Mysterious World(2)

As he realized this, a strange feeling crept up his back and into his mind. It was as though something was watching every move he made.

Little did he know, someone was.

Kagutsuchi suddenly started sweating profusely., It wasn't due to the weird feeling, but something else entirely. He fell to the ground in agony. He clasped his hands around his temples. Memories that weren't his started flooding through his mind. He felt as if his body was being ripped into two pieces, and before he knew it, it was.

A clone of Kagutsuchi burst out of his back.

The pain stopped. Kagutsuchi stood up and stared at the other Kagutsuchi.

A long silence commenced.

After a while, the other Kagutsuchi decided to break it.

'Who the hell are you?' he asked in utter shock.

Kagutsuchi didn't answer with his voice but his sword. He stabbed the Sword Of Destruction into the other Kagutsuchi's origin to realize that there was no origin or even a heart.

And then he realized something else.

He hadn't had his sword when he awoke in that bed.

And then, it all made sense. Somehow. Kagutsuchi suddenly knew everything about what was happening. This was his world. The Demon King's Land.

[Note: Yeah, I know I took a week's break, and then I took another day off and just gave you a crappy short chapter but hey, I've got a life, you know? Anyways, I'll be going now.]