The Bad Thing Happened

"AHHHH!" The feminine screech of a familiar voice was heard.

Pyry awoke to the sound of screaming and a thud. The young boy got up from his bed, and walked down the stairs with an emotionless expression and phone in hand.

The time was 3:09 A.M.

His mother lied dead on the kitchen floor, a knife plunged in her heart. A man was straddled on top of her, repeatedly stabbing it into her chest. He stabbed, and stabbed, over, and over, the sound of the knife gouging her flesh rang out in the otherwise serene homely house.

Pyry slowly recorded the scene on his phone, just in case the murderer didn't get caught. Making sure to get the identity, Pyry walked back up the stairs to the tune of the vicious stabs. Locking his door and propping a chair against the knob, Pyry lied on his bed and covered himself in his blankets, getting comfortable.

He closed his eyes and tried to sleep, yet image of her cold lifeless eyes and face filled with terror was still vividly in his mind. He frowned at not being able to sleep and opened his phone.

[Videos of cute cats] This would purge his soul of that sight. A small smile appeared on Pyry's lovable face, a thing no one would expect from a boy who just saw his mother viciously murdered.

But he was already passed that triviality, cats were the only thing on his mind.


Hours passed and the sun rose.

"Elizabeth!?" A scream full of anguish made Pyry's eyes open once more today. Preparing his acting skills, Pyry moved the chair, opened the door and walked down the stairs.

Hearing the footsteps of Pyry, Jonathan turned towards the boy who stood at the entrance of the kitchen, his small hands on the wooden door frame as he leaned in and looked at the sight of his mom.

"Dad?-" Pyry asked hesitantly.

"Oh god, don't look Pyry. Please don't look, go back up to your room. Mom… mommy's sleeping right now. Okay? She's fine. Yes, she will be fine." John seemed to be trying to convince himself more than Pyry.

"O-okay dad." The boy went back upstairs and into his room. He sat on his bed and sighed. He then pulled out his phone from who knows where and played an idle game to kill time until the police to got there.

It didn't take long for sirens from squad cars to be heard. Pyry looked out the window, they were from the local police station, he even recognized the officers. One was Robert Stevens, and the other was Ronald Williams. They lived in a small town.

John met them at the door, recounting to them about what happened while sobbing pitifully. Pyry looked just as emotionless when Akari's parents took him inside their house.

Akari bounced around energetically, happy that Pyry was over at her house. She grabbed Pyry's hand and led him to her bedroom. "Let's play a game Pyry!" She brightly smiled.

They both sat in front of a TV and she turned on her console. Pyry glanced at the girl with a bitter look, she had absolutely no idea that her aunt just died. Ignorance truly was bliss.

"Now let's play the greatest game ever!" She exclaimed excitedly. She handed the boy a controller and then they played what she called the greatest game of all time.

'Minecraft?' His eyebrows twitched, seriously? He shrugged and they started playing the game.


"Hahahaha! I'm at the top of the world!" Akari laughed evilly.

"And now your dead." Pyry stated as he punched her off.

"Wah?! Pyry you jerk!" Akari pouted, her cheeks puffing up like a chipmunks. Yes, from now on, she was a chipmunk, his little chipmunk.

"I didn't do anything!" Pyry defended himself "earnestly", explaining how he couldn't of done it.

"You dummy! I saw you do it!" She pointed at the right side of the TV being Pyry's side.

"Oh? What proof do you have?" Pyry asked curious at what an eight year old could come up with. She smirked and her head upturned with her nose held high, as she puffed her chest out confidently.

"I saw it!" She arrogantly exclaimed. Pyry just sighed, what was he expecting? A Phoenix Wright cross-examination?

"Are you sure you weren't just seeing things?"

"Nuh-uh! I know what I saw Pyry! You betrayed me!" Akari whined making Pyry reluctantly nod.

"Yes, I did it. I'm sorry Akari, here's your stuff." Pyry apologized and gave her back her in-game items.

"See!? See!? I know everything!" Her arrogance grew.

"Yes, yes you do Akari." Pyry patted her head to appease the great Akari. Akari's head pushed against Pyry's palm like a cat, wanting him to pat her more. Pyry sighed while he indulged her.

Akari completely stopped playing the game at this point, as she enjoyed the feeling of Pyry rubbing her head with her eyes closed. She leaned into Pyry's chest and the two just sat there in silence.

With Pyry's face emotionless, and Akari's that had a big satisfied smile on hers. She wanted this moment to last forever, Pyry doing these sorta things were rare after all! Unknowingly, Akari fell asleep at some point during Pyry's patting.

Pyry, ever the gentleman, using strenuous physical effort, managed to put Akari in her bed. Pyry tucked her in, and plopped down next to her. Akari in her sleep, latched on to Pyry like a koala, making him slightly frown, but he didn't reject it. So the pair cuddled in her bed. Pyry soon got drowsy, from not sleeping much the previous night.

'Sleeping won't hurt I guess.' Pyry decided to catch up on some shut-eye. Closing his eyes, Pyry slept peacefully.


A few days passed, and when Pyry just started to wonder if his father, John, abandoned him, the man showed up. His eyes red and puffy, his breath reeking of alcohol, and he just leaned against the doorframe, watching Akari and Pyry playing together. Closing his eyes and taking in deep breaths, John prepared to tell Pyry about what happened to his mom.

"Akari honey, could you please leave the room for a moment?" Johnathan asked. Akari looked between Pyry and his father, before nodding, though not knowing why she had to leave. After she left, John pushed the door closed and went over to Pyry. He got on his knees and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, looking him in the eyes. Pyry also looked at John, with that blank expression as usual.

"Pyry, your mother… she-" John pursed his lips and averted his gaze, looking towards the ground. He didn't know how to say it, could he just say that his wife, Pyry's mother, died so easily? Could he, really tell Pyry the truth?

He looked back at Pyry, tears in his eyes, he had decided. "Pyry, your mother is gone, and… she won't be coming back. It'll be just the two of us now, okay?" John's voice cracked, betraying his portrayal of trying to look strong.

Pyry's lips lowered into a very small, near unnoticeable frown. Pyry shook John's arms off his shoulders, and hugged the grieving man. All he could do was comfort him. John hugged Pyry back, crying.

"Its okay dad. Mom, she'll always be with us." Pyry told him.

'At points like these, Pyry always seems more reliable than myself.' John thought as he rubbed Pyry's back. He was supposed to be the adult, yet his child was the one comforting him.

But, for some reason, he didn't feel anything wrong about that. Unknown to him, Pyry's eyes were narrowed as he hugged Johnathan.

'Hmm. He'll either become an abusive alcoholic single father, or he'll work himself to death, maybe he'll do drugs. Oh well, if he starts beating me, I'll just call child protective services.' Pyry thought as he guessed John's behavior in the coming years.

Maybe the man would be okay at first, a good father. But there was no doubt about it that, most of his reincarnations had been between those two, obviously thanks to that Man.

Or, maybe, his fathers just didn't have the paternal instincts expected of one. He would see would see which one it was in the future anyways.

He always did.