
Months kept passing by.

As Xu Jiaqi worked, Bai Mengxue was also struggling to get out of her dilemma and cast retribution back on the woman who she hated with a passion.

She screamed inside her heart that this was all because of Xu Jiaqi. If it wasn't for her, the relationship she had with Zhou Yuan would be smooth, and her father would've never gotten into trouble. She would've never had to get it on with her 'Tian ge'.

Granted, this Tian ge was a powerful man who could give her what she wanted. However, since she was still in a relationship with Zhou Yuan, this meant that she was cheating on the man with every single dirty deed that she performed. However, this Tian ge did not only act uncaring towards the other man in the relationship, he actually took pleasure in the fact that he was defiling the woman of the one and only Zhou Yuan.

It raised the competitive spirit inside him and made him feel like he just obtained victory since he stole the woman. Actually, he had lost quite the fair share of his interest towards this woman. When he first met her, Bai Mengxue stood out from the crowd and made him think that it would be fun to obtain the woman and destroy her inside out, make her admit that he subdued her.

Yes, he had such poisonous thoughts when he pursued her. He worked in the underground section for so long, there was no longer any shred of innocence within his soul. All he wanted to do was conquer and gain more power. Pleasure. Worldly benefits.

Obtaining Bai Mengxue in exchange for letting her father go was an exchange that he couldn't miss out because of how simple the matter was to him. He enjoyed his reward with a great appetite, and even left Bai Mengxue fainted and inconvenienced for days after their extensive intimate actions.

After he tasted her, he debated whether or not to end the agreement and sell her off, but he opted to keep her just out of spite for Zhou Yuan and to satisfy his inner devil. 

Tian ge's full name was Hu Jingtian, a well known boss. His infamy spread everywhere to the point that not a single person in the underground business would be unaware of him. As powerful as he is, he had a lot of restrictions in society. Ever since he was little, the underground path was the only thing that was presented to him if he wanted to survive. Unlike others, he couldn't simply jump into the clean society all of a sudden. His life was filled with criminal records, and those couldn't be erased easily. 

Naturally, having been restricted like this since little, his mind grew twisted with each passing second and led him to develop to one of the greatest criminals who established his position in the area.

This same man got a request from Bai Mengxue earlier after they had finished their passionate session. Bai Mengxue wanted him to get rid of Xu Jiaqi. It was a rather spontaneous request because she was reminded of Zhou Yuan when they were doing it. Xu Jiaqi, the catalyst of everything, made her angry and burst into tears as she accepted her sad fate right now.

Her body was being thrown around the bed every time Hu Jingtian wanted it. She couldn't refuse because she was heavily dependent on him, especially now that Zhou Yuan was starting to change for the 'worse' and his assets were lessening. He was a disgusting man, but what other choices did she have when Zhou Yuan was unable to help?

He was a very unstable man, and he had serious anger issues that once almost caused Bai Mengxue to suffer from internal injuries after getting beaten up by him.

She bit her lips in vexation after thinking about those painful memories. She poured her heart out, wanting to make Hu Jingtian sympathize with her and take on the mission.

"Tian ge, you must help me seek revenge, en?" Bai Mengxue latched on to Hu Jingtian's body. She did not have any clothes on as they had just finished an intercourse. Her body was aching all over because of Hu Jingtian's forceful and abusive treatments, but she bore all of it as she begged.

However, instead of getting the reaction she desired, the man immediately threw her off and made her stagger backwards. "What revenge? You are talking about Xu Jiaqi, that big miss Xu, right?! She is affiliated with Qin Zicheng! You are dumb, but how can you be this retarded? Stupid bitch! Who on Earth would dare touch Qin Zicheng's property if they didn't want to get fucked? Scram!"

He began raising his hand at the woman, punching and kicking her in the stomach.

Hu Jingtian thought that this woman was delusional and disgusting, and it killed off his mood. He stood up to drink a bottle of wine and smoke dangerous substances to alleviate his anger.

Bai Mengxue was trembling as she cowered down, her hatred rising once more as she winced in pain. 


- On Xu Jiaqi's side

[Host, the female lead is beyond salvation. I don't know what she experienced ever since you provoked her, but all that's on her mind is the thought of killing you. Nothing else, Host. Nothing else.] The System was starting to get worried.

Even though Xu Jiaqi was in a powerful position, one couldn't deny that a female lead was a miraculous being who could surpass all the normal pathways of thinking. It wouldn't be a surprise if Bai Mengxue somehow found a way to kill Xu Jiaqi. If she was killed before Qin Zicheng's favorability meter reached one hundred, wouldn't it made her fail the mission?

However, contrary to the System's panic, Xu Jiaqi was actually rather calm.

"Actually, isn't this the perfect opportunity to solve everything in a flash? I don't mind spending an entire lifetime, but to know that I have to keep my act for that long, and risking his favorability dropping as we get older isn't really the best feeling ever. If I could just fish for the perfect chance to make everything wrapped up perfectly, then I will just die early. It will still count as having spent a lifetime with him, right? If I died." Xu Jiaqi stated with a controlled poise, as if she wasn't talking about her own tragic death.

Indeed, this made quite a bit of sense.

Qin Zicheng's favorability meter rested peacefully at 78. It was actually very high. After many months of getting to know Xu Jiaqi, Qin Zicheng was finally ready to propose to the woman.

Once the proposal was done, and they got married, it was expected that Qin Zicheng's favorability would rise again, getting her nearer to the goal.

However, favorability points fluctuated. Just like how they can rise with high momentum, they can also drop with high momentum. If she slacked off on her acting, what if Qin Zicheng fell out of love? A higher risk of failing the mission.

Xu Jiaqi: Yep, the solution is really to die early. Let's look for methods to die and leave a lasting memory... A love interest that can never be forgotten. Haha.