Young Anna's eyes wandered paying no attention to her mothers words, she'd heard them all before. her mind often drifted, most thought her head was full of air so they'd talk about whatever's on their mind paying no head to the little girl. but in reality she'd heard it all, the foul language, mean comments, blunt insults said in a light manner. if she tried to talk the adults would strike her down there and then saying:
"what a rude child-"
"were you taught no respect, you damned brat?"
or simply, "know your place."
since she wasn't allowed to speak, she kept her mouth shut, collecting her thoughts. Contrary to adults' beliefs, Anna was anything but an 'airhead'. though she was just five years old, Anna listened with interest to talk of politics and tax. Small talk of fashion and boys could interest her less.
Her eyes scoured the ground, following the lines of the stone bricks. she began counting the number of ants which'd decided to make their home between the cracks.
"Dammit brat are you even listening to me?" her mother yelled in frustration. Anna forced her gaze upwards, following the intricate embroidery of her mother's dress until she met her eyes. "I said I'm going into the shop, you are to stay here with the other girls." Anna followed her mothers hand as she gestured to her siblings standing a few paces away. the older girls were huddled together, snickering away at who knows what. "Do you understand?" her mothers tone had fallen from condescending and aggravated to just plain old annoyed.
Anna fidgeted with her hands, a habit she had started to develop when she got nervous or anxious. naturally Anna didn't like being yelled at or spoken to at all really, this was especially true for her parents and family. "yes" Anna muttered, letting her gaze fall back down to the ground. with that mother left and went into the store, leaving the sisters waiting outside on the street.
"uhhgggg, why'd she have to come along?" stated the eldest of the girls, Cassandra. Cassandra, or Cassy for short was the meanest of Anna's sisters, never missing the chance to share a rude comment. Cassy idolized her mother, she even copied her fashion, wearing a similar pale green dress and the same white silk sash.
"Father said we were to go on a family outing, the WHOLE family. that includes her." stated Crystal, Anna's other sister. Cassy and Crystal were only a year apart, naturally they were close as sisters. The two girls gazed at Anna, who had gone back to starting at the ground counting ants and ignoring the world.
"She's not a part of the family- she's just the runt!" said Cassy. the tone of her voice raised as she was obviously addressing Anna directly. of course Anna kept her gaze low giving her sister no sign of recognition. This irritated Cassy immensely, Cassy was always the center of attention, everyone should listen to her, and she made sure of it. Thus Cassy strutted over to Anna standing right in front of her, slapping her fan into her hand getting her little sisters attention. "I said you're a RUNT. Your USELESS and PATHETIC. If you were killed no one would care, haha I doubt anyone's even flinch!" Anna tried her best to continue counting ants and trying not to let her sister's words get to her. But nothing her sister ever said ever did get to her, she was told these types of things constantly. Anna already knew no one cared about her, she hardly cared about herself. "Dammit listen to me!" with that Cassy smacked Anna hard on the side of her head with her fan. With a smile on her face she watched as little Anna fell to the ground.
Crystal hurried over to Cassy quickly grabbing the fan out of her hand. "What have you done! Mom will kill us if we make a scene-"
"oh lay off will you." The girls went on to bicker leaving Anna on the ground.
At this point Allie had been quietly standing out of the way watching the family quarrel. She noticed treats start to drop from young Anna's face as she sat on the ground clutching her cheek which Cassy had struck. Allie quickly hurried over to Anna ignoring the older girls.
"What are you doing?" Asked Cassy to Allie, who was now crouched next to Anna on the ground. "Wait-" in between laughter she spouted, "Is- is she crying?! I barely hit her! Truly pathetic really."
"Gosh" said Crystal, together the sister left to go stand closer to the shop door awaiting their mother.
Anna's face was now bright red where she was slapped with the fan. "Anna are you okay?" said Allie brushing Anna's soft blonde hair out of her face. "Their so mean to you, it's horrible."
Anna dried her tears and sat up straight. "It doesn't matter." she said meekly.
"Yes it does" said Allie grabbing Anna by the shoulders, "You shouldn't be treated this way, their wrong, your family. And you're only five! their monsters for being able to be so cruel to you." Allie helped Anna stand up and brushed off her dress. "Here" said Allie holding out her hand, Anna grabbed it and held on tight. Together they stood side by side, hand in awaiting the near distant future.