The morning after my first lesson with Aunt Sauntie was horrible. My head hurt like never before. I could barely lift myself out of bed. Things didn't get easier either, every day I attend antique lessons and academic lessons and then lessons with Aunt Sauntie, I barely get any rest. But today is Sunday, which means, according to my schedule, I am free all morning! I wonder what I should do?
While thinking I decide to explore the palace gardens. The main gardens are located in the center of the palace, in a large round atrium with a high, domed glass ceiling. Decorative columns line the outside, separating the lavish flowers and greenery from the structured palace interior. In the center of the gardens is a large fountain, decorated to match the columns. This is the one place in the palace where there is no structure, or rules, you can let yourself go and be free. The gardens have become my favourite spot to escape my new life.
I found a nice bench near the fountain and opened a book. At least I have access to the Great Library, I won't be running out of books to read.
Across the way, hear voices from the inside halls. I peek over my book and see Molly, of Night I think she was. She's also my older sister, though we look nothing alike. Plus I don't think that she likes me very much anyways.
"How long are you planning on staying?" says a man's voice.
"I don't know. I'd rather go back to the Fairy Lands but Aunt Sauntie won't allow that obviously." Says Molly.
"We could just go anyways-"
"And suffer the consequences? I don't want Will to be in trouble because of that old hag! And I'm not you, she won't just 'let' me leave. You're the only one she 'lets leave'. You are not allowed in anyways, so what's the point."
"Well whatever, not like I'm here a lot either. It wouldn't really make much of a difference."
A child giggles and Molly lifts up a boy, who looks no older than two.
"Maybe one more year, if I can take it at least." she says to the boy.
The man and Molly both look my way, quickly I return my gaze to my book. Hopefully they didn't notice me peaking. The sound of their footsteps grows louder. Are they coming closer? They are probably coming here, to the gardens. I should leave, I think and quickly slip out between some columns overgrown with vines, being careful not to be seen.
I found myself wandering the halls, the conversation I overheard earlier still fresh in my mind.
'Back to the Fairy Lands'. She's been to the Fairy Lands? I thought that they weren't real. A small corner of secluded woods, tucked behind the mountains of the northeast, is said to be home to the fairies. Fairies too, are rare, are they even real? I have never seen one before. Fairies are also said to be very reclusive, not allowing contact of any kind with normals, so how would Molly get into their woods?
I continue walking, trying to space my footsteps evenly between the shadow on the floor. She has a child, a son. Is Aunt Sauntie really that horrible of a person that she would punish a child based on their parents wrongs?
Later in the week I was contacted by Queen Matata's assistant. Since I am to attend The Middle School in the fall, that leaves two months beforehand. They've aggrieved to let me spend one month down in the south, Like I was supposed to, and one month at the palace.
I'm Excited to visit the South. I will be staying with the Southern-Main-Royals, they are the most known of the Main-Royal families. Which makes sense, seeing that they are very close with the queen. They often flaunt their close ties with her publicly, especially during the Summer Sun Festival. Visiting Matatelki, the southern capital where their castle is, is exciting but the thought of seeing Anna again brings me much more joy. I hope she's doing well, and she's happy there. I can't wait to see her.
The carriage slows to a stop as we arrive at the front steps of the Southern Main-Castle. Awaiting in front of the gates are all of the royal family members. As I step out of the carriage I quickly look and find Anna, standing on the far side, along with another little boy similar in age to her. She's dressed to match the rest of the family, I'm glad, it looks like she's doing well.
Naturally everyone bows for the queen (Queen Matata decided to come along for the trip, but not stay as long) but to my surprise, I was also greeted with the same formalities. I can't be more important than the Kind and Queen of the south, can I?
The Southern King steps forward, "We welcome you, Your Majesty, and we welcome you, Young princess Allieoannah.'' We gesture to both of us standing at the bottom of the steps.
"Thank you." Says the Queen Matata and bows her head slightly, I do the same.
"Now, it's awfully hot out today, come inside won't you." he says and heads us up the stairs into the castle. Once inside I feel refreshed by the cool shade. "Why don't you kids take Miss Allieoannah and show her to her room."
"Yes father." Says the oldest girl, she looks to be about fourteen or so, her brother who looks to be similar in age chimes in,
"C'mon, this way!"