reactions to the reveal short chapter

tytos pov

after declaring joffrey as being iligitiment the reactions varied joffrey lookalike hes about to cry cercie has gone pale ned looks shocked ser barristan looks like hes figured out a puzzle some of the goldcloaks lower their swords and look shocked the other kingsguard still have their weapons out and support cercie

"LIES BRING ME HIS HEAD IM THE KING YOU LISTEN TO MY COMMANDS AND I COMMAND YOU TO KILL THESE TRAITORS AND DO IT NOW" he just gets ignored as cercie is the one with the power over what he claims to have power over

"hes right I found out not to long ago he is a lannister bastard and is realy called joffrey hill same as his siblings" ned says solemnly like usual

"I tytos lannister am going to make my bid for the throne since stannis is a red god fanatic and renly is as dumb as he is fashionable so who supports tytos lannister first of my name king of the andals roynar and first men"

"are you being honest about the baratheon brothers"eddard asks as Joffrey goes mental in the background

"sadly yes stannis also wont get any support from anyone since no one likes him since hes too dour and renly is too easy to manipulate"

before anything else can happen by men and sandor and brienne declare fealty and declare me their king this doesnt shock me since I have their support in everything I do


"the north shall side with you for now but after this battle you shall explain everything to me" i nod to him and i clasp his forearm

I get my soilder to charge and the goldcloaks are cut down and joffrey and cercie and locked in their rooms until I can deal with this situation and can be coordinate

the end