After EZ had laid into me I was sitting and contemplating what he had told me. He had been harsh but I guess he wasn't wrong. I was running away and being mean to Kyle because I was afraid of my past. I didn't want to repeat the same mistakes that my parents had made. I didn't want to end up murdered like they had been.

While I was sitting there, lost in thought, Kyle came over to me and knelt on the floor. He had a serious look in his eyes, almost like he had something really important or really hard to discuss with me. It was probably both.

"Jacy, tell me what happened to you." Yup, I was right. Important and hard to discuss. For me at least.

"That's a loaded question. It can mean so many different things. Do you mean what happened to me yesterday? Do you want to know what happened before you got there? Did you want to know what made me leave town so fast, or why I ran away from you at the inn?"