While EZ was waiting for his hair to finish he rushed into my room to look for the note that I still had on my nightstand. I watched as his face lit up while reading it.

"Jacy, do you know what this means?" I could see the excitement that was radiating off of him.

"Yeah, he plans on seeing me again." I shrugged my shoulders. "So what?"

"Jacy! It means he REALLY likes you!"

"No it doesn't." I shook my head in denial. "It means he is a man that wants to continue getting his dick wet with someone that is easy. I went home with him last night, and I am easy, but that doesn't mean that I plan on this being a long term thing."

"Why not?" He glared at me. "He sounds like he's really into you, based on this."

"He left that, some coffee, a glass of water and some aspirin on my nightstand." I said this offhandedly, I didn't even consciously plan on saying it at all.

"Awe, he sounds so sweet and caring."

"What the hell is the matter with you?" I joked. "Why would you even think that?" I couldn't even fathom what went through his head at times like this.

"Jacy, how do you not see it?" He seemed so surprised, seriously what was his issue. "This guy likes you. Why are you always so against falling for someone?"

"You know why." I glared at him.

"Just because your experience with your family showed that love was shit doesn't mean yours will be. Your fucking cousin can stay the Alpha, just because you find a man doesn't mean that you will have to go home."

"If they find me it will."

"So don't let them find you." He snapped at me. "You have been in hiding for almost twelve years now and they haven't found you yet. They're probably not even looking anymore."

"Oh they're looking alright. And if I find a mate then they will think that I am coming back to claim my seat of power."

"Fuck them. You're done with those bunch of assholes and creeps. Let yourself be happy, Jacy. It's about time don't you think?"

"It will never be time, EZ. Not for me anyway."

"Jacy, you know I love you right? But sometimes I think you're just being a pessimistic ass."

"I'm a woman EZ." I grinned at him, playing into our typical banter.

"Oops, sorry, you are definitely a pessimistic bitch." He was smiling at me for having played along.

"Much better."

After EZ's hair was finished and he rinsed the dye from his hair we started to seriously get ready for the night. I was expected to look hot, even though I was definitely not going to take anyone home from this club. No one there would be my type, if you know what I mean.

I was not going to be wearing anything too sexy though. I still had to hide all the hickeys a certain someone left on me. So I needed to wear my jacket at all times tonight.

I was sure that I was going just to pick out a sexy tank top that would still show the hickies on my neck but there wasn't much I could do about that anyway. I took another shower before getting dressed, after EZ took his and got purple dye all over my shower. From there I went into the bedroom, still wrapped in my towel. I was about to grab my clothes and get dressed when EZ let out a distressed sound.

"Damn! What did he do to you?" He was looking at my shoulders and neck as I walked to my closet.

"What are you talking about?" I asked him, not sure why he looked so taken aback.

"Look at those damn hickies." He was staring at me with wide eyes. "I knew you were probably hiding one or two, I did not expect that many." I laughed at his response.

"Honestly, I stopped trying to count them all this morning, and now I am just dealing with it."

"Now that looks like you had a fucking good time if you ask me. How can you not want to see him again?" He asked me once more.

"Maybe I don't wanna walk around as a giant hickey again after these all go away." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him to finish what I was doing.

"Oh my god!" I heard him yell again. "He even bit you!"

"What?" I spun around to look at him, shock written all over my face. "He didn't bite me!" I insisted. There was no way he did that to me. He couldn't have. That would have been wrong, very wrong. He can't have done that.

"Well he did." EZ walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "It's almost healed already because you're like super bitch and heal too fast, but it's there. A bite mark right here." He poked it with his finger and I felt the jolt of pain then.

"No, he can't. He can't bite me. He didn't. Tell me he didn't really bite me EZ, please tell me that. Tell me you're joking." I knew he was telling the truth. EZ never lied to me and I felt the mark when he touched it. But it couldn't be what I thought it was, could it. It didn't mean what I thought it meant.

"What's the big deal?" EZ looked at me like he didn't understand the mini freak out that I was having. That's because EZ just didn't understand what it meant for someone like me to be bitten. If this K guy was not human. If he was another other, another supernatural such as myself, then this bite meant something more than just an act of passion. Oh my god, please tell me he was just a human, tell me he didn't do what I think he did.