I had been sitting on the bed tracking down my mate's prey when I heard the loud angry voice start to come through the phone Jacy was holding. I heard the man named Ezekiel yell at Jacy and ask her if she was OK. He sounded as worried as any brother ever did. And apparently, Jacy's nickname for Ezekiel was EZ. I would have to remember that. 

Under normal circumstances I would have stepped in and stopped someone from yelling at my mate like that, but there were a few reasons I didn't. One was because of what he was saying to her. He was clearly worried about her and was telling her that she should have called him sooner. Honestly I even mouthed those words to her. She didn't like that very much and ended up mouthing the words 'shut up' back at me.

Another reason why I didn't interrupt her was that I knew that, for whatever reason, Ezekiel wasn't against my relationship with Jacy. He actually seemed to support it even before I met the man.