
"I'll accept that answer. Like I said, you don't need to think that far when you're with me. Let's just enjoy the moment.. as two adults who somehow took a liking to each other. I don't really fall for someone that easily, so you are quite special, you know?"

Qin Zicheng received the statement and felt flattered. He had a hard time coming up with an equally good compliment, and he only decided on a suitable one after a good minute had passed. This panicked side of him made it even more endearing for Xu Jiaqi to look at.

Xu Jiaqi loved to see the man's expressive attitudes. He was a lot more innocent despite what everybody had been projecting to his personality.

Just because he was the large ringleader behind a massive corporation, and because he showed a lack of interest in things, people branded him as scary and frightening. In fact, what she saw wasn't that. It was just a man who couldn't find his probe. A trigger to his feelings.

For him, and her missions, she was willing to become the probe to his heart.

The source of his obsession.. and also the target of it.

Xu Jiaqi's eyes curved up as she smiled, chuckling lowly. They enjoyed the rest of their dinner and deepened their interactions even more especially because of their updated status of relationship. They were able to tread into cautious realms, and try to invoke amorous feelings from each other. They were able to sound their feelings.

As Qin Zicheng drove the woman back to her home, he was a bit worried as he spoke. "My enemies might mark you down as one of my people. Although I have always kept a stern eye on what I treasure, you might be out of range when danger approaches. This might be a strange request, but are you willing to let me employ bodyguards for you? I will ensure that they won't be intrusive, but it is necessary if we are talking about safety. No matter how hard we try to hide it, they will definitely find out and try to sabotage people on your side too. I'm not worried about your family business because I know they can handle it, and I could help as well. But your personal safety..." Qin Zicheng said in one go.

"...Ge, you are too worried. Although I may look weak, I'm not. Besides, I already have several bodyguards tailing me when I go out. Naturally, I didn't bring them because I know that being with you is probably the safest place I can ever hide to. As for your people... I don't mind them as long as they don't cause problems and inconveniences for me." Xu Jiaqi smiled.

She thought that it was rather sweet. The man, who was said to be overbearing had to ask about putting people around her even though he knew it was necessary. If she refused, what would he do? Wouldn't he still need to protect her?

They both got out of the car and stood in front of each other.

Xu Jiaqi gave Qin Zicheng a hug, patting him on the back. "Don't worry. You're not scared of your enemies, I'm not scared of them too. We can deal with those pesky bastards together, hm?"

"...Okay." Qin Zicheng felt his heartbeat increase rapidly again and knew that the woman will be able to figure it out if he let her hug him any longer. Thus, he slowly removed her bear hug and coughed. "It's getting late, go back inside. Your parents will say that I am a bad person for not returning you early."

"Ao? I won't let them say that about you, ge. I am the one who agreed to the outing. It was fun. Please do invite me next time.. Mr. Boyfriend." Xu Jiaqi smirked, giving a short and simple kiss to the taller man on the lips before turning around and leaving.

"Will do.. Ms. Girlfriend." Qin Zicheng sighed as he felt that the kiss was too short, and that he wanted to deepen it, but couldn't. Alas, he thought that he would have more opportunities in the future, so he rested the case.

Time trickled by. Day by day, there would be a new update on Xu Jiaqi's cleaning progress. The criminals that she caught were all prosecuted and put behind bars, and she made sure that they received the utmost punishment and pulled some strings behind the scene to make it near impossible for them to be released before their defined sentence.

Unfortunately, she was unable to successfully catch Bai Mengxue's father for good. Someone must have placed their hand into the matter as well. She started an investigation about who would be able to resist the influence of the Xu family, and even used the System's help to identify the problem, but it was all for nothing.

It was as if the one who did the job wasn't even human. There were no traces, and no matter how hard she tried to question the suspect, the culprit was always anonymous. It made Xu Jiaqi wonder how Bai Mengxue was able to get such a powerful person on her side when she was supposed to be an innocent and meek girl.

However, instead of brooding over it longer, she had a nobler purpose, and that was to better the company for her future self's sake as well. When she inherited the company, she wouldn't have as much time to clean up the trash. Her father was also like that. Although he loathed the leeches, cleaning up had the possibility to shake the entire foundation up and incur them with more losses than gains.

Xu Jiaqi was the perfect assassin for the bugs since she had enough free time and skill to deal with them effectively. Xu Zheng naturally noticed his daughter's momentums and repeatedly warned for her to be careful with her actions in case something happens.

Xu Jiaqi: Heh, me and the System, we are the perfect pair. Who can harm us?

Later, it turned out that there was indeed someone who could harm them.