The Reality

Later after school Leo asks them to come over so maybe they can talk to his mom about the house and the history of it, but they can't because the fosters have a family reunion today after school and they'd be furious if the twins weren't there. Even though as much as they didn't wanna see all the people who refuse to claim them as family, they had no choice. The fosters aren't that bad they just know that Jason and Jade aren't part of their blood so they don't feel remorse when the twins mess something up and they decide to disclaim them. That stuff hurts a kid on a whole different level real parents or not.

"You guys want a ride home at least so you don't gotta take the lousy bus?" Leo asks, smiling like a little boy in a candy shop. Jade looks at Jason, "Its up to you, it doesn't matter to me, but it would save us a lot of drama."

"Are you sure man we don't mind walking or taking the bus?" Jason asks. "Yeah, it's no big deal. Then maybe you guys can let me know tomorrow if you guys can come over then and I'll talk to my mom about you guys joining the research." "Ok that sounds fun, let's go." Jason says smiling.

They get to Leo's car and the twins' mouths drop staring at the beautiful dark blue Cadillac sitting in front of them. Leo looks at them and starts laughing so hard he snorts. "Come on guys let's get you to this reunion before you guys get in trouble." They shake off the shock at the nice car and hop in. Jade jumps in the front and Jason in the back. Leo gets in the driver side, "So where we going?"

"You can just take us to Lincoln Park, its gonna be there." Jason says.

"You sure you guys don't wanna go home and get ready" says Leo.

"No we're good, they're gonna judge us no matter how we look, might as well get there and get this reunion over with." Jade says as she starts laughing.

They get to the park and hop out. There foster parents come up them with smoke and anger in their eyes. Their foster mom says, "So where are you guys coming from with this expensive car?" Leo hops out the drivers seat really quick and pauses for a second as Jade and Jason are wailing their arms around and shaking their heads, but its too late the foster parents see him step out of the car so he goes up to them anyways. "Sorry, I offered them a ride so they wouldn't have to walk or ride the bus." Leo says politely.

"And who might you be, driving my kids around." the twins' foster dad says sternly. "I'm new around here, me and my mom just moved out this way due to a project her job sent her on. My names Leo. Its nice to meet you." he says still being as polite as he can. "Likewise I suppose. My names Monica and this is my husband Garrett," their foster mom, Monica, says then looks at the twins, "we will discuss this later, but for now we have to get to the rest of my family."

"Ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean to intrude," Leo tells the fosters then looks back at Jade and Jason, "I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." The twins nod and wave bye then start heading to join the rest of the people that they're supposed to be able to call family.

* * *

Once they're all back to the house the twins start heading up to their rooms to get ready for bed. They're foster parents are heading out for some more drinks with the rest of the family, but before they leave they make it a point to go say something to the twins about getting a ride from someone they don't know. "So who is this Leo guy really?" Monica asks them. "Just a friend we met at school, he just started today and he was lost so he stuck with us for the day. He's a nice guy, he just needed some help." Jason speaks up before Jade can say anything, Monica and Jason don't have the worst relationship he's always been her favorite. Her and Jade just can never seem to get along or agree on anything. Its the same way for Jason and his foster dad, Garrett, but Jade just can never get along with either of them. They always threaten to send her to another foster home and try to be her "parents".

"Ok, well just be careful please because its not safe to just get in a car with someone you just met today." Monica says slightly annoyed. "He's our age Monica, he goes to school with us and he's the only one that's shown us kindness since everything. And we're going over tomorrow after school to help his mom with some of her research." Jade cuts in now irritated that Monica would just assume someone's a bad person before even knowing them. "That's because he doesn't know what happened, what you did! But fine go to his house help him, keep lying to him and keeping your fantasy friendship alive." Monica yells and then leaves without another word.