Chapter 3

The horseman were stunned. They had finally found the Princess. The Emperor was so worried that he had dispatched all his royal guards to search for the Princess. However the soldiers were stunned when they saw the princess in this state. She was wearing ordinary clothes and was pointing a sword at this young man who was surrounded by deadbodies. Was the princess really this strong that she can defeat a few bandits so easily?

"Your Majesty! We have finally found you", cried Harry, one of the horseman. He was the Commander-in-Cheif of the Annville Army. Julie was shocked that the Commander himself had came to look for her. However, she deeply resented him.

Jack was stunned. Are these horseman out of their mind? There were only the two of them in this area, him and Julie. Who are they referring to as 'her majesty'?

Julie slowly lowered her sword and moved towards the horses as the soldiers saluted her. Ignoring the soldiers, as if they don't exist, the Princess mounted a horse and rode away. Immediately a group of soldiers followed her.

Jack was astonished. Was this young girl the princess of the city? Was the young girl, who he just saved from being bullied, the King's daughter? Jack didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As he recovered from shock, Commander Harry came towards him


Without warning Harry hit Jack with the handle of his sword and knocked him out.

"Arrest him! He will pay for attempting to bully the Princess!", cried Harry. He had no idea it was Jack who had saved the princess from being bullied. Had it not been for him the Princess' reputation would have been tarnished uptil now. However when the soldiers saw the princess pointing a sword at Jack and surrounded by deadbodies, they thought Jack was one of the bandits. The soldiers tied him and rode towards the castle


Jack slowly opened his eyes and found himself in an unfamiliar place. He was surrounded by huge walls and men with swords and armour. He realised he was tied up against a pillar. He was taken prisoner in the castle! Jack observed his surroundings. All he could hear was the sound of swords colliding which was almost deafening. It seemed very familiar. Jack remembered the days when he used to train like this when he was a child. After all, he was the commander in chief of the Zang Army and had trained with the best warriors. The soldiers of the Annville Empire were no match for the soldiers of Zang Empire,who were much stronger than these soldiers. It was no doubt that Jack might be the strongest in this city.


Out of nowhere a punch landed on Jack's face. It was Harry again,the Commander in Chief of the Army. It was him who had come to look for the Princess and then arrested Jack. He was a cruel commander and liked to torture the prisoners.

"Tell me! Where are your other gang members! Speak or I will kill you!", He shouted, as he threw another punch at Jack. " You will pay for bullying the Princess!"

Jack could feel the anger boiling inside him. He had helped the princess and instead of being appreciated or rewarded, he was taken prisoner! He clenched his fists so tight that his nails almost cut his skin

"I am not a robber! I saved the Princess from those bandits!", Jack said in a cold voice. His anger was boiling inside him. He was in no mood to give explanations.

"Liar!", shouted Harry as he punched jack in the face. Fresh blood gushed out of Jack's mouth.

At this point, Jack had enough. No one has ever bullied him like this. Luckily, his feet were not tied up. He prepared to kick James in the head and knock him out. It was no big deal for him. He had been training for these kind of situations his entire life.

"Stop!", Someone suddenly shouted. Jack froze as he looked at the direction of the voice. It was the Princess! Jack's anger suddenly cooled down. The Princess looked even more pretty in her royal clothes. She was truly a goddess!

"Gulp", Jack swallowed his saliva. He had never seen such a beauty before. How lucky will be the man who will marry her.

"Your Majesty! We have captured this bandit who tried to bully you. Don't worry we will make him pay for his-" before Harry could finish, Julie interrupted,"Untie him".

"What?", Harry gasped in astonishment. How could the princess let the prisoner go? Especially when he bullied her? However, Harry dared not argue with the Princess. Although he was the adopted son of King Richard and indirectly, Julie's brother, he dared not offend the princess He reluctantly untied Jack and left.

Jack was relieved. The princess finally showed up. Hopefully she would set him free now as she knows he had helped her.

"Follow me", said the princess coldly. Jack had no option but to obey.