In The beginning there was nothing but the empty world, until one day, two sisters discovered two powerful stones which held the powers of Life and Death. The eldest sister took the life stone and created the people of the world, when there were too many lives the younger sister used Death to bring balance to the world. Soon the two sisters became lonely, so they created four more people like themselves who also held the power of stones. The first was a girl of Air. The second was a boy of Land. Third was a boy of The Moon. Last was a girl of The Sun. They became known as the Oanns by the people. The people praised the Oanns and soon wished for more of their kind to keep the balance of the world, thus, their children were born. Together Land and Air had three children. The eldest of Snow/Ice. The next of Trees/Plants. The last of Fire. Moon and Sun also had children of their own. The first of Energy. The next of The Night. The youngest of Light. these six Oanns decided to travel the world, but before they left Snow/Ice and Energy had a child; a boy of Darkness. Trees/Plants and Night also had a single child; a boy of water. Lastly Fire and Light had a child; a girl of Day. During her travels Light met a knight whom she had a single child with; a girl of Healing. Late Night also had another child, whose origins are unknown; a girl of Knowledge. Also on his travels Darkness met a normal girl, together they had a child; a girl of the Second Moon. Because the girl was a second of an element when was excluded from her role as an Oann. Together these seventeen Oanns worked together to keep the world and its elements in balance. They were known as the "Original Oanns".