
The original was meek after being blinded by love, letting herself be trampled over without retaliating.

To this, Xu Jiaqi wanted to protest with all her might. This was indeed her first world, purposefully made easier for her to go through. So many challenges depicted in the storyline would be ruined if Xu Jiaqi just changed her countenance.

Clearly, Xu Jiaqi had the potential to be a lot more. In the story, she was not even a side character, she was a side side character. How could an esteemed family's prized daughter be reduced to this?

[Host, Zhou Yuan is still outside. He is visibly upset, but his shock made him incapable of moving.]

The tall man's mouth was gaping in shock as he tried to recall the woman's normal responses. He had met this particular heiress a few times, and she usually looked at him with admiration. What happened today?

The actual answer was right there, but he once again failed to see where he was wrong because of his love blindness.

The storyline was so strong, the leads' attraction was unbeatable.

'Perfect. Acting like this turns out to be not so bad, ah. It's like a casual game.' Xu Jiaqi said. Inside her mind, she was holding a book that she borrowed from the System for research purposes. Its title was 'A Guide for Lovable White Lotuses'.

So resourceful.

Xu Jiaqi read another passage of the book before she decided that it was time to incite the man further.

She deliberately leaned her back against the door, letting her body slip down gracefully and falling into a cradled position. She cried loudly, making sure that Zhou Yuan could hear her wails from outside the room.

Zhou Yuan heard the entire tirade and felt conflicted. He stood there, still dumbfounded from Xu Jiaqi's slap. He regained some sense and became furious.

What debt did he have with the woman, that she was allowed to slap him like this?

So poisonous, he must take revenge to regain his dignity!

He was angered, and wanted to rush back into the room to retaliate a bit. However, before his palm could even reach the door handle, he was stunned by the heart-wrenching sounds of Xu Jiaqi's endless sobbing.

Although they were separated by the wooden door, and he couldn't see the woman's appearance, the tragic sounds were enough to fuel one's imagination.

Imagining the woman's tearful condition, applied to her dazzling looks, it created a scenario that was extremely.. pleasing to look at?

Right, it would be quite the appetizing sight. An attractive woman like Xu Jiaqi crying because of his actions, how was he supposed to stay calm and intact?

This was not to say that beauty ruled the world, but still, who didn't like beauty?

Zhou Yuan's brain finally began to sympathize with Xu Jiaqi, the woman he wanted to confront despite the storyline's fate that made his mind only favor Bai Mengxue unfairly.

Zhou Yuan: Actually, this slap wasn't that harsh. Don't cry. There, there, do you want some candy?

Xu Jiaqi: Uncle, mommy System said stranger danger.

System: Since when am I your mom? Besides, you are older than Zhou Yuan!

Unbeknownst to him, Xu Jiaqi was only making up the sounds. Her facial expression was filled with scorn as she bantered with the System about the matter of her sudden change of character into a white lotus.

System: You said you loathed people like Xu Jiaxin. Isn't she acting like a white lotus too?

Xu Jiaqi: It's different, ah. This is just acting for work, I'm not trying to ruin anybody's life, I'm just going to cry, cry, and cry. Aren't I pitiful? Wuwuwu.

System: Really pitiful, so pitiful that I'll volunteer to kick you off this world and nullify the contract.

Xu Jiaqi: Can you do that? Contracts can be nullified as fast as it you can eat a burger?

System: Can, I just need to self destruct. We can plunge into the void together. Isn't that lovely?

No words were exchanged. On one side, Xu Jiaqi cried with all her might, on the other side, Zhou Yuan stood still as his conscience bit into him. After thinking multiple times, he truly felt like he had gone too far this time. The person he came to reproach was the one and only Big Miss Xu. Offending her would be catastrophic, even if it was for the sake of Bai Mengxue.

Normally, his sensible, logical way of thinking would be eluded by the storyline's force. However, for this split second, he regained his logic and regretted his actions.

He currently held Bai Mengxue at a favorable position, but that didn't necessarily mean that he would be willing to sacrifice everything for the girl yet. He was a businessman, and he knew how important connections were. He had once gone through the bloodcurdling experience of being rejected just by not having the necessary connections, even when he had brought up his qualifications to the table.

The current him was strong, but not enough to afford a fight with the Xu family. He worked so hard for the empire he managed to raise up today. He definitely wouldn't agree to risk it all for Bai Mengxue's matter, even though he felt sympathy for her.

He pursed his lips, before knocking on the door twice. His voice was calm as he spoke. "Miss Xu, I apologize. I might've gotten too hot-headed. Let us have a proper discussion another time."

Xu Jiaqi gave a sly smile, knocking back on the door.

"Rejected, I don't feel like talking. Come apologize to me another day, next." she said, holding back her sobs.

"What..?" Zhou Yuan blinked a few times, stunned at her reply.

"Leave! I want to be alone for now." Xu Jiaqi raised her volume.

Zhou Yuan clicked his tongue. He acquiesced, thinking that the woman wouldn't be in the best condition to accept an apology anyway. He didn't press onto the matter, it could be done another day.