I felt like I hadn't been asleep for very long by the time that EZ came barging into my room. He turned on the light and was already talking to me before my brain was even awake enough to process the words that he was saying.

"Come on Jacy baby, it's time to get up. I need to make you beautiful for your special day."

"Urgh!" I groaned unhappily as I sat up in the bed. "What did you say, you little punk?"

"I said come on Jacy baby, it's time to get up. I need to make you beautiful for your special day."

"Are you saying I am not already beautiful?" I glared at him as I tried my best to sit up.

"You're always gorgeous, love. However, today you need to be extra beautiful. I need to make you so gorgeous that the entire wedding party is left feeling uncomfortable because Kyle can barely keep his hands off of you. I want you to be a walking piece of sex that Kyle literally craves all day long."