I was still in a state of shock when Kyle went back to the computer and started to do his thing. I guess he really was a computer genius just like EZ is. Speaking of EZ I hadn't let him know that I was OK, yet. I hadn't called him for a while actually. I bet he is so worried that he is going to scream at me.

Ugh. I guess I need to call him now. I can't really put it off any longer. With a resigned sigh I pulled out my phone so that I could call him.

The phone rang just once before he picked it up and his high pitched, slightly shrill, desperate voice came over the line.

"Oh my God, Jacy. Are you OK? I have been worried sick about you. Do you know what horrible scenarios I have been picturing? Thanks to you I have a vivid picture in my head of what people can do to you and let's just say the shit I have been picturing just isn't pretty."