
Despite being a big miss, Xu Jiaqi was not that sociable with the elite society. Her thoughts on these gatherings were similar to that of a terrible auction, where everybody was a product to be judged and evaluated by each other.

Kind words would be spoken on the outside, but they would contain a double meaning, a sharp edge to strike with. Negative news would be fervently discussed and brought up.

In particular, the 'hot news' today seemed to involve herself, the Big Miss Xu.

They had heard of the news. That day, Xu Jiaqi was staying at her room, and the young man Zhou Yuan's room was on the same floor as hers, which was how he got the opportunity to approach her in the first place. Ambiguous things elapsed, but the main points were Xu Jiaqi's wails and Zhou Yuan's angered shouting. They weren't the only people who stayed in the entire building, and news like this could spread like wildfire very easily. Especially when there was security footage being distributed around.

After Xu Jiaqi settled down, a couple people walked over to her and greeted her. Of course, their purpose wasn't only to serve formality. They wanted to dig into her matters and find out more details about the scandalous incident.

Like packs of crafty foxes and hyenas, they stood in front of the calm Xu Jiaqi.

"Miss Xu, it's such an honor to meet you today! You usually refuse to go to our balls, and when you finally decide to come, your impact is enough to topple several nations!" A man raised up his glass of wine, gesturing for Xu Jiaqi to toast with him.

Xu Jiaqi respectfully accepted, clinking their glasses and sipping the liquid.

"Surely you jest. I didn't mean to refuse everybody's invites, it's just that I am not that great with crowds.. Besides, my parents wouldn't like me going out to party too much. They have always said that going out will risk my heart being stolen by a rotten man." Xu Jiaqi charmingly looked up to the other party's eyes, making him blush at the frank stare.

Laughter erupted, creating a merry atmosphere.

"Miss Xu likes to joke. Come to think of it, why did you attend today? Is there any special occasion?" A young woman tried to pry in.

"I just came out to get some fresh experience, am I not welcome?"

"Of course you are welcome!"

In discussions like this, their main purpose wouldn't be revealed in a straightforward manner. All of them were experienced, and they knew to be careful with their words.

Only after they exchanged many conversations did the topic start to shift towards the scandal.

"Right, Miss Xu, we heard that.. some things happened in your floor. Are you alright? It seemed very serious."

Xu Jiaqi internally smirked. The question she had been waiting for came. Her acting skills were put to the table as she started to play her character.

"Ah.. about that, I am also not sure. I don't know.. how I even got to anger his person for him to come and scold me," Xu Jiaqi answered with a gloomy smile. "Even my parents haven't berated me like that. Truly a shame, ah. I thought that the Zhou head would be a sensible person."

Upon hearing her words, their ears instantly perked up at the words 'Zhou head'.

"So that Zhou company's head really went up to you and started scolding?"

"Yes, ah. It really was Zhou Yuan. I am not deeply connected with him, perhaps you all might know something that made him do this? If you do, then please tell me." Xu Jiaqi let out a gentle sigh, her eyelashes fluttering as she lowered her gaze.

Those around her instantly felt heaps of pity and criticized Zhou Yuan inside their hearts.

The Big Miss Xu was a refined lady from birth, whereas Zhou Yuan was just somebody who is starting to climb up the social ranks. It was already a great luck for him to talk with Xu Jiaqi, from where did he get the courage to shout at her?

A difference in their upbringing, ah. No one was there to teach Zhou Yuan about high society etiquette and manners, no wonder his attitude was still the same as a normal people.

After getting their confirmation, the crowd started to disperse and go around to socialize with the others. Soon, Xu Jiaqi was left alone, sitting with a triangular cheesecake and red wine.

She took out her mobile phone, thinking to take a picture of the delicacy and post it to her Weibo. Xu Jiaqi opened her camera application and accidentally had it set up to the front camera.

Her face was still pretty as ever, but there was a towering figure who loomed like a ghost behind her. Her heart jumped, almost losing the grip on her phone.

It gave her a small heart attack, damn it.

Xu Jiaqi held back the mouthful of curses she was prepared to spit out and carefully turned around, giving the dark faced man a sweet smile.

"...You are?" Xu Jiaqi asked.

The man paused for a couple seconds before answering. "Qin Zicheng."

'The second male lead, Qin Zicheng?'

[Yes, Host.] The System confirmed his identity.

"Ah, it turns out to be the Qin heir. I am Xu Jiaqi." She stretched out her hand to offer up a handshake, which was casually accepted by the man.

The moment Qin Zicheng took her hand into his own, he felt a small spark inside his heart. Xu Jiaqi's hands were slender, her skin flawless and soft. The short contact already made him not want to release his grip.

"Mister Qin?" Xu Jiaqi tilted her head in confusion, shaking her hand to try and break free from his hold.

The man didn't budge, nor did he show a speck of expression.

"Do you like bunnies?" The man's question was so random and sudden that Xu Jiaqi could only blink puzzledly.