10 Smiles

We walk down a long hallway, once we round a corner the older girl picks up the little boy, who Anna had been holding hands with this whole time.

"I'm gonna take Tommy and put him down for a nap maybe, I'll join you in a but" she says then looks over to me, "Oh, and I'm Chrissy by the way." she smiles and walks off with little Tommy.

I take the chance to go over to Anna, neither of us say a word but I hold out my hand and she takes it as we continue towards my room.

"I'm Bill, by the way, and you were briefly introduced to Chrissy and Tommy. You two close huh? Was told that she'd be staying with us upon your request; though she doesn't talk much so we don't know much about her past. What's your relation to her anyways?" asks Bill. Before I could answer he opened a couple of wooden doors to my new room. It's large and has many windows; windows which are letting quite a lot of sun and heat in.

Bill doesn't seem affected by the het and sits himself in one of the shadier window sills. I sit with Anna on the bed and i've finally a chance to reply to his question,

"Well, I used to live with her family, but I think it should be up to Anna whether or not she wants to share about her past." I look from Bill to Anna sitting beside be, calmly fiddling with her fingers.

"But we've asked her multiple times and she just says nothing. I don't think she understands-"

"I understand." Anna cuts him off.

I've always been shy myself, I've always had a hard time expressing my thoughts and opinions, especially to those above me or are older. I am still shy, I think I always will be but sometimes you just have to take a chance.

"Anna can hear you, you don't have to talk around her like she's dumb! That's the last thing I want for her…'' my voice trails off as I quickly look down, and too, start fiddling my fingers.

"Sorry- then I'll leave you two to catch up then." Bill stands up, brushing his hair back with his hand, almost striking a pose. "We'll be in the small sitting-den, it's back down the hall we came. She can probably show you there." He says as he walks away through the doors.


I get up to take a look around the room, the whole castle seems to be made of plastered mud, so the walls all have unique designs drawn into them.

"Sorry." I say studying the swirls in the walls.

"It's okay. Everybody's nice to me here. I like it." says Anna.

"Yeah, they even let you match outfits with them!" I notice her face turning a little red, she must like that then.

She hadn't cared much about dresses before, probably because the rest of her family were so obsessed. She's learning to enjoy new things.

"Allie, are you really a goddess? Since you live in the Palace now." this surprised me a little, I just said she wasn't dumb so obviously she'd put two and two together. I don't know the answer to the question though.

"That's what everybody is telling me. I'm not sure if I believe it though."

"Then you have powers?! And can grant wishes?" Anna jumps off the bed and runs to me. Her eyes seem to sparkle with excitement and wonder.

"I guess I do have some… not to the extent of your thinking. Would you like me to show you?" I say reluctantly.

Anna nods her head and I kneel down in front of her so that she can see better.

All the horrible, painful lessons with Aunt Sauntie everyday have at least yielded some result. I cup my hands together and form a small orb of light, which hovers gently above them. Anna's face is illuminated as she tries to touch it; her hand falling right through the orb. Seeing her excitement I back away from her and let the orb of light go out.

"Ready? Are you watching?" I gave her a slight smile.

One moment Anna was watching Allie, standing a few paces away from her. Allie gave her a smile, then, all of a sudden, she was gone! Anna couldn't believe it. She was gone!

"Allie!" cried little Anna.

"Don't worry I'm still here." said a voice from the empty space in front of Anna.

Anna starts to look a little worried, so I reappear right in front of her, I hadn't moved an inch. "I just turned invisible, don't worry I wouldn't go away." Honestly I don't like using my powers so desperate to stop I think of an evasion: "I think we should go and meet up with the rest now though. Bill said they were in the sitting-den, will you lead me there please?" I ask Anna.

Anna takes my hand and leads me out the bedroom doors into the halls, then she points to the slightly open door at the end of the hallway. Anna seems sad that we are stopping, so why not give her a little more fun. I hate to see her smile fade away. I close my eyes and concentrate. Next time I open my eyes Anna and I are standing just before the sitting room's doors.

"Why walk when you can teleport." I say and Anna starts to laugh, she then leads me into the den, still giggling.