I rose from the crouching position I was in, straightening my dress as I went. I knew that the target was on his way toward the side door so I had to move fast. I moved quickly now, ignoring the pins and needles feeling in my legs as I ran, my heels clicking on the stone pavement with each step I took.

The stiletto heels gave me an extra two inches in height making me stand about six feet tall now instead of my usual five foot ten. Good thing the mark I was going after was six foot two or he might not go for me.

In no time at all I was halfway down the alley and standing just on the other side of the side door. Any second now the target was going to be coming through that door and stumbling right into me.

I quickly worked my face into a mask, one that looked as if tears were about to start streaming down my cheeks at any second. I knew that I would capture his eye, but I also needed to capture his attention or I would not be able to bring him down a few dozen notches on his ego.

Just as I managed to get my face settled into the fake look of distress the side door of the bar opened up.

The man I was looking for came walking out. He was a good looking man, that's for sure. He was standing there, tall and handsome, with a laid back kind of look. His dusty shade of blonde hair, the blue eyes, the chiseled features, they were handsome for sure, but so predictable. He was wearing a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark blue jeans, black tennis shoes, and an expensive looking watch.

I had seen men like him all over the country, and he was no exception. His biggest mistake this time was coming into my domain, my city. It didn't matter if it was LA, New York, Miami, Dallas, any of the major cities they were there. The entitled, womanizing, wife beating, holier than thou assholes. They were a dime a dozen, too many of them to count.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of good guys out there but there were also a lot of bad ones too. Too many assholes who think they own the world and the world owes them everything. That sense of entitlement too often leads to problems like the one he had caused.

Men like this, scumbags, wife beaters, rapists, child abusers, those were the type I usually focused on because they often felt all powerful, especially around women. Oh what fun it was to knock them down to size, literally and figuratively.

Ahh, he saw me. This almost seems too easy. I had my head leaned forward so it looked like I couldn't see him, but I was watching his every move. There was a big grin on his face and a dark look in his eyes. He thought he was going to get lucky, that's for sure.

"Hey baby, what's the matter?" God, even his voice was disgusting. Ok, some women might find it appealing, but I knew what he was like, I knew what kind of man he was, so I found it grating and slimy all at the same time.

"Huh?" I jerked my head up to make it appear as if I was surprised by him. "W-who are you?" I pretended to stutter through the fake tears.

"My name is Saul, Saul James. Why are you crying sweetheart?" He was laying it on thick. And I was surprised to see that he didn't give me a fake name. That was unusual. Maybe he was stupid enough to think that he was never going to get caught, no matter what.

"My date dumped me." I pouted as I pretended to wipe away tears. It was dark enough that he wouldn't be able to tell that there really weren't any tears on my face.

"He sounds like an idiot if you ask me." He grinned, adding a smooth undertone to his voice. It made me want to smack him right in his stupid face.

"Really?" I straightened up with that word, putting a sexy falsetto into my voice, like I was surprised to hear his words.

"Yeah, really. He'd have to be stupid to abandon a woman like you. You're gorgeous." I pretended to blush and hid my face, fighting back the urge to gag at him.

"You're so sweet, hehe." Ugh I hated acting like a brainless bimbo.

"What are you doing out here by yourself though? Where are you going to go?"

"I don't know. I came here with him and he left me. I don't have the money left for a taxi and it's way too far to walk home." I took a step away from the wall and stumbled on purpose, giving the false illusion that I was inebriated. His smile got bigger and it looked like his pants got tighter. The look in his eyes was one of triumph.

"Want me to give you a ride back, baby?"

"Would you?" I asked him with a fake look of naivete.

"Yeah, come on with me honey, I'll make sure you're taken care of." He held his hand out to me and I took it immediately. Blech, the feel of his hand made my skin want to crawl, but I kept the urge at bay with will power. I was also able to stop myself from gagging, though that took a greater amount of acting and will power.

When I took his hand I once again pretended to stumble, making it look like I had had way too much while I was partying with my nonexistent date. The scumbag, Saul, wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close to him.

"You have such a nice figure, so slender and tall. Did anyone ever tell you you could be a model?" He was laying it on thick now.

"No, no one." I blushed and smiled sheepishly at him. If I hadn't learned how to fake a blush when I was a kid then this job would have been a lot more difficult for me.

"You know, I am a bit of a photographer myself." He grinned at me. "I can help you get into the biz."

"Really?" My fake excitement seemed to be exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Yeah, really. In fact, why don't I take you back to my room and I will show you some of my work." Oh buddy, you have no idea just what you were getting yourself into, but I had secured exactly what I needed, privacy to take him down.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Was it bad that I was making myself sick with this fake persona I was using?

"What's your name sweetheart?" He finally got around to asking that, I was wondering if he was planning on trying to sleep with me without even knowing it.

"Jacy." I blushed and turned my head away just slightly, just enough to give the sense of sheepishness.

"That's a beautiful name. Jacy, it even sounds like a model."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah, honey, I do."

Oh, what was he going to say when we finally made it back to his room?