A Demonic Return

Before Kagutsuchi had the chance to ask his apparent 'other half' any further questions, his sight began to blur. Then his head started pounding as if it was being thrown against a wall repeatedly. And finally, his stomach threw everything that he had consumed that day up and out of his mouth. Before he could compose himself, his world and the 'other him' faded into nothingness.

A light entered Kagutsuchi's empty field of vision, lit up the world around him, and turned on the dwindled light in his mind. He regained his consciousness and suddenly began inquiring to himself.

'Where am I?'


"Retreat! Use Relide collectively and go to the Left Division and begin the Eagle formation!" Ryujin commanded. They needed to launch a counterattack if they wanted to survive this battle with minimum casualties.

The Knights Of Mankind were moving towards the Demonic Land and at speed. Suddenly, they halted, their positions and expressions remaining as they were.

Ryujin felt a huge presence of Destruction Magic coming from the Right Division and slowly moving into the Main Division. He stared at the Main Division, which was in front of his palace, hoping to catch a glimpse of this great Magical entity. A man entered his line of sight. To anyone else, he would have looked like an ordinary human. But to Ryujin's sharp eyes, he could see his aura made out of Destruction /magic couldn't belong to an ordinary human.

Ryujin knew that this guy was a fellow Demon.


I can't sense a single ounce of Divine Magic coming from here.

Could these people be Demons?

But how could that be possible?

And the guys approaching seemed like enemies, so I stopped them so I could understand my situation. But these guys, they're definitely Demons. Let me ask them.

'You!' Kagutsuchi pointed at the closest Demon to him. 'Tell me what's going on here.'

Obediently, the Demon sporting two small horns on the top of his head answered, 'Um... We ar- We were fighting these Knights Of Mankind.'

'Knights Of Mankind? What are those?'

The Demon looked dumbfounded for a second before he composed himself and answered, 'They're humans who have become torched by the Eternal Flame and gained the power of Sword Resonance.

'Humans?' So they are enemies. Well, I guess I'll have to deal with them.

[I make my big return! Sorry for the long wait and the empty promises, but my 10-year-old Scottish cousin coming over has been a lot to handle, and the schoolwork our teachers have gifted us with destroys every ounce of free time to write. I've finished the schoolwork now, so I can return to the thing I love the most, writing this web novel! I'll hopefully have a consistent schedule from now on, with no breaks! See you all tomorrow!