Knight Sage(1)


Kagutsuchi felt a strange aura coming from just beyond his door. He thought it was strange because it was not made out of Magic but something else entirely.

He felt the aura coming closer. It was obviously headed for him.

Kagutsuchi had around 5 minutes before it arrived so he decided to decipher the aura's material as for all he knew, auras could only be made out of Magic.

The knowledge that was bestowed upon him gave him an answer that couldn't be more ambiguous.

It simply stated, 'Sword Resonance.'

He tried to ask what 'Sword Resonance' even was, but his Magic was canceled out for some reason. He felt a strange feeling of power coming from right outside the door. He then realized that the person or thing the aura was emanating from had teleported. But how? If the aura was not Magic then the thing must not use Magic. If they did then their aura would be Magic. The reason for this was that Magic is the very thing that created the Material world itself. It transcends everything. Nothing can be greater than Magic as it created everything. So even if he could use something other than Magic, Magic would still be the predominant thing one would be able to sense in their aura. But this guy... Even if he didn't know how to use Magic, it would still be sensed as Magic as it was made out of Magic.

Kagutsuchi felt a gust of chilling air brush across his face. He turned his head to find out what the origin of this sudden wind was. When his eyes saw the wide-open door, his handsome features contorted into a deep frown.

Behind the door, he saw a black point. It looked like the tip of a sword, but he couldn't be sure as it could be anything with a tip at the top, but a sword seemed like the most reasonable option considering the aura was emanating from it and the aura's material was called Sword Resonance.

Kagutsuchi decided to investigate further to prove his hypothesis that it was a sword. He walked over to the door. The plan for the destruction of the new era would start at this very moment.

[Hey guys, I'm really sorry for not uploading yesterday. The reason isn't some excuse that I have made up. This is actually real and it happened yesterday. I was writing when I got a call from my grandmother who lived down the street. She was screaming in agony and begged me to come to her house. I raced there and found her lying there, paralyzed due to her leg being completely broken. I called the ambulance and they arrived in time, and she went to the hospital. They say she might even be in there for 2 months. So, guys I can't promise any chapters tomorrow as I would like to go to my cousin's house(there will be only 5 of us there, don't worry) and do a prayer for her. Thank you.]