We walked for a little bit, with me pretending to stumble every so often just so he would have to catch me. He was taking me to the hotel that was just a block over. I knew where he was staying of course. I had already tracked him there. He was currently living off the money he had cleaned out of his and his wife's checking and savings accounts.

He had managed to take nearly seven hundred thousand from her. Most of it was money she had either earned herself or inherited from her family. This scumbag here was a Wall Street drone that took his frustrations about his menial work out on her.

The only saving grace for him was that he hadn't taken any of that out on the kids, yet. But now he left them all penniless, which wasn't much better anyway. Deep down he was nothing but a wife beating deadbeat dad.

I didn't know what Scummy here thought he was going to do for a job when his money ran out. If he was planning on getting himself a fake identity so he could stay in hiding or not. But the moment he registered something in his name was the day that the cops would find him.

Like this hotel here. The one he was semi dragging me into because he thought I was drunk and easy. He had registered the room under an alias, Jean-Paul Marcel. The name was all fake and wouldn't hold up to even the slightest bit of fact checking, but since he was paying in cash they didn't care.

Needless to say that this wasn't one of those higher quality hotels. It wasn't a flea bag rent by the hour place, but they probably weren't much better. I had been in places like this before, and even some worse, but that doesn't mean that I like being in them.

He had avoided the front door of the place, instead going to the side entrance and to the stairs that were right there for convenience.

"Why are we going through the side door?" I asked him. It was less of an actual question and more so that EZ could start tracking our movements on the hotel's security system, what little bit of one it had.

"My room is down at this end, it's quicker this way. Plus, we don't want anyone trying to steal you away from me now do we, beautiful."

"Hehe." My false laugh got a rumbling purr of pleasure from him. He was too easy, I swear.

I pretended to stumble again as we went to take the stairs.

"Oh, I don't know if I can climb the stairs right now. I think I drank too much." My hand that I had placed on my forehead was to both give the swooning effect as well as hide my eyes, just to be safe.

"No worries, I can carry you." He hadn't even finished saying those words before he tightened his grip around my waist and lifted me off the ground. He swung me up and into his arms, the left arm that had been around my waist was now under my back and the right arm was under my legs.

"Is this better?" He asked me with a suggestive tone.

"Mmhm." I pretended to be shy as I buried my face in my hands. God, what was he doing, acting out a movie or something?

Scummy proceeded to carry me up the stairs and to his room which was indeed at this end of the building. Room 301, first room on the third floor.

Scummy was strong, that's for sure, but even he was winded from carrying a woman who weighed one hundred and forty-five pounds up to the third floor. He was doing his best to hide it, but he was definitely feeling the strain of it. He had insisted not me, but it was fun to see him struggling.

He slid the key into the lock and pushed the door open after the lock had released. The standard cheap room is what met me upon entrance since he had pushed me in ahead of him. There was a king sized bed with one of those god awful ugly ass red and gold comforters. There was a dresser with a cheap flat screen TV sitting on it. A room safe, a disgusting looking bathroom, the ancient heater on the wall. All of it screamed get out now or you'll end up with bed bugs.

I hoped I could get this settled soon and get out of here. I didn't want to be in this room or near this man much longer. At least not unless I was able to get changed into my usual clothes and was a little more covered.

"Here sweetheart, you sit down right here." He pushed me onto the bed as he walked over to the tiny fridge in the room. He took out a bottle that looked like vodka and grabbed two of the disposable paper cups they had for the coffee. Did dude seriously think a classy lady like myself would ever drink his dime-store liquor from a paper cup. Ha! He had another thing coming.

"Have some." He said, offering me the cup. Blech, the stench coming off the cheap shit was almost enough to make me gag. I don't drink much, and when I did it was higher quality than that garbage.

"Oh, no thank you, I don't think that I could drink anymore. I'm too tipsy as it is." He grinned at me as if that was exactly what he wanted to hear. He then downed both drinks in quick succession.

"Ahhh, that's good." He seemed to sigh as he crumpled the cups and threw them away.

"I thought you were going to show me your work." I smiled at him as innocently as I could.

"Oh, we'll get there, don't worry." Oh, I knew what he thought was going to happen now. He got that shit eating grin that they all got when they thought they were going to get lucky. Ugh, I think I just about threw up in my mouth.

Just watching him as he started to slink forward, acting all seductive or at least trying to anyway, that simple act was all it took to make me want to laugh. I fought the urge though, trying to play things up until the last minute.

"What are we going to do then?" As if I didn't already know what it was he wanted. He hadn't exactly hidden it at all.

"You know what we're gonna do, baby." He grinned with almost an evil look hiding beneath the smile. That look made me want to shiver for a completely different reason altogether.

If I didn't take him down right now, how many more women was he going to hurt? How many more lives could he ruin? And when, if he hadn't already, was he going to make his first kill? That was no normal look in his eyes, that was a dangerous, murderous look.

Just what was it he fantasized about? I'm not so certain I really wanted to know.