The muscles in my legs were killing me. They were cramping up from the awkward position I was crouched in. This would have been a little less awkward if I was wearing my biker boots instead of the black leather thigh high stiletto boots. But this was a mission that required stealth as well as beauty so I couldn't afford to skimp.

I was hoping that the guy I was waiting on would be coming along soon though, this was getting rather tiring. I was going to make him pay for making me wait here for so long.

Why was I waiting? Why was I crouched awkwardly in a pair of hooker boots and the equally skimpy looking skin tight red dress that was so low cut and so short that it was a wonder that I didn't pop out of both ends at the same time? This was all for work of course.

No, I'm not a hooker, or a call girl, or anything along those lines. Absolutely not. No, my name is Jacy Kai and what I am is a bounty hunter. I was currently after a man who skipped his bail so he could run off with his mistress after beating his wife.

The man had a serious love hate thing going with women. He needed them, wanted them, all so he could satisfy his urges. But he had a massive anger problem.

This damn scumbag had been arrested for domestic abuse. Then he called his wife and threatened her until she came and bailed him out. Then he beat her again and skipped town with his tramp.

Sorry, it's wrong of me to call her a tramp. I don't know, maybe she was a good lady and was hoping to tame his wild side. Too bad he'd beaten her too and had left her on the side of the road bloody, bruised, and broken. What a real winner he was.

So, back to why I was waiting here for him dressed like a grade A slut. I was hoping to catch his eye. I needed him to drop his guard so that I could apprehend him all peaceful like. This dress didn't allow for much in the way of storage, and my tiny little black clutch slung over my shoulder wasn't much help either. It barely fit my wallet and my phone.

I tell you I would much rather have been in my typical biker boots and leather jacket. Some people said I dressed too cliche for a female bounty hunter. But big deal, I didn't care. I liked it and that is what mattered.

Right now though, I was dressed like a slut and I knew it. My long mahogany brown hair was free to tickle my lower back and blow in the breeze, usually I wore it up in a tight, high braided ponytail so that it wasn't a liability to me. My light brown eyes were adorned with mascara and more than a hint of bronze eyeshadow. The blush added a subtle cranberry shade to my naturally tanned cheeks bringing out a healthy glow in them. And the beige like pink rose lipstick was the right choice to keep me from wanting to kick my own ass.

I was here to look good, to look sexy, so I had to make sure my makeup was on point. But I refused to look like trash even though I was going to be behaving like it when the acting started soon enough. Still though, this make up was just a little more than what I usually went with. Same colors and tones but just more.

I had been crouching in this position now for about an hour. Hiding in an alleyway, watching the door to the bar he was known to frequent. I could have gone inside and accosted him there. But then there would be people who had seen my face and I like to keep a low profile when I could. I only allowed my marks to see me, and those that were absolutely necessary for my missions.

"He's on the move now." The voice in my ear spoke softly with no static despite the distance. I never could get used to the level of tech that he was able to bring me.

"Thanks EZ. Keep an eye out, let me know what path he is taking."

"What do you take me for, an amateur?" He joked into my earpiece.

"Well, you still look like you're twelve."

"Give me some credit here, I look at least sixteen." I had to fight not to laugh audibly at his quip.

"Alright, you look sixteen, but you were fifteen seven years ago, so I am beginning to think that you're a vampire."

"You don't know all my secrets, I'm a forever beauty queen." He was always saying that when we joked about how young he looked. Ezekiel, EZ, was my best friend, surprising since he was seven years younger than I am but hey, he was awesome, and the best guy friend I could ever hope to have. And also the best girl friend as well since we both could talk about guys together.

"He's taking the side door, he will probably be heading down the back alley to get home without being seen." EZ told me what it was he saw on the monitors he had hacked.

"I will head down there and make my move. Keep the line clear so you can listen in. When I am ready I will call you for the car."

"Are you really going back to his place? You know if he finds out what you are he will probably get violent."

"What better way to bring a man like him down a peg or two than to have a woman kick his ass." I could feel the grin spreading across my face and the barely suppressed laughter in my voice.

"You sure like to live life on the edge." EZ joked before the line when silent. He had muted himself and left me to my work.