EZ and I went straight to bed when we got home. Of course he slept in my bed, there was nowhere else for him to sleep. I was used to sharing a bed with EZ though, and I was glad that I had a king size because EZ was a total bed hog. Everytime I slept with him I wound up with his leg on my side or an elbow in my ribs. It was always like that, but I didn't care.

Come the morning, EZ insisted on going to breakfast because he was crap for help in the kitchen and he said I wasn't much better. I never could compare to the food he'd had growing up, but I was OK. He just didn't care for my personal style of cooking. It was edible at least.

While we were waiting for the food to be brought to us at the cafe where even a coffee had a double digit price, EZ brought up a subject I know he had been thinking about since last night.

"So, I want to help you find Mr Mysterious." He was looking at me as he sipped his espresso.

"Find him how?" I asked him, curious to know what exactly he planned to do.

"Come on J, you know what I mean." He glared at me like I was not giving him the proper respect. "What is it I can do for you?"

"You're planning to hack into the bar's security server." I shrugged my shoulders. "How will that help me remember his name? I will remember what he looked like, yeah, but that is all."

"If he paid with a credit card I can hack into the system for the card reader and get his name for you there. I can then use that info to find out exactly who he is."

"And why should I figure out who he is? What makes you think I want to know anything about him?" I took a drink of my coffee then too, trying to hide my face.

"Because I know you."

"So what." I dismissed his words like they meant nothing.

"Jacy!" EZ snapped at me then and gave me a stern look, like he didn't want to deal with my denial anymore. "I know that look in your eyes. It's the look you get when you just can't leave something alone. Not to sound too mean, or too spot on, but you're like a dog with a bone. You will gnaw at this situation until you can't take it anymore. I don't know if it's just that you can't remember that night and you need to for sanity's sake, or if deep down you're thinking this guy might be something special to you. But I know you're practically desperate to find him out."

"Don't you think it's just best to leave sleeping dogs lie? What if we find him and then I want to forget him again?"

"Then drink him out of your memory again. You did it once." EZ laughed at me again, finding my whole situation funny.

"EZ." I said his name with an annoyed tone as I rolled my eyes all to show him that I did not appreciate his joke.

"I was kidding and you know it." EZ laughed at me as he shook his head. "But we can just start with a profile of him. It's best to know who the guy is just in case. Besides you never know, maybe he will be your destiny."

"I don't have a destiny. I never will." I could hear the sorrow in those words myself.

"Why are you so against it?" He asked me, and not for the first time. "Can't you give love a chance? You've never loved anyone as far as I know."

"I love you, for some stupid reason or another." I grinned as I laughed at him.

"And I love you too you pessimistic bitch, but that's not the point. I am your best friend and pseudo little brother, of course you love me. You know I am talking about someone you could actually be with." His eyes then were filled with concern for me, and an intense familial love.

"Fine, I'll let you look for him. But that doesn't mean that I need to be happy about it. I will never try to find the guy, ever." I knew that I was giving him the most intense look I could muster in that moment, which actually wasn't that intense at all.

"That's fine, but you need to know who he was, who he is. And then you will be able to decide after that if you want to find him. But at least you will have that choice to make." I know that EZ was just looking out for me, I knew it and that's why my heart was swelling with happiness at his intense words.

"Thank you EZ." I smiled at him, loving him even more then because he was showing me how much he loved me.

We ate our breakfasts then. EZ had a spinach and cheese omelet with a side of rye toast and a bowl of fruit. I had a stack of pancakes, a pile of bacon, three fried eggs, hash browns and toast, nothing less than what I would normally eat. We shifters really do eat a lot more to keep these metabolisms running.

These breakfasts didn't happen often enough for the two of us. Not unless he happened to stay at my place or he went with me on an assignment, neither of which happened very often. I was happy to be able to spend these times with him. He really was the best friend that I had ever had. He was the most important person in the world to me. And to think, if I hadn't saved him from some assholes seven years ago I never would have met him.

"Thank you, EZ. Thank you for always being there for me."