meeting with eddard

tytos pov

in the kings solar which I have liberated in my name kings landing is under my control now I'm just waiting for my coronation and for the war to split this country even more I'm not stupid I know countless people will die beacuse of my decision bit to change a entire continent blood must be spilt I'm no jerhreys the wise I'm tytos lannister the perfect lion and my claws are long and sharp I'm also waiting to pounce on my enemy's

just then a page comes in to tell me that eddard stark had arrived I tell the page to let him in he bows and says "yes you're grace" those words are the best I've ever heard and my heart beats faster with excitement for my coronation 'soon I will have my crown' I chuckle as I think this

eddard enters the solar and waits for me to offer him a chair I motion with my hand towards the chair he nods and sits

"let me explain this to you simply since I know northerners like bluntness" i say with my most charming smile

he nods and looks almost relived at me saying I'll be straight forward but in reality I'm gonna sprinkle in some half truths

"I belive I should be king beacuse I have a tiny claim to it with the marriage between my sister and Robert also renly is so incompetent that he wont even make a heir since he swings for the other team and stannis is a man someone will follow out of only duty and nothing more as he doesnt command love or loyalty hes also a red god fanatic a eastern religion not somthing people from Westeros will follow so even those who follow out of duty wont support him since hes a heathen in their eyes" I say in a easy manner with a charming smile

eddard nods to this assessment which makes me think that hes been asking people about the baratheon brothers so hes got some information about them from someone other than me

"But I have fewer enemy's than them more influence than them more soilders than them and the loyalty of the people of kings landing which surprised me since I only gave them some gold on my way in so the former royalty must have ignored them somthing I would never do since I see the importance of happy subjects and if not happy subjects atleast content ones but back to why I have the ability to be king I'm good with finances can tell a loyal person from a unloyal person I'm also realy hard to manipulate and I dont want the crown out of ambition but out of a sence of duty and love for the people of this continent from the north to dorne so i will not just favour the westerlands but the final peice is I'm actually intrigued by politics unlike robert also I dont sleep with whores and drink barrels of alcohol only a few cups on special occasions" I delivered all this as well as i can although I did ramble about some things it got the job done

and just like that eddard who's been sat like a statue stands up asks for a sword which I give him but stay out of range of it he gets on one knee with the sword firmly planted in the floor and says

"I Eddard of House Stark Henry plege not only my service but also the entire northern kingdom until my death or youres but if you ever turn into a second coming of areys I will leave and stay north"

I smile despite the last part and say

"I Tytos Lannister First of my name king of the Andals Roynar and First men recognize you're plegde and welcome you to the kingdom"

he stands and I clasp his forearm and tell him to ride north and call his banners as soon as he can to call his 20000 troops as renly and stannis wont be idle he agrees and that night I go to sleep in a better mood than in months on the extremely comfy bed for kings

the end sorry for not uploading for a few days I havnt been too inspired lately