I think my heart just about stopped. I couldn't possibly be seeing him right now. What was he doing here? Why was he at my apartment?

I didn't know the answers to these questions so all I wanted to do was leave. If I stayed here I would most likely hit him. Then I'd probably kiss him. And I couldn't afford to do either of those things right now.

I went to take a step back but I could already hear the elevator doors closing behind me. I had lost my chance to escape. I was not going to be forced to interact with him. What the fuck was I going to do?

"Jacy." Kyle's voice was full of so many different things that I couldn't help but wonder exactly what he was trying to say with just my name. There was desire, a thirst for dominance, happiness, anger, elation. So many different things.

I chose to ignore him and attempt to walk toward my door. He had been off to the side so he wasn't blocking my way. Well, he hadn't been blocking my way, but as soon as I took a few steps in the direction of my door he moved to stop me.

"Why won't you talk to me, sweetheart?" He looked like he was at least genuinely wondering why I was ignoring him.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know who you are." I played dumb and went to walk around him.

"Now, even if you did forget that night, which I doubt, I'm sure my scent was still left behind for you to memorize the following morning." He was smiling happily as he looked down at me. Stupid fucking cat. "I've missed you, Jacy, and I have been trying to run into you again. But you seem to be a very hard person to get a hold of."

"I prefer it that way." I glared at him and tried to walk around him while I added in a whisper. "And I did forget that night."

"Really? Perhaps the drinks were too strong. However, you seem to have no trouble remembering me now."

"That's because I remembered you yesterday." I stopped moving now and was just glaring at him.

"Only two days to remember by face? I am happy that I was lost from your mind until this meeting." He took a step toward me and I instinctively took one back. I wanted to avoid whatever physical interaction would come from the two of us. "I can't tell you how happy I was to see you at my office today. And that scent you so graciously left behind for me, it was wonderful."

"Stop talking like there is anything going on between us. It was a one night thing. I'm sure you've had lots of one night stands. Do you go around checking up on all of them too?" I took another step back as he moved a little closer. I noticed he was ushering me down the left side of the hall toward the other condos.

"No, you're the only one I can't get out of my head. You're the only one whose scent drives me insane. You're the only one who awakens the beast inside of me. You're the only one that I want."

I gulped at hearing his words. What he was saying to me right now sounded like a confession of love, or at the very least the description of a mate bond. What the hell? How did this happen?

"Sounds to me like you need to get your nose checked because I am not what you think I am."

"Why are you trying to lie to yourself, baby? You should accept my love and affection for you. Let me show you what being with you would really be like." There was definitely a purr in his voice now.

Just then, my back hit the wall next to the newly occupied condo. I hoped the new tenants didn't decide to come out right now and saw us like this.

"Come on, Jacy, let's go somewhere we can talk."

"What makes you think I want to talk to you, huh?" I glared at him with every ounce of the anger I had built up recently. "Why would I want to talk to you after what you did to me?"

"I did nothing but follow my animal instincts." He was putting on an innocent look that made me want to smack his stupid, handsome, sexy, drool worthy face.

"You bit me!" I yelled at him. "You fucking bit me! Were you trying to mark me?"

"I admit I wasn't thinking at the time. I didn't go into this planning to mark you, but my beast took over for me. He kept telling me that you were the one for me."

"Fuck that!" I scoffed at him as I pushed against his chest, trying to create some distance since he was right in my personal space now. "I don't have a mate. I never will. I don't want one."

"But fate decides for us, sweetheart. We're meant to be."

"No." I didn't know who I was trying to convince right now, him or me. "No, I will not have a mate."

"Shhh." He put his hands on my hips and pressed forward even more. "Shhh, Jacy, just calm down. We can work this out."

The moment he touched me it's like all my resolve just melted away. My body was crying out for him, begging me to take him. My wolf was still howling in my mind. No matter how hidden and muted I had made her, she could smell him and she wanted him. Was it this way for him too? Did he feel the exact same things I was feeling? That pull, that drive that was telling me to kiss him, to hold him, to pull him to me and wrap my legs around his hips. Did he feel anything at all like that?