The next morning the twins get ready for school, the foster parents are home today. Jade gets ready grabs her brother and scurries out the door, she didn't feel like dealing with either of them.
"I wish when we went to a new foster home it was a new area and school too." Jade tells Jason. "No one would know who we are or what happened with the last foster parents."
* * *
Last year at the twins' old foster home, their foster brother Neil was obsessed with Jade and the only person who saw it was Jason, so when he tried to take advantage of her and she rejected him, he was mad. He told everyone at school they slept together and she begged for it. When the word got around Jason was pissed because he knew what happened he's the one that stopped it. Jason stepped up and said something to Neil so they got into a fight at the house they were staying in. That's when CPS had to start an investigation and move them to a new foster home.
The investigating came into conclusion that it was Jade who was pursuing Neil. So when that word got around school she was defenseless, no one would hear her out not even the new fosters.
* * *
"Its ok Jade, we'll get through this all we have to do is tell Leo, at least this way he'll know what really happened. He'll hear us out, so come on let's go find him before someone tells him what they think they know."
They walk through the hallways as usual head high and then separate to their lockers. Once Jade is ready for her first class she meets Leo by the door. "Oh, hey there you are." Jade smiles. He looks at her like there's something wrong. The first thing that comes to Jade's mind is the rumors. "Hey, we all need to talk." Leo says sounding concerned. "Yeah, we do. Can we talk at lunch?" Jade suggests. "Yeah sounds great, ill see you there." Leo smiles and walks away.
The minutes feel like hours until lunch, but finally they all gather at lunch. "I..." Jade and Leo start at the same time. "I'm sorry go ahead Jade." Leo says. "Well there are rumors, rumors that I slept with my old foster brother. They're wrong, he tried coming on to me and Jason stopped him when he walked in on me fighting him off." Jade says fast. Leo's face is blank, no reaction. Then it came in the face of understanding and sympathy. "I'm sorry that happened to you. why would someone spread a rumor like that?" Leo asks. "Well cuz Neil, the foster brother, wanted to have me and we didn't let him. So instead Neil went to my ex, Vincent and told him I cheated on him with him. Vincent was so mad he told everyone in the school I was a slut who slept with her foster brother while I had a boyfriend" Jade explains. "Then why didn't you explain that...." Leo starts to say, but Jade cuts him off, "No one would listen no one cared what the truth was because Neil went with it , telling everyone it was true and that I begged for it. I hope that clear it up. I wasntbsure if thats what you need to talk about."
"Well, ummm, no I wanted to tell you I found out who the names of the parents and kids of the house my moms investigating were...and I'm sorry, b...but you guys," Leo pauses trying to find the words. "You guys are the kids, your father was the man who burned the house down with himself in it, I'm really sorry." Jade just freezes shock on her face, she doesn't move for at least a minute. "Its ok Leo its not your fault. Jade, are you ok?" Jason shakes his sister, she wakes up from her shock. "Huh.. I'm sorry, are you sure he was in the house when it burned down?" Jade asks to confirm. "Yes, there's been no trace of him anywhere unless he has a place in the woods off the charts." say Leo. Jade jumps up and leaves the cafeteria. "Where are you going?!" Jason calls out to Jade. "I...I'm sorry I have to go." She runs with tears in her eyes.
Shes runs to the library to do some research. Her research takes her as long as til her last 2 hours of school. She never misses any of her classes but if she doesn't do this now she'll never be able to focus on her school work. She stays til the last hour of school with a notebook filled with notes and facts and websites. She runs to her classes to get all the school work to do overnight.
When she meets up with Jason and Leo they go to Leo's car and head to his house. "What was that about at lunch and where were you during class?" Jason questioned slightly irritated. Jade pulls out her notebook of all the crime scene sights and investigation stories along with everything else she gathered from the night their father burned the house down. "I had to get the information from whatever I could. They never found any human remains in the house. It was and electrical fire." Jade says.