Chapter 13

"Where is Jack?", asked Princess Julie. She did not cared about what happened with the dragon. All she cared about was that Jack should be alive. Jack sacrificed himself to save her. She was desparately waiting for the news that Jack was alive.

"Ha-Ha, He was about to be killed by the Dragon. If I would not have arrived in time, he would have been dead long ago.", laughed Harry as he replied to the Princess. He will not waste this opportunity to boast himself infront of everyone and at the same time, degrade Jack.

"Where is he right now?", Julie asked coldly. She was least interested in listening to Harry's battle with the dragon. She must find Jack. After all, he saved her from the Dragon!

"Ha-Ha, that coward ran away as far as possible the moment I distracted the dragon and it started attacking me. I think he will be here soon", said Harry mockingly. What a lucky day for him. The King will surely be impressed by him and arrange his marriage with Julie soon after realising Harry's bravery.

As soon as she got the reply, the Princess left the castle courtyard in a hurry. She no longer wanted to listen to Harry's baseless heroism. She must find Jack! He sacrificed himself for her. He was a brave soldier. How can he run away just like that? He wouldn't have jumped in front of the dragon if he was a coward in the first place! She must find Jack and listen to his side of the story. Immediately, she marched to her room.

"Guards!", she shouted as she slammed open the doors of her room. She was not in a good mood today. Immediately a soldier entered the room and knelt infront of the Princess, awaiting her order.

"Take some soldiers and go to the outskirts of the city. Search for Jack and bring him back", ordered Julie.

"Yes, your majesty", said the guard as he hurriedly left the room.


Meanwhile in a jungle at the outskirts of the city,

Jack was tired as ever. It was almost an hour he had been wandering in the jungle. With his horse gone, he must travel by foot now. It would take 2 to 3 hours to come to the jungle from the castle on horses. Now that he was on foot, Jack would probably arrive at the castle the next day. It was going to be a rough day

He fixed his sword and armour as he continued walking. His ribs were still hurting badly.

Just as he was strolling through the jungle, Jack suddenly saw a group of men gathered around a bonfire a few meters away.

"What are they doing here? ", Jack thought as he decided to approach them. However, he realised he must Investigate then further before taking any decision. After all, he was a castle soldier now. He must be cautious. Jack discretely his behind a rock, just close enough that he could listen to their conversations and peak from a tiny hole.

"Quick! We haven't got much time.!", exclaimed one of the men. The other men followed his orders. What were these people up to?

Jack peaked cautiously and saw that they were changing clothes. They were wearing the Anastasia turbans on top of their already worn turbans. Damn, they must be disguise!

"Remember! Always obey my orders and don't let anyone get suspicious. A single mistake and King Henry will chop off our heads!", said the man

"King Henry?", thought Jack. Who was he? Jack did not know much about Annville history and its relations with other states. He was just a soldier after all.

"Where's the poison?", asked the man, probably their leader.

Jack once again peaked and saw a man handing the leader a vessel filled with a mysterious liquid.

Damn! Who were they going to poison?

"Remember, we are traders who wish to expand business in Anastasia. Understood?", said the leader again.

"But sire, what if we are busted? Do you think Prince Harry will save us?", asked another one of the man

"Remember, even if we are arrested, no one will mention Prince Harry. Even if you are tortured to death, you are not allowed to give away his name. Is that Understood?", said the leader sternly.

Meanwhile Jack was listening carefully to the conversation. He was stunned. What does Prince Harry has to do with these men? These men are certainly not from Anastasia. What is going on? Jack was full of questions.

It was pointless for Jack to still hide behind a rock. He had understood by now that these men were up to no good. Moreover, it seemed like they are co operating with Prince Harry. Jack must interrogate these people.

Immediately Jack unsheathed his sword and stood up, revealing himself to the men