The King Regains His Throne(1)

Kagutsuchi looked at the humans, or Knights Of Mankind.

Wait, when he thought about it. Did that Demon mention Sword Resonance? And being torched by the Eternal Flame? My previous body's mother said something about that. And Sword Resonance, wasn't that what the mysterious figure used instead of Magic? Kagutsuchi needed to find out more. He decided to wait until he was in a secluded area to use Grillharade to gain info.

He infused Destruction Magic into his eyes and the humans crumbled under his unmoving glare.

A pool of blood circled their headless bodies. Kagutsuchi's eyes beheaded them. The Demons, who were talking amongst themselves about this fellow Demon who had suddenly appeared, let out a simultaneous gasp of disbelief. It would take them using all their energy to win, and even then they would have casualties. This guy destroyed them with a look.

'Do you have a king?' Kagutsuchi asked, turning his dead to face his descendants.

'Yes, we do. Ryujin.' The Demon with horns answered, pointing at the castle to their right.

'Hm. How about I take his throne?'

'I beg your pardon?' The Demon answered.

Kagutsuchi sighed.

He raised his hand and created a Magic circle.


All the Demons' eyes turned red for a second and then reverted to their original variety of colors. Ryujin appeared in front of Kagutsuchi. He was the only one who acted confused. And Kagutsuchi, wearing a mocking smile on his face, used Relide and teleported into Ryujin's castle.

Kagutsuchi had changed history using Tereted. The spell was limited to superficial things and couldn't change something like death. That was something that even Kagutsuchi couldn't escape. And it's also the only thing he's never wanted to escape. Every death he had experienced was for people he didn't care about or people that he hated. There were no exceptions.

The throne that he lay on was the only silver thing in the entire room of the castle. The whole room was bathed in gold. This is the true way to live for a king. No, not a king. The king.

[I published a chapter today! Ah, I went to a party and couldn't have published earlier. I'm so tired. Well, at least I kept a consistent schedule. I'll definitely upload a chapter tomorrow too. See you then!]