"Come on Jacy, let's get going." EZ was calling me from near my door that he was currently unlocking with his key. "Whatever the problem is, you can tell me about it inside. We need to start getting ready. We're running out of time." His voice held a note of urgency with slight whine in the undertones.
"Running out of time? Are you serious? It's only two, we're not going out until, what, ten tonight?"
"Yeah, I know. That means we need to hurry so I can color my hair. Not to mention I need to make myself pretty before we go. There is just so much to do and so little time."
"We can always cancel going out."
"Bite your fucking tongue woman. This is one of my few nights out with my bestie and I am not going to miss it."
"I was just kidding." I laughed at his response. "Come on, let's get you ready."
I had other things to be worrying about right now. EZ was right, we rarely got the time to go out for fun and this night would probably help after the stress I had had lately. I needed some girl time with him.
EZ wanted to get straight to dying his hair so after he set his stuff aside he pulled me into my massive bathroom and set to mixing up the color gloop, or that's what I called it anyway. He sat in a stool in the middle of the tiled room and told me to get to work.
I knew the steps and procedures by now so I got to work coloring his hair.
"Tips or all of it?" I asked him as I grabbed the brush for the coloring.
"All of it, I don't think it will look as good with it being half and half."
"Got it."
I methodically set to work, coloring the hair evenly. While I was concentrating, EZ decided it was the perfect time to begin questioning me.
"Sooo." It sounded like he was cooing, I knew he was having fun, or would be soon. I knew what was coming. "Tell me about last night." Yup, there was definitely laughter in his voice.
"There's nothing to tell."
"I don't want to hear that. I know you had a good time, it's written all over your face."
"It may be, but that doesn't mean there's something to tell."
"Come oonnnn." He dragged out the second word so that it was a long pleading whine.
"The truth is, EZ, that I got so fucking drunk last night that I don't remember much."
"Seriously?" His voice went even higher pitched than usual as he questioned me, I could see his shocked face in the mirror. "How can you not remember it? Seriously Jacy, I have never known you to get like that." EZ took a couple deep, steadying breaths before continuing. "Did the guy slip something into your drink?" He was worried for me now.
"No, I just had a lot of drinks."
"Yeah, a lot of really strong drinks."
"Damn, and I was going to grill you for deets." He was shaking his head now. "Well, I can get what I can from you." I saw his grin in the mirror as he stared at me then. "So, you better start sharing what you can." There was a chuckle now to go along with that smile.
I knew I was going to tell him everything. I knew that even if I didn't want to, that he would wear me down eventually. That's why I planned on telling him anyway. I just needed to give him a hard time first, it was a requirement between us.
"I can't remember what he looked like, but I have a feeling he was sexy as hell. All I can remember about him is his eyes."
"Just his eyes? Damn, that sucks." EZ looked disappointed. "What did his eyes look like?"
"Intense." That was my initial thought and reaction to them. "They were very intense. A dark orange color, like orange and red really. So intense."
"Sounds sinister. Maybe he was a demon." EZ laughed. "Did you take the devil home with you?"
"He certainly knew how to fuck like a demon." I laughed.
"Ooooh. Do tell."
"I woke up feeling more satisfied than I have in a long, long time. Possibly more than I ever have."
"That good? Damn, maybe I should take a shot at him myself." EZ was fanning himself like he was getting all hot and bothered at the thought. "Do you think he swings my way too?" I saw EZ wiggle his eyebrows as he asked me that question.
"I don't know. I can't remember anything we talked about or anything that he said at all."
"That's really a shame, you know that. I would be so disappointed if I had a night of mind blowing sex and forgot the guy." He was shaking his head now as if he was depressed. "Hey, I can find him for you." Suddenly, EZ was excited.
"What are you plotting?" I asked him as I slathered on some more of the hair dye. I thought I knew what he was thinking but I needed to hear it from him first.
"Oh, nothing too special." He grinned. "I'm just going to find out his name. Since you can't remember it and all."
"I know it starts with a K." I admitted, remembering the note he left me.
"Really? How do you remember that?"
"Well, I don't remember it. He, he left me a note." I could feel the slight pink heat washing over my ears as I admitted that.
"Oh my god! Really? I have to see it! I HAVE to see it!" EZ was almost bouncing in his seat as he squealed.
"Stop moving or you're going to make me mess up." I snapped at him while laughing at his excitement. He was so adorable sometimes.
"Fine, but when you're done, while we're waiting, I am so going to look at that note."
"Fine." I sighed, basically admitting defeat. There never was any way to beat him at anything.