Without taking my eyes off the sleeze that was trying to grope my best friend I rose from my spot on the couch and stomped across the dance floor. That new guy was grabbing at EZ and I saw that those advances were not being accepted. Each time that the man put his hands somewhere on him EZ would then push the man's hands away.

I could see the distress on EZ's face now. He was getting annoyed but the man was just not getting it. He kept going back for more each time he was pushed away.

"Can you stop?!" I heard EZ's distressed voice now that I was closer, my hearing was better than everyone else's here, well that is unless there were other shifters here.

"Come on man, find someone else, we're dancing here." I heard Nigel try to send the man on his way as he stepped in between EZ and that sleaze ball.

"Get lost." Mr. Handsy pushed Nigel aside, a feat that was not exactly easy to do since Nigel didn't look weak. Was this man another like me? "I want to dance with this sexy little snack."

"What the hell?" Nigel seemed baffled by the fact that he was pushed aside so easily.

That was when I made it to EZ's side, and incidentally, to the prick who kept groping him. I caught his wrist as he made to grab for EZ once more. With my hold on the side of his wrist I twisted his arm back and to the side.

"OW! FUCK! What the hell?" The man screamed when I had his arm twisted almost to the breaking point.

"I think you should keep your hands to yourself." I snarled at him as I pushed with the grip I had on his arm, a move that sent the man sprawling to the floor.

I had been right about this man not being human when I was walking. Now that I was right next to him I could smell his scent, vampire.

"Why are you trying to play the hero for him? He won't choose you." The man was laughing at me when he said this. "No matter how much you act like a man he doesn't swing your way." I could see the triumph in the man's eyes, he thought he could beat me.

"I don't need to worry about my brother falling for me." I glared at him, letting my eyes change just a little. I knew that the light brown color would be lightening to a bright golden yellow. I felt my canine teeth begin to protrude, telling me that I was shifting a little more than I had planned on.

It had been so long since the last time I had allowed myself to shift. In a sense I had been locking my wolf away, little by little. Her senses were dulled, but still there. I could smell better than humans, I was still stronger than humans, but I never fully let her out of the cage. I hadn't let her out in at least five years. This was the closest to the surface that I had let her come in a long time.

I also knew that there would be that powerful scent coming off of me, something that even a vampire should recognize if he spent any amount of time around shifters. But apparently, this vampire hadn't, that or he was just stupid.

"Do you think I am scared of you, bitch? I could crush you in a matter of seconds." He was grinning like an idiot when he spoke.

"Wanna find out?" I smiled right back, showing my canines even more. "I want to see what you have to offer, you scumbag."

"What the fuck did you just call me?" The vampire was getting to his feet now, angry and snorting with rage.

"I called you a scumbag, you moron. Are you that hard of hearing?" I could hear the derisive laughter in my voice and I knew it would only fuel his anger.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, you whore."

"Now that's just wrong, I never charge." I heard EZ laugh then, not at all worried about the situation, Nigel on the other hand looked at EZ like he had lost his mind.

"I'm going to fucking murder you!" The sleazy scumbag asshole had made a threat that was loud enough for the whole club to hear. There were gasps and whispers starting everywhere.

"I think we should take this some place outside, don't you snapper?" I hoped that he would take offense to the new nickname I was giving him.

Without waiting for a response from him I grabbed the back of his shirt and hefted him to his feet. From there I proceeded to drag him out of the building and to the alley that ran along beside it.

I gave him no warning before I tossed him from my grip, causing him to sprawl unceremoniously onto the ground.

"Now, I think you need to learn a valuable lesson here." I was glaring at the man as I spoke with every ounce of authority I could muster.

"What makes you think I need to listen to you?" He snapped back at me, but I could tell that he was a little deflated compared to how he was inside.

"I know you have eyes and a nose, I can fucking see them on your ugly ass face. There's even a complete set as I can see the ears too. So why don't you use that combo there and take the time to figure some things out." I was just pinning him to the ground with a glare, a look powerful enough that it usually made most people cower or scamper when they saw it. This vampire was doing the former.

"What are you?" He looked at me with fear filled eyes. "You look and smell like a wolf but what are you exactly?"

"So you've figured that part out, good for you Einstein, I guess you're not completely hopeless. So now use those ears of yours and tell me what they have been telling you. Try to figure out what it is that you have been hearing, what is it about my voice, my tone, that really makes you afraid.

The vampire tilted his head as if deep in thought. He was staring at me. At my eyes, at my fangs, an appraising look up and down as he scanned me all over. After a second it was like the thought had finally clicked into place. I watched as he paled, even more than he already was. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

"No, you can't be. How can you be a- be a- be-b-b-b-be a-a-a-." He was beginning to lose his composure and stutter like a scared little baby.

"You've figured it out then, have you? I advise you not to push me anymore. I protect this city, got it? I will not allow you to forcefully feed from people."

"I wasn't going to feed off of him. I wanted to dance with him. He-he's sexy." He hung his head in shame. "I was never going to hurt him."

"Then ask next time, you'll find yourself getting a lot more approval that way."

"I-I will, I promise."


"W-what's your name? I want to work for you. I have no place in the world. I need someone like you. Please."

"My name is not important right now. If there is a reason for us to work together then I will find you."

"You will?" He seemed excited. "M-my name is Laremy, please don't ignore me.

Laremy gave me a paper with his phone number on it before he ran off. Just as he was running out of the alley EZ and Nigel were coming down it toward me.

"Is everything OK, Jacy?" EZ asked me. "You didn't seem to have hurt him too bad."

"How did you manage him like that?" Nigel seemed to me in awe.

"I have a very compelling method." I laughed as I turned to face them more. "Everything is fine, really. But, I think I am going to go home EZ. Are you staying?" I didn't like the idea of him being here without me, and he knew it.

"No, I will come with you." He nodded at me then turned to look at Nigel. "Thank you for the dance, I am sorry that things got interrupted."

"Maybe we can go out sometime. See how things work out then." Nigel was beaming at EZ with a hopeful look practically overflowing from his eyes.

"I'd like that."

I watched on as EZ and Nigel exchanged contact information. Once they were done EZ kissed his cheek quickly and hurried after me down the alley. The two of us hopped in a cab and went home. I already felt like today had lasted a week. Why was it so exhausting?