
"...Gone?" Xu Jiaqi mumbled in a low voice after hearing his footsteps fade away.

[Zhou Yuan is gone. Congratulations for overcoming your first act.]

Xu Jiaqi stretched out her arms, patting down on her wet face and drying out the excess tears. Her eyes and throat were tired after bawling that hard.

She sneered, mocking the man's behavior in her heart. So willful, so immature. Luckily, she was powerful and knew to divert him away without causing any damage.

Her eyes swept through the room's interior. It was sizeable, but not up to what Xu family's standards should be. There were also not much personal belongings.

"This isn't my house, right?" Xu Jiaqi mused.

[Yes. You are currently in a hotel called The Ark, with a VIP room assigned to your name. A ball will be held here tonight at 7 p.m. and you are supposed to attend it.] The System reported.

"Seven? Ao, there's only a few hours left."

Xu Jiaqi stood up and gathered her stuff around. She had to get ready if she wanted to present a perfect appearance.

"Hmm.. If I stayed here as a VIP guest.. I wouldn't be the only one staying on this floor, would I? We were so loud, did anybody hear?"

[I can't confirm that, Host.]

"Some random people probably heard. There should also be CCTVs in this floor.. It's going to be very easy to prove. That slag Zhou Yuan's reputation is going to take a hit... Ha, he deserves it!" Xu Jiaqi smiled in triumph.

[Wouldn't Host's reputation also be affected that way?]

"That's why this calls for another act, ah. We are going to continue the white lotus approach.. in front of the public. System, my baby, aren't you excited?" Xu Jiaqi giggled madly and almost couldn't control herself from slipping into a maniacal laughter.

System: Excited, very excited. When they found out about your true personality, I'll be one of the people who throw stones down at you.

It seems like his Host had hit her head on the way to transmigration. Sanity level dropped by a half.

Uncaring of the System's thoughts, Xu Jiaqi prepared herself for the upcoming ball in high spirits. She took a bath and freshened up.

The Xu family was very meticulous, they had prepared everything for her. She only needed to get into the outfit and step into the ballroom with grace.

The gown was a splendid white halter dress with various subtle, yet enchanting embellishments crafted onto the quality fabric. A pair of crystal heels that sparkled as she turned it in different angles were presented in a neat box. Various beauty products and tools. Along with it, various other accessories placed in another box, containing earrings, a diamond necklace, hair clips, and others.

The original Xu Jiaqi had always thought that makeup was suffocating, so she rarely wore a lot. She loved skincare, her skin was as supple and creamy as a newborn baby's. Her large doe eyes were slightly curved upwards, creating a lovely charm. Her eyebrows were full even before being drawn. A dainty nose, and plump naturally red lips. She had great proportions, and the dress she wore complemented her curves well. The crystal heels added 8 centimeters to her height. She had the perfect balance between a sensual and cute charm, contrasting against each other.

She sat down in front of the dressing table and began working her magic. Everything she needed was already in front of her. There was a large variant of new, untouched products. Truly generous, spending so much money on buying all these.

Xu Jiaqi picked out several items and set the rest aside.

The stylist her family had hired for her called in, but Xu Jiaqi refused the service and told her that she would be doing everything on her own. She also assured that the stylist wouldn't be held accountable for anything, and the generous payment will be diligently sent to her bank account. Being offered that, in addition to not wanting to disobey the Big Miss Xu's orders, the stylist quickly agreed.

After applying careful, practiced techniques, she managed to style herself in a way that perpetuated her white lotus halo. Her hair was slightly curled into waves, dazzling diamond hair clips stabbed into the sides. Simple additional accessories pinned down. A suitable perfume scent sprayed all over. Her makeup? Of course, it communicated innocence and purity.

"Luckily, the reddened eyes quickly dissipated with some treatment. If not, I will personally come to Zhou Yuan and beat him up." Xu Jiaqi applied the last bit of her styling and was satisfied with the result.

This type of beauty and style, once she went down to the ball and stood below the chandelier, there would be no woman that is brave enough to challenge her looks.

Xu Jiaqi: As expected, there is nothing that I can't do.

"Let's go, System." Xu Jiaqi stood up, admiring her reflection in the mirror one last time before picking up her matching clutch and leaving her room.

She walked into the elevator with confidence, descending to the lowest floor and stepping into the ball room with a gentle smile on her face.

Light shone onto her figure and exposed her ethereal looks.

Everyone's attention gathered onto Xu Jiaqi's imposing presence. They recognized the woman as the famous protected pearl of the Xu family, the sheltered princess that was hard to see. Their eyes scanned the woman, wanting to identify the depths of her ability and whether she was worth her fame or not.

From the first glance, they already felt entranced by her beauty, unable to take their eyes off the woman. However, the people who gathered her tonight weren't as simple as that, beauty wasn't enough to prove one's qualifications. Everyone was of high status, and practically knew each other and their mothers.

Only, this Big Miss Xu was a bit peculiar. Normally, she would politely refuse to attend parties, but this one ball was graced with her presence.