Matata watched as the young girl fell asleep against the carriage window. She hadn't seen the child since she was a baby. The girl had grown quite a bit, she was even starting to resemble herself. The fact that Young Allie looked a kin to Matata was good, it would help her down the road.
Allie awoke the next day. Sun beamed onto my face through the window. I rubbed my eyes, my head was still sore but not as bad as yesterday. Queen Matata was still sitting across from me, her position hasn't changed from yesterday had she slept at all? Her eyes are closed, maybe she is asleep now? Am I going to have to endure two more days of this insufferable silence? I traced the rim of the stone which was now embedded into my forehead. It doesn't feel right.
Will it ever?
My stomach grumbled, which made me realize that I haven't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon.
"Are you hungry?" asked Queen Matata.
"A little." My face flushed. Had I just woken her up?
"Open the compartment behind you, you should find food and provisions in it." I turned around, and to my surprise there was in fact the outline of a small compartment in the seat cushion. Grabbing the small tag I pull it open. There's every type of fine bread, wines and fruit stacked inside. "Take whatever you feel like. May I have the red wine and a glass though please." she said. Wine? This early? It's now my place to judge the Queen now is it. I hand her the bottle and glass and watch as she poor herself a gracious glass full.
I grabbed myself a pear. Pears only grow in the East, I haven't had one since I was much smaller. I bite into it and its soft juices flow into my mouth. How long has it been since I've had such flavorful fruit?
--- the day passed, along with the next. Queen Matata and I mostly sat together in silence. I watched as she drank what seemed like many bottles of wine. It was a miracle she wasn't drunk, or even affected by the alcohol. It's our third day of traveling. We were nearing the Palace. Looking out the windows at the streets I could tell that we were in the Middle, probably near the Palace by the looks of it. The houses were grand; people seemed to be wearing the finest of clothes.
I don't belong here.
The Queen who'd been gazing out the window spoke up, "We are just about at the Palace, tidy yourself." she said, finishing her current glass and handing it to me. I place the wine and other foods back into the secret compartment. I slipped my shoes on and sat up straight.
The Oanns Palace! I'm going there. I'm going to be among the Gods and Goddesses of the world! What an honor. But Why? Trumpets sound as we pass through the Gates of the palace. I peek out the window to see normals praising up as we pass by.
Who were they praising? The Queen surely. I lean closer to the window only to have the curtain closed in my face.
"Keep your amazement and curiosity away, they'll ruin your image." She says. And sits back.
More trumpets and other instruments sound, a couple more posh-voiced men announce our arrival as the carriage slows to a stop. We were here. I had arrived at the Oanns palace. The carriage door is opened by a footman, he offers his Hand to the Queen as she steps out. I carefully follow. We are greeted by staff, rows of Maids and Knights line the steps leading up to the palace.
A Knight dressed in more casual, formal-wear steps forward to greet us. "We welcome your Majesty, Queen Matata of Sun back to the palace." he says and turns to me, "We also welcome the arrival of Princess Allieoanna of Light to the palace." he puts his hand out for me to take I assume. Slowly I put my hand atop his. The knight grabs it and gently kisses it, then lets it go.
"Lets go." Says the queen and starts to walk inside past all the staff. I quickly follow in her shadow. "Head up." she says. She'd barely laid eyes on me but was already correcting my posture. I reluctantly lift my head to see all the maids cursty deeply as we walk past. Am I that important now?
I am led to a den-like room, a bit more informal than I was expecting. The room is only filled with a few people. A couple of maids and the knight that followed us in. from across the room walk a man of similar age to the Queen.
"Welcome back." he says standing across from us. He must be the King. The only person left was an old woman who was standing farther back behind a chair. She had scraggly long white hair that flowed long past her shoulders. Atop her head was also an embedded stone. Hers was pure white with a subtle glean.
"Is this her?" the old woman asked as she came closer.
"Yes." Replied the queen. "Why would I've brought her here if she wasn't"
"I don't know how you think." said the woman.
"You know how we all think." replied the queen. She sounded annoyed. Did she not like this old woman? Should I be worried? I take a step back and the old woman places her thup on the stone in my forehead. A pain shoots through my body from the stone. It's horrible. My vision is blurred by a bright light
"Ahhh! Let go!" I shout and step back away from the old woman so that she lets go of my head.
"Hmmff." she says drawing her hand back. "Weak girl, you're in for a lot of work." she walks past me, staring me down. "Get her cleaned up and prepared for the announcement event tomorrow night." She mentions to Queen Matata. 'And make sure someone shows er around, we don't need her to be stumbling around." with that she's gone.
The man who I can only assume is the king based on his resemblance to the king in paintings and posters, walked closer to me. He looks me . ``That woman you just must be 'Aunt Sauntie', she runs the place. If you want an easy life then it's best you listen to her and do what she says without question." he says. "Come, we'll give you a quick tour on your way to the fitting room.'' He holds open the door for Queen Matata to pass through and waited for me to follow. We walk out into the grand hall, I look back at the front gates of which I only just passed through for the first time not too long ago. Guess there is no going back now huh.