear object that he had encountered a while ago. He pulled it out and examined the text it bore.


Answer Decline

Mother? To Kagutsuchi's knowledge, he had no mother. Ren Geis had created him using his Magic Stream, or blood as it was known now.

He decided to answer it.

'Kagutsuchi? Is it you? Finally. I was so scared! Where have you been? I phoned you every hour for a whole week straight! I thought you had gone missing or you had been...' The ends of the female's sentence drifted off.

'...' Kagutsuchi did not know what to say.

'Kagutsuchi? You there? No! No! No! Where have you gone, my boy?' He heard the woman break down into tears.

'I'm here.' Kagutsuchi replied.

'Kagutsuchi? Thank you, God! Thank you so much! You have returned him back to me.. Thank you...' He heard her break down into tears for the second time in less than a minute.

'It's OK.' Kagutsuchi attempted to comfort her but his voice sounded very awkward.

'Oh, my boy! Where have you been? Where have you been? They came back and you were gone!'

'Who?' Kagutsuchi inquired, completely unknowing of the current events happening in the Material World.

'The Demons...'

[Note: I'll post part 2 of this chapter later today. Sorry for not uploading, I had no ideas for this chapter, and just left it say longer than I should have. I will definitely upload part 2 of this chapter later today. Thank you all for patient and waiting for me.]