Mysterious World(1)

As Kagutsuchi inched closer to the door, he saw more and more of the figure's body. First, he was the ripped black cloak that was wrapped around his body, concealing all of his body. Then, he turned his gaze down and caught a glimpse of the sword. And when he saw its face, the world went dark.

When Kagutsuchi awoke, he was in an unfamiliar place.

The dim light coming from the kerosene lamp gave the room a medieval feel, and the wooden walls, floor, and ceiling only added to that atmosphere. Kagutsuchi felt something soft supporting his legs. He looked down at them and saw the cotton that they were wrapped in. He looked behind him and caught a glimpse of the cushion. Kagutsuchi then realized that he was in a bed and that he awoke sitting upright.

But what he didn't know was where he was.

He definitely wasn't in his home, he could tell that much. He discarded the blanket that was comforting his legs to the side and stood up. He searched for the exit, only to conclude that there was none.

'If a way out hasn't been made for you, forge your own exit.' He muttered to himself. He glanced at the wall to the right of him.

He turned his whole body to face it, his arms in front of him. He charged at the wall like a bull. A huge hole was formed in the wall. Kagutushic burst out of the hole and surveyed his new surroundings. He was now standing on what seemed to be a cloud. Around him was a majestic blue sky that could have made anyone drool at the mouth. But Kagutuschi didn't give the serene scenery a single thought. He was too confused by all the mysteries surrounding what had just happened.

Firstly, who was that figure?

Secondly, what happened to make him pass out?

Thirdly, where was he?

And finally, would he be able to get back?

Kagutsuchi had only one way to answer these questions. Knowledge Magic. Also known as Grillharade in Crillian Text[Language spoken by inhabitants of the World Of Deities.]

This Magic was invented by Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. He was one of the Founding Deities, a group of Deities who created the World Of Deities itself.

It was said that compared to Sun Wukong, Ren Geis was weaker than a fly.

But when Kagutushci created a Magic circle and uttered the Crillian Words, nothing happened. He tried again, 'Grillharade!'. The world stayed as still as before. And the third time he did it, his Magic circle disappeared. He tried to create another Magic circle, but he couldn't even sense his Magic.

Had he just... lost his Magic?

[Note: I return! Hey guys, I'm back! I probably won't write again tomorrow due to my mother forcing me not to. But I feel like this chapter was pretty good. Do you guys agree with me? If so, can you please leave me a review or a comment? I haven't gotten any feedback from you guys in a really long time, and it makes me feel good whenever I see somebody actually taking time out of their day to leave some feedback on MY novel! I'm open to some constructive criticism too, and won't mind if you even give me a bad review. I guess I'll see you guys on Monday!]